January 17, 2024

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Weekly Worship Schedule

7:45 AM & 9:45 AM

Sunday School 8:45 AM

5th Sundays - One Service

9:45 AM

Constant Contact, our emailing software, was down yesterday taking care of some unexpected updates that will help serve our congregation better. They have been making many updates over these past few weeks and should be completed with these soon. Thank you for understanding that when these updates are taking place, we have to schedule our newsletter to go out later than expected.


You are the Hands and Feet of Ministry

by Marty Portmann, Worship Chairman

On Monday, January 8 a dedicated group of ladies including Sara Charlton, Sharon Carter, and her mother, Alice DeVille, and Elaine Passman took on the task of taking down and putting away all the things that make our church so pretty during the Christmas season. (Also included in this mix were Charles and his clean-up angels, Maria and Reyna).

I also want to thank again the families who so graciously accepted the task of decorating the wreaths that hung on the doors of the Sanctuary for everyone to enjoy – Lisa Kure, Daphne Madrid, Lesa Monroe, Peg Fleet, Carol Wenzl, Yvonne Smith, Anne Hoel, Carol Dugger, Yessica Hicks, and Sharon Carter. 

A few weeks ago Pastor Patricia wrote about how in 2024 we will continue our focus on ‘LET US TELL YOU ABOUT OUR JESUS’ and in that image, how the US in the church together makes the story a visible presence for God to work. It takes each of us; from the visiting teams, the note writing crew, the phone check-in squad, the teachers, assistants, worship leaders, worship planners, musicians, the choir, the setup and take down gangs, the Frisch Park bunch, the dreamers, the office volunteers (the folders, stuffers, greeters, phone responders, copy machine group, and more), and committees (which keep the church organized, accountable and highly functioning) to be the CHURCH today!

We have an immediate need for a 9:45 AM Usher Disciple Team Leader and a 9:45 AM Greeter Disciple Team Leader. This involves organizing teams by the month to usher or greet with dedication for service to the church on Sundays. We encourage families, singles, and couples to pray about God's calling on their heart in this ministry.

Whatever your interest may be, we can help you find a place to serve. Contact the church office and we will point you in the right direction. Willing hands and hearts are at the center of what we do for the Lord and our church.

Ministry News

I am so thankful for the past Sunday and the celebration for my 70th birthday as well as my 1st anniversary as your pastor. I was so surprised and thrilled. My heart was so blessed with your kindness. The decorations of FROGS, the color purple, the balloon photo booth, and all the cards were amazing expressions of your hearts. Thank you for loving me so much.

Pastor Patricia

Confirmation Class For Grades 6 - 12

Confirmation classes will begin February 18 and meet for 4 weeks from 11:00 AM - 12:45 PM. The four Sundays are February 18, 25, March 3, and 10. Lunch will be provided before class. We will explore what it means to be a United Methodist Member of FUMC Killeen. In the class, we will explore our heritage through the eyes of John and Charles Wesley, explore our creeds and the tenets of our faith, our relationship to God, and our calling to the Christian faith through prayer, presence, gifts, service, and witness. When the last session is completed, the individual will decide to let the pastor know if and when one seeks to unite with the church. 

Register HERE by February 1.

THIS Sunday, January 21 | 11:00 AM

Exploring Church Membership Class is for anyone who would be considering uniting with FUMC Killeen in membership. This is a time where the tenets of our faith are shared by the Pastor and questions from those attending may be explored. All individuals and their families are invited.

Register HERE.

At the Table With Jesus

At the table with Jesus begins February 14 from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. The meal is 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM and then Ash Wednesday Worship with the imposition of ashes upon one’s forehead to symbolize our mortality. Lent begins the 40 days of reflection upon our own lives, and discerning our journey to develop a closer relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each Wednesday night after Ash Wednesday, there will be a meal and a table lesson as a family from 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM. Your leadership team of Wayne Bachus, Deedy Encalade, and Pastor Patricia will lead the interactive study. Come and join us as we grow closer to being the church God calls us to be in the community. Come and walk the scriptures with Jesus during Lent.

Small Groups of 2024

Be on the lookout for your council nomination sheet to complete with the name of your 2024 representative to the 2024 Church Council. Please turn in your representative’s name by email to Candy Kyle in the church office. The Council will meet in February as soon as the end-of-the-year stats are completed. 

Contribution Statements

Contribution statements have gone out. If you need a hard copy or if you have any questions contact Lisa Marshburn.

