NH Interfaith Climate Justice Conference
April 24, 2022, 2:30 - 6:30 PM via Zoom
Join us for an afternoon of worship, education and relationship building as we strive to unleash the power of faith communities into the climate justice movement in New Hampshire and beyond.

Thank You for Your Donations to the Kentucky Recovery
New Hampshire churches and individuals have given nearly $5,300 towards the Kentucky Tornado relief which is being handled by the Indiana-Kentucky Conference UCC Disaster Preparedness and Response Ministry Team.
Call for Workshop Leaders - UCC Women's Celebration XI
The United Church of Christ New England Women's Celebration XI is accepting applications for workshop leaders. Apply now to join us at Celebration XI in Manchester, New Hampshire March 17-19, 2023.

Workshop application deadline is May 01, 2022.

Learn more & apply now at: https://sites.google.com/view/uccwc

The main presenter for each workshop will receive a complimentary registration for leading a workshop, which includes access to worship, plenary, marketplace, meals and other workshops for the entire Celebration.

Additional details about the event include:

Celebration XI theme: Growing in Grace

Celebration XI scripture passage: From God's fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16

Workshop themes/categories:
  • Justice (Racial, Environmental, LGBTQ+
  • Just for Fun (Storytelling, Crafts, Music, etc.)
  • Health & Wellness (Yoga, Meditation, etc.)
  • Christian Formation

Please direct any questions to Kathy Olmstead at kathy.olmsted@comcast.net.
Horton Center Week Four Camps
It is finally Spring this week. I hope you are feeling it in the air and thinking about Horton Center for this summer. Your children or grandchildren will have the time of their life, meet new friends, and learn about God, themselves, and nature!

Look at what Week 4 (July 17-23) has to offer:

We are ready for another safe, healthy camp season at Horton Center, so come join us. Sign up today at: www.HortonCenter.org

Shalom my friends, shalom.
Tim & Tivvi

Tivvi Pare -she/her/hers - Summer Director
Tim Hughes he/him/his - Executive Director
Horton Center, NHCUCC

As always you can contact Tim with any questions at: thughes@nhcucc.org or 603-545-9660

Check out our website: www.HortonCenter.org
Or on Instagram: @hortoncenter
Racial Justice Mission Group Gathers at North Church in Portsmouth to Witness Rev. Traci Blackmon
On March 26, 2022, many members of the New Hampshire Conference, UCC’s Racial Justice Mission Group gathered in person and via Zoom at North Church in Portsmouth to witness Reverend Traci Blackmon, the Associate General Minister of Justice & Local Church Ministries for the United Church of Christ. Visitors were also able to experience in-person viewing of the traveling exhibit of the Sacred Ally Quilt Ministry as part of this event.

Rev. Blackmon gave a talk focused on the importance of inclusive history and representation for all of God’s people while noting the significance of her being invited to keynote North Church’s 350th Anniversary Celebration. Specifically, the experience of Rev. Blackmon as an Black woman preaching in the same space where President George Washington, and the signers of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution have worshiped, along with many others who would have never imagined this moment signifying change that has taken place over the past three-and-a-half centuries.

Third Annual Nakba Remembrance Ceremony
May 15, 2022 1:00 PM EDT
The Joint Nakba Day Ceremony, hosted by Combatants for Peace and co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Conference United Church of Christ Peace with Justice Advocates Mission Group, brings together Palestinians, Israelis, and the international community to remember, honor and acknowledge the Nakba, when more than half a million Palestinians were displaced from their homes in 1948. Translated from Arabic as ‘the Catastrophe’, this experience is central to Palestinians’ collective memory and to the history of the wider conflict.

On May 15, 2022 at 1:00 PM ET, we will mourn and bear witness together and by doing so, we aim to create a better future for all. To join us please register at: https://afcfp.org/nakba/

In the Joint Nakba Ceremony, personal testimonies from everyday people will replace political statements, providing an in-depth and emotional account of historical events. Honoring this reality and sharing in it is the only path to forging a peaceful future with true equality, freedom and dignity for all.

Together we remember the past, in order to shape a peaceful future.
Merrimack Association Confirmation Class Visits Common Cathedral in Boston
Six youth and three adults from the Merrimack Association Confirmation program served the chronically homeless population in Boston last weekend. Many thanks to Common Cathedral and City Reach who hosted them and many other volunteers.
Your Local Church Support Ministry Invites You to Experience Camp Winni This Summer
Your Local Church Support Ministry, a ministry of the New Hampshire Conference of the UCC, expects that churches will want to find creative ways to minister to a wide variety of church members this summer. Some families may appreciate a summer camp experience—together. The Northern New England School of Religious Education (we call it “Camp Winni") has been a fun, inspiring, healing experience for church families for over 100 years. We invite your congregations to look at the offerings this year and consider joining us at Geneva Point Center on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee this summer!

See the brochure here:

Learn more about Winni here:
Churches in Transition Webpage Updated with Information on Short-Term or Bridge Ministry Opportunities
A "Churches Seeking Short-term or Bridge Ministry" section has been added to our Churches in Transition webpage. If you are an authorized minister in the United Church of Christ, and would enjoy short-term ministry with one of the NH Conference congregations, please review the posted information and let Richard Slater (rslater@nhcucc.org) or Gordon Rankin (grankin@nhcucc.org) know of your interest.
UCC General Counsel Explains Ministers' Tax Status
A new blog post by UCC General Counsel Heather Kimmel reminds congregations that local ministers' tax status is determined by federal law, rather than the preference of the church or minister. Guidelines for determining a minister’s tax status is included in the article. Read her blog post >>
Please Remember in Your Prayers...
In the afterglow of Easter, and its enduring message that death cannot triumph over God’s gift of life, let us remember in our prayers the many who live with terminal illnesses in the hope of God’s eternal care.

And, in this time when warfare continues unabated across the face of the earth, may this prayer penned by the Rev. Maren Tirabassi become our prayer:

Teach us a new peacemaking,
guiding the leaders of nations, and holding gently in your heart
the many who live and die because of their decisions,
for we pray in the name of Jesus who wept for our great needing
of the things that make for peace. Amen.

O God, in your tender mercy,
Hear our prayers!
Across Our Conference
The Hillsborough Association will hold its Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 3:00 PM via Zoom.

The Merrimack Association will NOT have its Spring meeting on May 1. The Association is making plans for an exciting alternative so look for new information soon. Sorry for any confusion this has caused.

The North Country Association Spring Meeting had been scheduled for Sunday, May 01, 2022. It is now postponed. Watch The Weekly News for an update on date, time, and place.

The Rockingham Association will hold its Spring Meeting on Sunday, May 22, 2022 with fellowship starting at 1:45 PM and the meeting beginning at 2:00 PM; both on Zoom.

The Rockingham Association of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ will gather at the Stratham Community Church, United Church of Christ, to celebrate the Ordination of the Ms. Cheryl Stromski at 2:00 PM on Sunday, May 15, 2022.

The Rev. Frank Newsome will conclude his ministry as Pastor and Teacher of North Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, in Portsmouth on May 31, 2022. Frank will be retiring from ministry and relocating to North Carolina. His last Sunday at Portsmouth will be May 22, 2022.
Weekly News
The Weekly News is published to promote the mission and ministry of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ.

These announcements are intended to be brief, timely, and of a general interest to our Conference readers. Supportive links are provided whenever they are available. We encourage you to forward these materials to others in your church using the link below and to share them in your bulletins and local church newsletters.

Send your items to WeeklyNews@nhcucc.org.The deadline for submitting items for the next issue is Thursday at 12:00 PM.
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