Choosing to live a life fueled by an ethic of love, faith, equity, and justice. If that’s your social location, and contemplation / reflection is your practice, then you know how hard it is to stay the course. How many times a day is that ethic challenged? How many things in our world rise against it?
Unless you are a true saint (does such a thing exist?) it takes a community to hold onto our integrity. Together we uncloud our hearts and minds so we can choose to care for one another, to protect life, to live generously, and to spread love. No matter what.
Join us this Lenten Sunday for worship, and immediately following, our Annual General Meeting.
Upcoming Services you won’t want to miss...
March 10 Celebrating our Community
March 17 Ecclesiastes in Song and Reflection
March 24 Palm/Passion with Dr. David Deane, AST Theologian
March 29 Good Friday Evening Tennebrae Service
EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:00 – 6:30 Contemplative Service: A brief sabbath in the middle of the week