Because Lutherans are appreciative: we feel extra blessed to be on the receiving end of hand colored thank-you cards. "Dear Emanuel's Lutheran Church, Thank you deeply for your contribution to our Love Fund for Immigrants. Your donation allows us to continue providing support and comfort to asylum-seeking families in our community," reads a letter from the San Antonio Mennonite Church with the attached gracias. Indeed, we are better together.
Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Online video live streaming will resume later in the summer.
Please note that the Emanuel's Executive Council and Pastors are monitoring rising Covid numbers and protocols as they emerge. All people gathering for activities on the campus are encouraged to WEAR MASKS while inside. Per the current CDC guidelines, vaccinated people may still choose to wear masks and social distance. Unvaccinated people should be masked and practice social distancing on the church campus. We encourage everyone to take precautions for optimum health and well being.
Emanuel's welcomes Deacon John Dellis to the worship service Sunday. He will share a greeting from Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest. Deacon Dellis is the senior gift planner for congregations and their members in the Southwestern Texas Synod. He assists individuals and couples to make legacy plans for their families and loved ones, their congregation and other ministries of our church, and other non-profit organizations that are important to them. Reach out to him at (830) 305-2758 or for a confidential, no-obligation visit about legacy generosity for ministry.
Are you interested in teaching and leading the faith formation of our children and youth? Join the Education Team, Pastor Marcus, and Pastor Kelsie Sundays, August 8, 15 & 22, in the Family Life Center at 9:15 a.m. to learn about our new programs, our new rhythms for Sunday morning, and how you can get plugged in and help out! Here are the quick details for our new Sunday morning plan:
- Starting at 10:30am, in the big classroom across the church office, EVERYONE gathers
- Who’s everyone, 2 years old through high school!
- We begin with a song and a Bible story
- Then we make our way to rooms, separating out our age groups appropriately
- We then dine on a delicious snack as we look at our craft for the day
- We put our craft together, retelling our Bible story, and finish by heading into church
We will have three classrooms for our prekindergarten through 8th grade learners, with our high school making the trek to the ELYO room or helping in other classrooms as needed. We will need two teachers for each class and would love to have a rotation of faces throughout the month! Join us to learn more and find a way to connect and get involved!
Shout out to Navarro High School senior Jacqueline Springs who earned third place in a South Texas PGA Tournament at The Club at Colony Creek in Victoria. "Not only did Springs medal, she earned a pair of personal bests in pars and score in a tournament," says the front page of the Sports section in the Seguin Gazette on July 25, 2021.
Jacqueline is not only an active member of Emanuel's Lutheran Youth Organization, she is also an usher on Sunday mornings! Pastor Marcus had the privilege of serving as this young athlete's caddy earlier in the summer. We are all so proud of you, Jacqueline!
and briefcases, lunch boxes, dance bags, duffle bags, totes, etc.
Bring your gear to church for
Backpack and Vocation Sunday
August 15. 2021
10:30 a.m. Worship
Everyone is Welcome!
Let's kick off the Sunday School Year together. Celebration, Ministry Fair, and 5th Sunday Potluck begins after worship.
Come see what is going on at Emanuel's on Sunday mornings, throughout the week. and beyond the walls. There are opportunities for everyone to serve, grow, and participate in the life of the church.
"I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"
Isaiah 43:19
Please remember those in need as you shop. Pick up a few of the following items as soon as you see them on sale. Most needed items in boldface.
70-80 page spiral notebooks
ball point pens
16 or 24 count crayons
pink erasers
blunt children’s scissors
unsharpened pencils
pencil sharpeners
12’ metric and US measurement rulers
Collection baskets are in the Narthex and Mountain Street entrances. Monetary donations also welcome. Make checks payable to Emanuel’s Lutheran Church with a note for LWR School Supplies.
We appreciate all your gifts and help with this project throughout the years. A gift to Lutheran World Relief helps to educate children in need.
A Time for Faithful Repentance
One of the events that occurred during the General Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation a little over a decade ago was the historic acknowledgment of and public repentance for violent acts that the early Lutheran church carried out against Anabaptist believers. This was not so much about something other people did a long time ago, but rather that the church of the past and the church of the future are joined together in the church of “now.”
FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP meets next on Sunday, August 1st at Noon in the Women’s Ministry Room. This group of single, widowed, and divorced people meet monthly. Everyone is to bring a favorite dish to share.
HEALING THROUGH CONVERSATIONS meets on Thursday, August 5th at 11am in the Family Life Center.
This monthly meeting is for those who have lost a loved one to death.
Please contact Senior Care and Bereavement Coordinator Donna Simmons if you have questions about Food, Fun & Fellowship or Healing Through Conversations.
We've missed you! Join us on
Wednesday, August 4th at 9:00 a.m.
in the Women’s Ministry Room.
Please join us as we gather together once again after our lengthy time apart. This is an important meeting where we will discuss our activities for the year ahead - our one hundred and twenty-second year of faithful service!
Everyone is invited to our organizational meeting on
Thursday, August 5th at 9:00 a.m.
in the Women’s Ministry Room.
