
Weekly News

September 20, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

This Sunday

Coming Up on The Stage

Volunteer with Us!

Atlantic School of Theology Opportunity

Social Justice Happenings

Toward Our Shared Future


Hey Saint Andrew’s, do you know what that is?

It’s a mustard seed, and according to Jesus, the amount of faith you need. Which according to google is about 1/8 inch. A blessedly low bar. This Sunday our service celebrates the seeds of faith, small but true, and too often overlooked.


Also, Our Council Chair, Ian Sutherland, will give a brief update on our current priorites and progress in talks with the downtown churches.


See you Sunday. 


Kelsey Arsenault September 20

Kelsey is an indie folk artist and certified music therapist from Newfoundland who was recently nominated by Music NL for "FOLK/ROOTS ARTIST OF THE YEAR". Her debut album ‘Gallery Walls’ is captivating. Recently said by Newfoundland’s Kellie Loder:

“(Kelsey’s album) reminds me of the joy of songwriting and how powerful a voice and a guitar can be. It transported me and had me wishing I was at a cabin secluded in the woods while watching the ocean out the snow-filled windows of Newfoundland. Kelsey’s voice is what does it for me.”

There are lots of opportunities to get involved at Saint Andrew's!

Our Welcome and Coffee Teams and Sunday Suppers need volunteers; the choir is open to new members; and we need more volunteers to collect the offering on Sunday mornings. Reach out to Gail in the church office ( if you can help!


What a joy it is to be part of a church so immersed in social justice work!

WALK4PEACE Tomorrow, September 21st, you are invited to join the final steps of a 200km Walk4Peace. The walk began in Pugwash and will finish in Halifax. If you would like to register or get more information, please visit here. Thank you to our Social Justice Committee for connecting us with this group. They will be sleeping in our lower hall on Saturday night. THAT is commitment!

KAIROS is a Greek word meaning an opportune time to act for justice – Join us!

KAIROS Halifax is related to KAIROS Canada ( ) uniting 10 Canadian churches and religious organizations in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). KAIROS educates and advocates for climate/ecological justice and for human rights locally and globally. KAIROS has developed and leads groups in the "KAIROS Blanket Exercise", an experiential learning method raising awareness of Canadian history from the Indigenous peoples’ perspective. Inspired by the Blanket Exercise, we've developed the "Palestine Land Exercise" which is experiential learning of a history seldom heard.

KAIROS Halifax meets the first Monday of the month on zoom. Join us!

Contact Linda Scherzinger

Zatoun Olive Oil After a long delay, great uncertainty and concern for farmers and olive trees, Zatoun Palestinian Fair Trade Olive Oil is available again! You can now purchase Zatoun olive oil for $27.50 and Za’atar herbs for $5.50. Contact Linda Scherzinger: Get excellent quality olive oil and Za’atar. Support Palestinians in their struggle for life, livelihood, justice and peace.

For the most recent updates about exploring our shared future with Fort Massey and Saint Matthew's, please visit our website here.

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Sunday Service 10:30am

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Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

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(902) 422-3157

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