Because Lutheran love pitching in with and for our neighbors. Emanuel's quilts, School Kits, and Personal Care Kits that were blessed last month during worship were boxed and ready for shipment overseas. But how do they get there? Friends pictured here from Omega Tau Fraternity, Theta Fraternity, TLU Campus Ministry, MASA, TLU Meadows Center, Xi Tau Sorority, ELC Quick Quilters and Pastor Marcus hauled the boxes to the 2022 Lutheran World Relief local Ingathering in Marion. Semitrucks full of quilts and kits then headed to warehouses in Minnesota and Maryland for processing. We will keep you posted when they reach their destination. We are better together. | |
Last Sunday during worship Emanuel's celebrated our new saints who were received into membership by Holy Baptism and recalled in thanksgiving the saints who have died in the last year. Images of loved ones graced the Remembrance Table placed at the front of the church. The Instrumental Praise Band returned to honor the occasion. Thank you for sharing the photos, PM.
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Pastor Marcus will serving on the ELCA National Council Wednesday, November 9 through Sunday, November 13 in Chicago. Pastor John Van Deusen will be on call for any pastoral care emergencies, 830-305-5658.
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THANK YOU to everyone who purchased tamales in support of our children, youth, and family ministries! Over 400 dozen tamales were ordered, sorted, bagged, and picked up this past week. A huge thank you to Hughlene M. and our Vicars for their help getting everything where it needed to go. If you were not able to pick up your order on Monday, please see Vicar Jordana or Vicar Connor and they will get you your order. Thank you again for your continued support! | |
TRAVIS STREET ACCESS RAMP is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. If needed, please use the Gonzales Street ramp or enter through the Mountain Street door to access the elevator. | |
Despite its moniker, ELCA World Hunger is involved in doing a great deal more than providing food to people after natural disasters and to those in need because of crop loss and war and violence. The rescue ship Sea-Eye 4, which picks up refugees in the Mediterranean, was outfitted with funds from that arm of our church. | |
Emanuel's Annual Congregation Meeting is Sunday, December 11, 2022, immediately following the celebration of Holy Communion. This meeting will take into consideration with potential action the 2023 proposed budget, church council nominees and synod delegates.
In preparation for our Sunday, December 11th Annual Meeting three learning and discussion session are scheduled for Sunday, November 20, November 27, and December 4, at 9:15am in the Chapel, and Monday, November 21 at 6:30pm in the Women’s Ministry Room during the All-Ministry Team Meeting Night. Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, the proposed 2023 budget, nominations for church council, and ministry programs for 2023. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Join us on Monday, November 21 at 6:30pm in the Women’s Ministry Room. All of Emanuel’s Ministry Teams now gather on a single evening each month to collaborate, plan, and schedule for upcoming events and ministry projects. Council Members act as team leaders/coordinators, but Ministry Teams are open to, and run by, everyone in the congregation.
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Accent colors, texturing, and final touch ups unfolding, as well as preliminary plumbing scope to prepare for the upcoming work in the kitchen! Pictured here are Build Team members Karen and Cliff, with the detail queen Hughlene visiting with the painting foreman Gary about his process and work. Beautiful things are happening!
For a bigger picture of what is happening with the renovation project please read the letter from the Phase 1 Build Team linked below. Here they share two key changes and a brief calendar of the progress.
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* More photos came in just came in! Pictured left is the vapor barrier and brand new LVP going down in the hallway below the Narthex. Right is construction of a “furred” out wall begun in the kitchen to allow for new electrical, plumbing, and cabinets. | |
Advent begins soon. During this season of preparation we not only look forward to the celebration of Christmas but we also pause to reflect on what God has done for us and we are invited to see what God is doing in our own lives right now. Opportunities for this reflection and exploration through worship, fellowship, and service with family and friends of Emanuel's will be shared here each week. | |
Sunday, November 20
immediately following worship
Our goal for the day is to assemble and decorate both trees, fluff and hang the wreaths and garland, and hang the Chrismons. Anyone who is available to lend a hand, even for just 10 minutes, would be appreciated.
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Sunday, November 27 at 9am
Women's Ministry Room.
We’ve got all the supplies for families to make a wreath to take home for the Advent season. Come be crafty with us! Wreaths will be blessed during worship.
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As Christmas and the season of giving nears, we are excited to have the opportunity to join with others in the community during Blue Santa Gift wrapping. Though you can select many dates to assist with wrapping presents, Emanuel's Lutheran Church and Day School would like to show up as a group on November 29 and December 8.
Please contact Sarah Kennedy at (281) 734-3845 or to share your interest and receive
updates as the time comes.