We will be deciding whether we should start our regular meetings again and how we’re going to handle our organization in the future. CWU is it valuable ecumenical organization with women from different churches who worship and work together on various projects.
Caregiving is one of the greatest challenges and opportunities most of us experience in a lifetime. Belonging to a support group can be a lifeline on this journey. Listening to others who are living similar experiences, and sharing your feelings in a supportive, caring, and confidential setting is healing and often reassuring. Emanuel’s is hosting a community Support Group for Caregivers currently caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, and other aging issues.
Meeting at 10:00 a.m.
in the Family Life Center
Wednesday, August 25, repeated Saturday, August 28
Wednesday, September 22, repeated Saturday, September 25
Future dates to be determined by the group.
Facilitators are the Rev. John and Faye Van Deusen.
You can reach Rev. John at (830) 305-5658 and Faye at (830) 305-8851.
Please contact individual groups or the church office to see how each creatively proceeds with the ministry and life of the church.
THE HERITAGE CLASS Augsburg Fortress Quarterly Adult Bible Study led by Steve Richardson and Walter Seidenschwarz meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in room 304. The summer study is Confident Hope.
A LOOK AT THE GOSPELS (Family Life Center): Wraps up August 29th at 9:00 a.m. Join Pastor Marcus for the conclusion of this deeper look at each Gospel, their authors, their faith community, and their differences.
MUSIC MINISTRY includes the Jubilation Singers Choir and Heavenly Ringers Handbell Choir. Summer Choir now meets at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday mornings in the s. Contact Thomas Engler, Emanuel's Director of Music.
LWR QUICK QUILTERS gathers in their first floor sewing suite on Monday mornings to assemble quilts that are distributed globally to those in need. If you are interested in this productive group call or text Jeanne P. at (830) 624-6478.
PROPERTY STEWARDS are a stalwart group of doers at Emanuel's who meet on Tuesday mornings. All skillsets are welcome. There are carpenters and gardeners and people good at changing light bulbs! Contact Garry Miller for more information.
SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER meets in the chapel on Thursday mornings at 10am to lift in prayer our church, community, and the world. Contact is Donna Simmons.
HEALING THROUGH CONVERSATION is a support group for those who have lost a loved on to death. The group meets on the third Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Facilitated by Donna Simmons,
FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP gathers on the 1st Sundays at Noon in the Women's Ministry Room. This ministry is for widowed, divorced, and separated people. Donna Simmons is the contact.
WORSHIP LEADERS are the backbone of our services on Sunday mornings. If you would like to be an usher, reader, assisting minister, Altar Guild, communion assistant, hospitality. or radio announcer contact Denise H.
COUPLES NIGHT OUT is an opportunity for couples who are 20-40ish to try new adventures, hang out, and get to know one another. They meet once a month(ish) at various locations. Contact is Pastor Marcus.
FAITH CIRCLE gathers on the Third Tuesdays at 5:30 the Women's Ministry Room.
JOY CIRCLE meets on the Second Thursdays at 9:30 the Women's Ministry Room.
LADIES AID resumes on August 4 at 2:00 p.m. in the Women's Ministry Room.
Emanuel's Partners in Service have resumed activities in Seguin and the surrounding area. We will post new opportunities as they unfold.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY builds and improves homes in partnership with individuals and families in need of a decent and affordable place to live. First Saturday Ecumenical Build Day is canceled in August. Stay tuned for September day and times. The current house is at 521 Newton. If you can help out, please contact Garry Miller at 830-534-3290 or
CHRISTIAN CUPBOARD provides food and other basic need items to those living in Guadalupe County. Emanuel's has collection sites in the Narthex and the Mountain St. entrance. Most needed items include: egg cartons; cans of tuna and other meats; cans of fruit, veggies, beans, soup; mac & cheese; dried beans and rice; pasta and sauces; PB&J; cereal; toilet tissue, soap.
NAMI GUADALUPE COUNTY provides education, advocacy and support to families and individuals affected by mental illness. Online Connection Recovery Support Group for individuals living with a mental health condition meets twice a month. Contact John B. to register. Online Family Support Group meets twice a month. Contact Barbara V. to register.
THE GAREDN OF EATIN' is Emanuel's community garden on the corner of Walnut and Bowie Streets. The garden enjoys a partnership with Seguin ISD and provides produce for the Christian Cupboard as able. We'd love to have you dig in with us. Contact our resident gardener Wayne S. .
During the summer months office hours are still Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible.
You are welcome to make an appointment before stopping by. Everyone is still accessible via email. Thanks for understanding our need for rest and rejuvenation after a very trying year.
THANK YOU for your continued financial support of the ongoing ministries of Emanuel's Lutheran Church.
Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our Vanco link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated.
You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to:
Emanuel's Lutheran Church
206 N. Travis Street
Seguin, Texas 78155
Year to Date Giving comparison:
January 1- July 27, 2021
Receipts: $ 259,632.76
Expenses: $ 277,765.06
January 1- July 27, 2020
Receipts: $ 247,222.39
Expenses: $ 312,380.99
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church either through email or phone.
Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.