Children and Youth Ministries

Children & Youth Ministries upcoming events:


February 9 - 11 | Winter Camp at Glenlake

February 10 | Saturday Bible School from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

February 18 - March 10 | Weekly Confirmation Classes for grade 6 and up

March 9 | Saturday Bible School from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

March 11 -15 | Spring Break Takeover

March 31 | Easter Egg Hunt at 11:00 AM

April 13 | Saturday Bible School from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

May 11 | Saturday Bible School from 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

June 23 - 27 | Vacation Bible School

June 30 - July 2 |Summer Camp at Glenlake Grades 1-4

July 7 - 12 | Summer Camp at Glenlake Grades 7-12

July 14 - 19 | Summer Camp at Glenlake Grades 3-8

July 29 - August 1 | Youth Week


**Dates to be determined for roller skating, pool party, and family game night.

We have registered for Winter Camp at GlenLake, February 9 -11. The cost is $165 and the link is included below. We would like to have at least 5 youth registered in our group.

Helpful information for filling out the form:

  • Log in HERE
  • Select Individual Registration
  • Select February 9 -11

**If your child has not previously attended, you will have to create an account. You will have to fill out 2 forms, when filling out the Camper Information Form, make sure you find our church name (Killeen FUMC), so that your registration will be attached to our group.

           Senior Sunday | Sunday, May 19

We will celebrate our High School Seniors this year on Sunday, May 19. If you have a senior in your family that you would like us to recognize, please contact Deedy Encalade.

Spring Break Takeover | March 11 - 15

We are looking forward to our youth spending spring break with us and having the opportunity to learn new skills outside of school, fellowshipping with their peers, and having a bit of fun. The costs include activities and meals for the entire week. The week will end with a trip to Spare Time on Friday, March 15. More information to come.


Fee Breakdown: $50 for 1 youth, $75 for 2 youth, $100 for 3 youth

Easter Egg Hunt | March 31

11:00 AM

We are asking for non-chocolate candy donations as well as filled Easter egg donations throughout Lent. Donations may be dropped off in the church office any time during office hours. We would also like each child to bring one canned item on Easter Sunday. (Spaghetti O's or Macaroni & Cheese) More details to come.

Summer Camp at Glenlake


It is time to start thinking about Summer Camp at Glenlake and also to consider joining us for camp. We will need at least 2 adults to attend each camp. Camps dates are as follows:


June 30 - July 2 | Grades 1 - 4

July 7 - 12 | Grades 9 - 12

July 14 - 19 | Grades 3 - 8


**There is a 20% discount if you register for camp by February 1. There are also online scholarships on the Glenlake website called the Hunt Scholarship! The scholarship requires a pastor's signature. Please apply!

Registration link HERE.

This Week at FUMC - Killeen

Click to view the Church Calendar

Below is a list of highlighted events for the week of January 21. Items in italics indicate off-site events. Click on the link above to view the full church calendar.


January 21 | 9:45 AM - Return to two services at 7:45 AM & 9:45 AM

January 21 | 11:00 AM - United Methodist Youth Fellowship

January 21 | 11:00 AM - New Member Class

January 21 | 2:00 PM - Handbell Choir Practice

January 21 | 3:00 PM - Pack #211 Committee Meeting


January 22 | 8:30 AM - Frisch Park Workday

January 22 | 6:30 PM - Boy Scout Troop #211 Meeting


January 23 | 9:30 AM - Mary Ruth Circle Meeting/Book Study

January 23 | 10:00 AM - Domino Group

January 23 | 5:30 PM - Abigail Circle Meeting


January 24 | 12:00 PM - Noon Bible Study with Ken Smith

January 24 | 6:30 PM - Chancel Choir


January 25 | 6:30 PM - Cub Scout #211 Den Meeting


January 26 | 8:30 AM - Frisch Park Workday


January 27 | 8:00 AM - Private Group Meeting


January 28 | 11:00 AM - United Methodist Youth Fellowship

January 28 | 2:00 PM - Handbell Choir Practice

January 28 | 3:00 PM - Pack #211 Committee Meeting

Giving and Attendance

Week of January 9 - January 16

General Fund



Building Fund




General/Build Offering


Ministry Team - 13

Attendance 9:45 AM Service - 136

Total for Sunday, January 14 - 149

General Fund/Building Fund Offering

January 3- January 8

Total $20,276.81 (Updated)

January 9 - January 16

Total $07,815.68


Total $28,092.49

**Note - Totals are tallied from Tuesday to Monday of the following week after the Sunday offering is reported. If there is a Monday holiday, the Sunday offering will be entered on Tuesday but the reporting will be added to the previous week's tally to ensure we always have a Sunday offering included in each week's totals. If you have any questions regarding reporting, please feel free to contact Candy Kyle.

Quick Links

Newsletter Article Request Form (Hard copies available in office)

Ask a Question?

Submit a Prayer Request

Online Giving

Church Council & Other Committees

Fundraiser Request Form

First United Methodist Church Killeen | FUMC-Killeen

Please note that if you choose Safe Unsubscribe below, you will unsubscribe from ALL FUMC-Killeen email lists.

If you would like to get your event in the newsletter, put in a thank-you note, or any other submission, please send it to candy.kyle@fumc-killeen.org before Tuesday of the week you want your submission to appear (or, at least 3 days before the newsletter is sent!). 

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