
Weekly News

September 27, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

Contemplative Wednesday and Sunday Service

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Sunday Supper Urgent Call for Volunteers

Social Justice Happenings

Atlantic School of Theology Opportunity

Toward Our Shared Future


Just 20 minutes of mid-week peace

might make the world of difference

Have you experienced our Wednesday evening Contemplative Service?  It’s a simple and beautiful liturgy, with a bit of music, word, and silent prayer.   It’s a mid-week sabbath to ground and calm.  Every Wednesday, 6:00 – 6:30 pm, starting this Oct. 2nd.


But first comes Sunday. This week we celebrate a baptism. What joy and affirmation that brings to our service, and our commitment to the sacred goodness of life – all lives. We are a community that cares, compelled by the depth and challenge of a simple statement:

“we love because God first loved us.”

1 John 4:19

See you Sunday ... and Wednesday! 


Please note the church office will be closed on Monday, September 30 for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

There are lots of opportunities to get involved at Saint Andrew's!

Our Welcome and Coffee Teams and Sunday Suppers need volunteers; the choir is open to new members; and we need more volunteers to help with the offering on Sunday mornings. Reach out to Gail in the church office ( if you can help!

There is an urgent need for help with Sunday Suppers. Last week marked the unfortunate milestone of 300 meals served. There is a shortage of volunteers this week. Can you help? Reach out to the church office or show up at 3pm on Sunday. Many people are in need of clean, gently used or new sleeping bags. Donations are greatly appreciated.


This Sunday we will have another screening of "Where Olive Trees Weep". It is a powerful documentary and highly recommended. Join us in the Saint Andrew's sanctuary. The film will begin at 7pm.

Next Wednesday at Saint Andrew's there will be a Seniors for Climate day of action in the upper hall of the church between 12noon and 4pm. Come for a short visit or spend the afternoon.

KAIROS is a Greek word meaning an opportune time to act for justice – Join us!

KAIROS Halifax is related to KAIROS Canada ( ) uniting 10 Canadian churches and religious organizations in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). KAIROS educates and advocates for climate/ecological justice and for human rights locally and globally. KAIROS has developed and leads groups in the "KAIROS Blanket Exercise", an experiential learning method raising awareness of Canadian history from the Indigenous peoples’ perspective. Inspired by the Blanket Exercise, we've developed the "Palestine Land Exercise" which is experiential learning of a history seldom heard. KAIROS Halifax meets the first Monday of the month on zoom. Join us!

Contact Linda Scherzinger

Zatoun Olive Oil After a long delay, great uncertainty and concern for farmers and olive trees, Zatoun Palestinian Fair Trade Olive Oil is available again! You can now purchase Zatoun olive oil for $27.50 and Za’atar herbs for $5.50. Contact Linda Scherzinger: Get excellent quality olive oil and Za’atar. Support Palestinians in their struggle for life, livelihood, justice and peace.

For the most recent updates about exploring our shared future with Fort Massey and Saint Matthew's, please visit our website here.

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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

Contact & Newsletter Submissions

(902) 422-3157

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