
Weekly News

October 11, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

Sunday Service

Congratulations Julia Jordan

Contemplative Service

New Bible Study

Sunday Supper Wish List

Social Justice Happenings

Toward Our Shared Future


Thanksgiving Sunday

Let Saint Andrew’s worship fill you, along with the colours, the food, and the fellowship of this long weekend. Our sanctuary will be filled with the sounds of the organ, the choir singing Handel’s The Heaven’s Are Telling, and so many voices in song and prayer. Susan will reflect on a line in findings of a study out of UCLA Berkeley:  “Gratitude unshackles us”.  What a line.  What could it mean?


Upcoming services you won’t want to miss:

Oct 27               Anniversary of Affirming Ministry

Nov 3                All Saints Service

Nov 10              Remembrance Sunday


Every Wednesday at 6pm  Contemplative Service


Congratulations Julia Jordan!

Congratulations to Julia Jordan, who has been accepted into the first round of the Metropolitan Opera Eric and Dominique Laffont Competition, and will be competing in Buffalo in January! 

All are welcome and encouraged to attend our Wednesday evening Contemplative Services. Take 20 minutes to step back from the world. We meet in the sanctuary from 6-6:20pm.

Sometimes the stories in the Bible make no sense to those of us raised with a God of Love. Phyllis Trible’s little book, Texts of Terror: A Literary-Feminist Reading of Biblical Narratives, looks unflinchingly at Bible stories with shocking violence, and shows how these stories force us to wrestle with the world as it is rather than the way we wish it was.

So on three Tuesday nights in October and November, we are offering you the chance to wrestle with three well known Bible texts, each with very real challenges - both in the text and in the way those stories are used by the church today. In the first half Rev. Heather Fraser will talk about the culture that’s behind the text and how that sheds a light on what’s actually going on in the story. Then in the second half we’ll explore how the problems highlighted in the text are lived out in our lives and our world today. The group will meet in the Lower Fellowship Room from 6:30-8pm.

Contact the church here if you have questions or would like to sign up.

Sunday Suppers is serving more people than ever, with more than 300 meals being served every Sunday.

More volunteers are needed each week. You can come at 3pm on Sunday to help or contact the church office if you'd like to learn more.

We launched our Amazon wish list last week. Look at this beautiful response received already this week. Saint Andrew's, you're amazing! You can view the wish list here.

There are lots of opportunities to get involved at Saint Andrew's!

Our Welcome and Coffee Teams and Sunday Suppers need volunteers; the choir is open to new members; and we need more volunteers to help with the offering on Sunday mornings. Reach out to Gail in the church office ( if you can help!


KAIROS is a Greek word meaning an opportune time to act for justice – Join us!

KAIROS Halifax is related to KAIROS Canada ( ) uniting 10 Canadian churches and religious organizations in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). KAIROS educates and advocates for climate/ecological justice and for human rights locally and globally. KAIROS has developed and leads groups in the "KAIROS Blanket Exercise", an experiential learning method raising awareness of Canadian history from the Indigenous peoples’ perspective. Inspired by the Blanket Exercise, we've developed the "Palestine Land Exercise" which is experiential learning of a history seldom heard. KAIROS Halifax meets the first Monday of the month on zoom. Join us!

Contact Linda Scherzinger

Zatoun Olive Oil After a long delay, great uncertainty and concern for farmers and olive trees, Zatoun Palestinian Fair Trade Olive Oil is available again! You can now purchase Zatoun olive oil for $27.50 and Za’atar herbs for $5.50. Contact Linda Scherzinger: Get excellent quality olive oil and Za’atar. Support Palestinians in their struggle for life, livelihood, justice and peace.

For the most recent updates about exploring our shared future with Fort Massey and Saint Matthew's, please visit our website here.

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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

Contact & Newsletter Submissions

(902) 422-3157

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