
Weekly News

Oct 20, 2023


This Sunday

Our Staff

UCW Soups

Affirming 2SLGBTQ+ Ministry

Active Hope Book Study

Ecumenical Statement on Israel and Hamas

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content


When we're deep in personal or political storms, it’s important to remember we are part of an old, old story. One that starts in the beginning of time and brushes the skin of the present and reaches into the promise that God is not done.

This Sunday

An old, old story, told anew.

A hymn you probably haven't sung since 1979

A celebration of Sunday Suppers serving both sides of the plate


All the encouragement of worship, prayer, and fellowship

Upcoming Services you won't want to miss ....

Oct 29 Communion and Vote on Affirming 2SLGBTQ+ Ministry

Nov 5 Music Guests: Polaris Choir

Nov 12 Communion and Peace


Saint Andrew's has a great staff complement this year. Some are full time, some are part time. Have you met them all?

Rev. Susan Chisholm (She/Her) 

Susan is our wonderful, down-to-earth Minister who leads worship, provides care, and guides the life, work, and vision of our congregation. She is our representative in the wider community of church and interfaith relations. Susan can be reached regarding matters of worship, pastoral care, weddings, funerals, or even a supportive conversation, at [email protected]

Kevin Parks (He/Him) 

Serving Saint Andrew’s as the Minister of Music & Venue Management, Kevin works closely with Susan to build our unique worship experience. If you have inquiries regarding the musical accompaniment at our weekly services or events, please contact [email protected].

Kevin also oversees the booking and scheduling of the sanctuary portion of our space. For matters regarding the use of the sanctuary, please reach out [email protected]

Ken Burt (He/Him) 

If you haven’t had a chance to meet him, Ken Burt is our Executive Director. Ken works closely with the church council to plan and budget for our community’s future. He also sits on a variety of committees. You can reach Ken at [email protected]

Ben Kinsey (He/Him) 

Ben has taken on the role of our Congregational Administrator, working out of the church office. If you have questions regarding the congregational life of Saint Andrew's, support for committees, and room bookings for the hall portion of our building, please reach out to [email protected]

Ben is also our Student Minister and a candidate for ordained ministry. When he’s not hard at work keeping the St. A's trains running on time, Ben will be aiding with worship, pastoral care, and strategic initiatives. 

Des Fennel (They/Them) 

Des is the newest addition to the Saint Andrew’s team, taking on the role of Stewardship and Strategic Initiatives Coordinator. Des will be focusing on the development of our website, social media channels, community relationships, and stewardship – collaborating with Ken regarding strategic planning on the side. If you’d like to communicate with them regarding any of these matters, or just to share a story about your experience with one of the many wonderful programs going on at Saint Andrew’s, please contact [email protected]

Patricia Neves (She/Her) 

Patricia works out of the church office as our Financial Administrator.  She's also entrenched in the Affirming Ministry, bringing energy, commitment and leadership. For support with fiscal matters relating to St. Andrew’s, please contact Patricia at [email protected]

Louie Santiago (He/Him) 

Louie has recently stepped forward as our acting Sexton for the building. He maintains the interior and exterior Saint Andrew's, and supervises our Assistant Sextons, Cassidy and Caleb. If you would like to reach out tLouie about the care or maintenance of our building, please contact [email protected]

Jillian Eisener (She/Her) 

Jillian is our Sunday School coordinator, responsible for the running and rebuilding of our children's ministry. She supports families, volunteers, and teachers who want to see this program grow.

If there is a way she can support you or your children please don't hesitate to reach out to Jillian at [email protected]

Hannah Giffin (She/Her) 

Hannah is our Sunday School Educator. She has been working in various churches in children’s and youth ministry for the last three years and has finally found a home at St. Andrew’s. She is looking forward to getting to know you and growing the program! 

Jocelyn MacLean (She/Her) 

Jocelyn is bringing joy one concert at a time. She collaborates with musicians, songwriters, and concert planners. She also has an impressive social media presence @thestagestandrews. You can email Jocelyn at [email protected]


Site Development Check In

Thanks to all who participated in our Tuesday evening consultation session. We're working toward strategic recommendations to Council in November. Progress!

Thank you to everyone for the positive response to last week's announcement of our new Welcome Project initiative! A special thanks to all who signed up to be Sunday greeters or to update our Welcome bulletin board!

We still need more help! If you are interested in greeting people as they arrive at St Andrew's for worship

OR physically updating the bulletin board prior to Sunday, please sign up after this week's Sunday Service.

Remember, no one person would be expected to fulfill either of these commitments every week. We would cycle through a list of volunteers, based on your availability. 

St. Andrew’s UCW invites you to participate in a “soup challenge” to support the School Breakfast Program at Joseph Howe Elementary School.  

