This Month's UCC Creation Justice Webinar Will Address Reducing Water Pollution
The next UCC Creation Justice webinar will feature Lynn Thorp, who serves as the National Campaigns Director for Clean Water Action. She will discuss how we can make effective and equitable strides in reducing water pollution, including exposure to toxic substances such as the highly toxic “forever” chemicals found in almost everyone’s blood in the U.S.

Even if you can’t make the scheduled time of 1:00 PM ET on Wednesday, August 10th, still sign-up and we will send you a recording.

There is Still Time to Come to Horton Center in 2022!
Summer camp at Horton Center is over, but there are still some post-camp weekends providing an opportunity to come back to the mountain for an incredible experience of living in community with new and welcoming friends at our beautiful mountaintop Camp.

You can still sign up for:

Sign up today at:

Shalom my friends, shalom.

Tivvi Pare - she/her/hers - Summer Director
Tim Hughes - he/him/his - Executive Director
Horton Center, NHCUCC

As always you can contact Tim at:603-545-9660 [email protected]

Check out our website:
Or find us on Facebook:
Or on Instagram: @hortoncenter
Please Remember in Your Prayers...
Let us hold in prayer all those who have been impacted by the devastating flooding in Kentucky, especially the families of those who have lost a loved one.

Let us remember in our prayers the Search Committee appointed to select a candidate for the position of Associate Conference Minister.

Let us finally offer prayers for the well-being of our authorized ministers serving in parish and non-parish settings as they attend to the needs of our people in a time of adversity, and endeavor to bring renewed vitality to our congregations in these waning days of the pandemic.

O God, in your tender mercy,
Hear our prayers!
Across Our Conference
The Rev. Jennifer Mazur has accepted the unanimous call of North Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, of Portsmouth to become their Pastor and Teacher. Rev. Mazur will begin her ministry at Portsmouth on August 28, 2022.
The Rev. Peter Ilgenfritz has accepted the invitation of the First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, of Littleton to become their Interim Minister. Rev. Ilgenfritz’s ministry at Littleton begins September 6, 2022.
Weekly News
The Weekly News is published to promote the mission and ministry of the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ.

These announcements are intended to be brief, timely, and of a general interest to our Conference readers. Supportive links are provided whenever they are available. We encourage you to forward these materials to others in your church using the link below and to share them in your bulletins and local church newsletters.

Send your items to [email protected].The deadline for submitting items for the next issue is Thursday at 12:00 PM.
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