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Vespers Tickets Available | Emanuel's friends will be joining the TLU School of Music for Christmas Vespers on December 2-4 in Jackson Auditorium as we welcome the holiday season. Contact Donna Simmons if you need tickets or order your own at the link below. | | | |
BOWLING FOR TURKEYS is Saturday, November 12 from 1-3pm at EVO-Springtown in San Marcos. All of Ignite Children, Youth, and Families are invited to this fun time to Bowl for Turkeys! Let a Vicar know if you can join the rafter. (A group of turkeys is also called a gang, a gaggle, or a flock!) | |
SENIOR SOCIAL CLUB Thanksgiving Luncheon is Thursday, November 17 at 11:30 in the Women’s Ministry Room. Everyone is to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
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Participating in a small group is a meaningful way to be a part of the life of the church. Emanuel's hosts an array of small groups that feed the soul, the body, and the heart of individuals and the church as a whole. For more information about Small Groups at Emanuel's and how you can participate please reference our website here.
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Saturday, November 12 at 10:00am
Emanuel’s hosts a community Support Group for Caregivers currently caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, and other aging issues. Facilitators are Pastor John (830-305-5658) and Faye (830-305-8851) Van Deusen. Please join us in the Family Life Center.
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Making Your Grief Count
November 13
Grief during the Holidays is always challenging, and even more so in the past years. The season of the holidays renews memories, family ties, and traditions. We become painfully aware that our loved one is no longer present. Learning to navigate a changing world combined with the sorrow of our loss causes us to grieve on many levels. How do we allow ourselves in these times to “make our grief count” and find our resilience?
This workshop will help participants learn self care and coping skills to prepare for the holidays. This will help families to embrace their grief, while strengthening characteristics of resilience. Participants will use the holidays to discover how their loved one can live on into their life story, using this special time to continue to heal.
November 13, 2022
Sunday, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Emanuel’s Lutheran Church
Family Life Center
Presenter: Darwin Huartson, M. Div., BCC
Offered by Porter Loring Mortuaries free of charge to the community. Other area workshops are available and listed here. Please contact Donna Simmons for more information.
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Order from Marco's Pizza on Thursday, November 17 and Marco's will give a percentage of the sales generated by you back to our program! Make sure when placing your order over the phone or in person to mention you are supporting Emanuel's Lutheran Day School. Everyone is able to order online under the fundraiser tab for either delivery or pick up at You can also call 830-560-9999. More info on tab below. | |
Emanuel's Book Club
Sunday, November 20
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The NEA Big Read Seguin this year is reading the book “Heartland” by Sarah Smarsh. Emanuel’s is proud to be joining TLU, the Seguin Public Library, and other local groups as we broaden our understanding or our world, our neighbors, and ourselves through the power of a shared reading experience.
Free copies of “Heartland” are available in the narthex and church office.
Please join our book discussion led by Cathy Anderson on Sunday, November 20 at 9:15 in the Family Life Center.
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Emanuel's Lutheran Church is grateful to partner with other non-profit organizations in Seguin and the surrounding area. For more information about Emanuel's Partners in Service please reference our website here. | |
THE HERITAGE CLASS: Augsburg Fortress Quarterly Adult Bible Study led by various class members meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in room 304. The fall study is God's Exceptional Choice: Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Judges, 1 Samuel, Ephesians.
THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Gathers at 9:15 on the First Sunday of the month in the Women's Ministry Room.
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CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL (1st Floor Green Room near elevator): Preschool to 5th graders are invited to join the Education Team for a brand new, rotation style Sunday morning education program starting at 9:15am. We start together for song, Bible story, and then head off to our group projects.
November Children's Sunday School (Preschool to 5th Grade)
11/6 – Noah’s Ark – Science
11/13- Noah’s Ark – Creative Drama
11/20 – Noah’s Ark- Bible Skills
11/27 – First Sunday of Advent - Art
CONFIRMATION CLASS meets next on Sunday, November 13 at 1pm at Spirit of Joy. Instruction for the year will take place monthly at both Emanuel’s and Spirit of Joy.
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Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our Vanco link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated. You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to: Emanuel's Lutheran Church, 206 N. Travis Street. Seguin, Texas 78155 | |
Year to Date Giving comparison:
Jan 1 - Nov 8, 2022
Church Offering Receipts: $ 335,695.56
Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: $ 385,000.00
Operating Expenses: $ 407,233.74 *
* These figures do not include Forward In Faith remodel expenses or In-Kind Gifts
Jan 1 - Nov 8, 2021
Church Offering Receipts: $ 366,564.42
Budgeted Church Offering Receipts: 367,888.85
Operating Expenses: $ 416,433.41
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church either through email or phone.
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Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible. We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is also accessible via email.
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Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event below or to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.
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