

October 10, 2023

This week, we are praying for the following churches and schools:



St. Paul-Napoleon

LCMS Pacific Southwest District


For the week of October 15th we are praying for:

Royal Redeemer-Liberty Twp


St. John-South Euclid


The Ohio District and the LCMS are partnering with MinistrySafe in an effort to better educate and equip the workers in our congregations and schools with abuse prevention resources.

Read THIS LETTER from Kevin Creutz, Education Executive of The Ohio District LCMS.

The Lutheran Schools of Ohio were thrilled to be able to partner with LHF for our 2022-2023 Hearts for Jesus project. Just as our Lutheran Schools throughout The LCMS share God’s Word with their students each and every day, the Lutheran Schools of Ohio were blessed to be able to support LHF’s Juan 3:16 Project and the printing of children’s Bibles in the Spanish language.” Kevin Creutz, Superintendent of Lutheran Schools, Ohio District. 

Here are Fall Festivals and Trunk 'N Treat events taking place at a congregation near you:

October 13, 2023, 5:30 PM

Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church, 7127 Dutchland Parkway, Liberty Twp, Ohio. Contact the church office at: 513.779-4740 to sign up.

October 22, 2023, 2:00-4:00 PM

St. Paul Lutheran Church & School, 27993 Detroit Rd, Westlake, Ohio. FLYER

October 28, 2023, 11:00 AM-2:00 PM

St. Paul Lutheran Church, 115 Central Drive, Amherst, Ohio FLYER

October 29, 2023, 12:30-2:00 PM

Trinity Lutheran Church, 2742 North Road NE, Warren, Ohio FLYER

Can members (especially youth groups) from your congregation help? Students needing community service hours? This “Mini Mission Trip” to Zion Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio is taking place November 2-4, 2023 and workers are needed! Tasks to be done include scraping and painting walls, cleaning, and yard clean-up/weeding, and more. Breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided. Want more info? Contact Sharon Tieman at:

Please get the word out - download this FLYER and go to this link to sign up:  

SAVE THE DATE! Donna Snow is coming back to St. Paul-Westlake for a special event on Saturday, November 18, 2023 featuring “Meant for Good” a study on Joseph, and how God used Joseph for good – from Canaan to Egypt through hardship and forgiveness. Get more info and register HERE

Organ Concert at Immanuel-Cleveland on October 15, 2023

Mission Fest at Zion-Ridgeville Corners on October 15, 2023

The Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) provides consistently competitive interest rates, which are set monthly based on regional and national rates published by the Bank Rate Monitor(TM). Check out the Investment Interest Rates for October 2023 . Get started with your investment and contact Lisa Hall, Ohio District LCEF VP at or 216-570-7077.

The District Connection exists to inform and inspire the congregations and partners of

the Ohio District LCMS in fostering the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

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