Building on the success of this initiative over the past three years, we are again inviting you to participate in this very worthwhile cause from the comfort of your home by tossing a loonie, a toonie or more in a jar every time you have a bowl of soup in the month of November. Don’t like soup? No problem, substitute your favourite meal or treat.  

Last year we donated $1,918.00 to this program, thanks to your participation and generosity. So let’s do it again and help give those hungry kids a really great start to their day by donating to the School Breakfast Program.

Our challenge to you Eat and Donate for the month of November - Together we can make a difference right in our own community!

Saint Andrew's will host representatives from more than 50 organizations working in Queer Community. We're showing our committment to affirming and encouraging the community within and beyond our congregation.


4 Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Look at this book, written by eco-philosopher / buddhist scholar Joanna Macy and resilience specialist Dr. Chris Johnstone.  

It’s more than an interesting read, or a(nother) call to action, it’s a spiritual and intelligent look at changing ourselves to be strong enough to not only face climate disaster, but contribute to the social and ecological change urgently needed. 


At the heart of this book is an antidote to despair: the idea that Active Hope is something we do rather than have.


"When our responses are guided by the intention to act for the healing of our world, the mess we’re in not only becomes easier to face, our lives also become more meaningful and satisfying." Joanna Macy is quite the force.


This November, the St. Andrew’s Book Club re-activates with a series of encouraging reads.   We’ll start with Active Hope, a book study co-led by Susan Chisholm and Joanna Bull of the Ecology Action Centre.   


Looking forward reading, talking, and hoping with you!


on the escalation of violence between Hamas and Israel

KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives

United Church of Canada

Anglican Church of Canada

The Presbyterian Church in Canada

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Mennonite Central Committee of Canada

A Cry to End the Violence and to uphold the rights of all civilians

to life and freedom from violence and discrimination.


KAIROS Canada and its member churches and agencies—including Anglican Church of Canada, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Mennonite Central Committee of Canada, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, The United Church of Canada—are following reports of the escalation of violence between Hamas and Israel and the mounting civilian death tolls in Israel, Gaza, the occupied West Bank, and East Jerusalem with deepening alarm and profound grief.


We condemn the violence, particularly against Israeli and Palestinian civilians, which constitutes a war crime. The level of human loss and suffering is unconscionable and must stop. We lament the loss of Palestinian voices for peace in international media that fails to distinguish between Hamas and Palestinian civilians.


We work with partner organizations in the region, both Palestinian and Israeli, and we hear their cries for a lasting and just peace. For years KAIROS Canada has worked with partners, who are supporting local women peacebuilders throughout the region to know their rights and to build conditions for sustainable, just and equitable peace on the ground. KAIROS member churches and agencies also work with a variety of partners in Palestine and Israel on programs of peace, development, education, health care, pilgrimage, and humanitarian assistance. These voices are being silenced, and this work is extinguished by the current violence.


We join the voices of those in the region and others in Canada and internationally in urging the Canadian Government to support a ceasefire and a negotiated resolution to this violence. The pain and tragedy of the growing numbers of civilian lives, Israeli and Palestinian, lost in the violence to date are evidence of the need for an immediate ceasefire, not an escalation of violence.

We echo the voices of the Heads of Churches in Jerusalem from their joint statement issued on October 8, 2023, lamenting that Palestinians and Israelis are “currently mired in violence and suffering due to the prolonged political conflict and the lamentable absence of justice and respect for human rights.”

We affirm and amplify statements by Diakonia and others who call for respect for international humanitarian law and human rights by both sides. And we reiterate that attacks against civilians are in violation of international law, regardless of the perpetrator and whether by immediate violent force or by long-term structural oppression. As Amnesty International notes, “Palestinian civilians are not responsible for the crimes of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups and Israel must not, under international law, make them suffer for acts they play no role in and cannot control.” Similarly, civilians in Israel are not responsible for the actions of the government of Israel and should not be made to suffer.

Canada and the wider international community have failed to uphold international law; the international response must comply with international humanitarian law. We urge Canada to take leadership in calling for a corridor to provide humanitarian relief to Gaza.

We call on our members and all people of goodwill to:

  • ·     pray and work for a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis;
  • ·     write to their Member of Parliament to urge Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Melanie Joly to call for:

an immediate ceasefire;

a safe corridor to provide humanitarian relief to Gaza;

an end to the misery of the current blockade;

the immediate and safe release of all hostages;

the rights to life and freedom of both Palestinians and Israelis;

  • ·     support and amplify the voices of faith based and grassroots civil society peace and development organizations in Palestine and Israel who are calling for an end to the violence and a just and lasting peace.

In addition to condemning the spiraling violence and doing everything in its power for an immediate ceasefire, Canada must work with renewed effort toward peace with justice that upholds the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis to life and to freedom from violence and discrimination, and an end to the occupation.

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Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-4:30pm

Sunday Service 10:30am

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(902) 422-3157

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