
Weekly News

Dec 22, 2023

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

Sunday's Service

Our Beautiful Sanctuary

An Update from Sunday Suppers

Thank You from the UCW!

A Family Reunion Years in the Making

Who's Next on The Stage?

Last Week at St. Andrew's

Christmas Wishes from the Saint Andrew's Team


Upcoming Services you won't want to miss ....

4:00 pm December 24 - Our beloved Christmas Eve Service (note: no morning worship)

11:59 pm December 24 - Queer Midnight Mass with Queer Spirit Church

10:30 am December 31 - A lessons and carols turn toward the New Year


Our deepest gratitude to all those who gave in memory of a loved one this year to help adorn our sanctuary with beautiful flowers! It is thanks to your support that our sanctuary can once again be brought to life with the vibrancy and joy of the holidays.


Our church office was transformed into Santa's workshop last Sunday as 232 guests were thrilled to have a choice of a fleece blanket, headlight, thermal mug, water bottle, or towel + facecloth as a holiday gift! The meal was highlighted by an abundance of snacks and sweets brought in by generous donors, and a beautiful moment when volunteers took up candles around the hall to sing Silent Night.

Sunday Suppers will be be continuing through the holiday season, with meals on December 24 and December 31 being served from 4:30-5:30 PM.

A huge thanks to all of the volunteers whose gifts of time, talent, and treasure have kept Sunday Suppers going strong for over 35 years. The Suppers would not be possible without your generous support!

While volunteers are always welcome and appreciated, the Suppers team has asked specifically for volunteers with previous experience with the program to come for the Christmas Eve meal.


UCW Soup Challenge Thank You! 

‘Tis the Season to extend a big THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in this very worthwhile UCW fundraising project!

This year, a total of $2546 was raised for the “School Breakfast Program” at Joseph Howe Elementary School.  Thanks to all who took the challenge for their generous contributions.

We are making a difference right here in our own community by helping hungry kids have a really great start to their day!


Dear Friends,

Finally, there is some good news emerging from the Middle East to share with you! 

We have learned this week from Wesam Al Masalmeh that his brother Mahmoud and his young family have been approved to emigrate to Canada, after three long years of waiting!

The family has been advised to be ready to fly on January 11, 2024 to Halifax, to reunite with parents and siblings already here.

Mahmoud’s family consists of his wife Ibtehal, age 27, daughter Heba, age 9, and sons Barra, age 7 and Mohammed, age 4. 

While visas and flight tickets have not yet been issued, Wesam is already focused on trying to find a two bedroom apartment for his brother’s family, and is hoping for availability perhaps for the first of February or March. 

Janet Skiba has kindly stepped up to help Wesam coordinate any donations people might wish to offer.

The family will need three single and one queen size bed(s) and mattresses, a sofa, table and chairs, etc.. Should any members of Saint Andrews have furniture or other household goods to donate, kindly contact Janet Skiba at: 902 499 0327 or [email protected].

Janet will record your items and we will ask you to hold onto them until the family has an apartment and Wesam is able to collect your items.

We are very thankful, particularly at such an important time of year, to know this war torn family will soon be further re-united in Halifax.

Many thanks for your ongoing interest and support of the Al Masalmeh family.


Open Waters Festival

11 January

7:30 PM

Join Symphony Nova Scotia for their first-ever performance of a new commission!

A large-scale piece by acclaimed French-American avant-garde composer Christian Wolff, this new piece is written especially for Symphony Nova Symphony.

Hear it live and learn more by clicking here.

mainSTAGE with the Public Service

13 January

7:30 - 9:30 PM

For all the details click here.

Bach’s Complete Brandenburg Concertos, Part 1

20 January

7:30 PM

A rare event not to be missed, Symphony Nova Scotia plays the entire suite of J.S. Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos over two performances.

One of the Baroque era’s most recognized and popular works, you’ll hear novel combinations of solo instruments and solo harpsichord that was groundbreaking at the time.

Don't forget about part two!

Click here for more information.


Celebrating the fourth week of Advent last Sunday, our choir sang a stunning rendition of the Magnificat, composed by Will Todd.

Words fail to capture the beauty of the song, but perhaps a video will! If you weren't able to attend, or would like to hear it again, check out the recording by clicking here.

Please note that the church office will be closed starting on

23 December, and will re-open on 3 January.

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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm

Office Closed Tuesdays

Contact Us

(902) 422-3157

[email protected]

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