'What's up' on the Mountain?
News From The Horton Center.
Thanks to a dedicated crew at our fall work weekend, our favorite home away from home is all closed up and snug for the winter - awaiting our joyous return when the snow finally melts.
For our Campers, Deans, Counselors, and Summer Staff, Camp is a fond memory of summer fun, faith, and friendship. For Tivvi and Tim, it is all about planning and preparing for next summer! We have a great summer of camp delights already planned with excellent Volunteers in place and Staff being hired as you read this.
Some things to look for coming soon:
 • The Horton Center annual appeal letter has gone out asking for your support of this amazing Outdoor Ministry that we are blessed with in the New Hampshire Conference UCC. Thank you for your generous gifts that help make Horton Center continue to thrive.
 • The 2023 Summer Brochure with all the awesome camp sessions for all ages is at the printers now, soon to be hot off the press and in your mailbox or at your local church.
 • Summer Camp Online Registration will open January 1, 2023, and we are so excited already we can't wait!
Reminder to HORTON CENTER ALUMNS: If you haven't already, please sign-up on the HC Alumni list to get the latest info about upcoming Alumni events and ways to connect with each other. Just go to: https://forms.gle/GN5wXoh5Hkz7ckq59, fill in the short form and come join the fun of camp again!
NOTE: Please share this link with others you know from your time at camp - we want to gather as many as possible in the spring. More info about that event later...
Enjoy this season of change and anticipation and stay warm!
 Shalom my friends, shalom.
Tivvi Pare - she/her/hers - Summer Director
Tim Hughes - he/him/his - Executive Director
Horton Center, NHCUCC
Conference Office: 603-225-6647

Check out our website: www.HortonCenter.org
Or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HortonCenter
Or on Instagram: @hortoncenter
Standing With Our Immigrant Neighbors: Ongoing Financial Support Is Needed!
"It takes a village" to heed the biblical call to provide a safe and secure welcome for asylum-seekers in our midst who are "without documents" and thus end up incarcerated in the cruel system of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) detention. Please be part of that caring UCC village by contributing to the NHCUCC Immigrant Bond and Support Fund at https://nhcucc.org/donate-now and directing your donation to the "Immigrant Support Fund" -- or by sending a check to the NHCUCC, 140 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke, NH 03275-3711 with "Immigrant Support" in the memo line. Every contribution will make a difference in the life of one of our immigrant neighbors. To learn more and hear "Oscar's" story click here
Please Remember in Your Prayers...
We rejoice in the birth of Henry Theodore Wessells and celebrate with proud parents Erin and Josh Wessells. Erin is pastor at the First Congregational Church of Croydon and an MID in the Grafton Orange Sullivan Association.

Let us remember in prayer those faith communities which, having taken a stand for justice for all and publicly declared their willingness to stand with those oppressed by our society, now find themselves suffering from vandalism. In particular, let us remember in prayer the members of the Westmoreland United Church, whose newly constructed church sign suffered damaging graffiti this past week.

O God, in your tender mercy,
Hear our prayers!
Across Our Conference
The Rev. Pamela Spain has accepted the call of the Lancaster Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, to become its Designated Term Minister. Rev. Spain began her ministry at Lancaster on November 7, 2022. 

Mr. Jonah Mayer has accepted the invitation of the Bartlett Union Congregational Church, UCC, to be their Settled Minister. Mr. Mayer expects to begin his ministry at Bartlett later in November, 2022.

The Rev. Jane Wilson has announced her resignation from the position of Pastor and Teacher of the United Congregational Church of Orford, UCC, and her retirement from active ministry. Rev. Wilson will conclude her ministry at Orford at the end of December, 2022.
Conference Minister
Associate Conference Minister

Sunday Schedule: November 20, 2022

The Rev. Gordon Rankin will represent the NH Conference at the 200th Anniversary Celebration at the Atkinson Congregational Church, where the Rev. James Thomas serves as Pastor.
Weekly News
The Weekly News is published to promote the mission and ministry of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ.

These announcements are intended to be brief, timely, and of a general interest to our Conference readers. Supportive links are provided whenever they are available. We encourage you to forward these materials to others in your church using the link below and to share them in your bulletins and local church newsletters.

Send your items to [email protected].The deadline for submitting items for the next issue is Thursday at 12:00 PM.
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