Because Lutherans love (historic) group photos: here is an archived photo of Emanuel's 1961 Confirmation Class. There is a lot to absorb in this image: the giant bell thing (?), dapper young men, quaffed young women, the sheer number of youth (!). Fifty years ago these teens were loved and guided during their catechism classes by their pastors and families. They were given solid foundations for living out their Christian Faith. Our 2021 Confirmation Class is equally blessed and we are excited to celebrate with them this Sunday! We are better together.
Following the new CDC guidelines, Emanuel’s Congregational Council approved the following beginning Sunday, May 23, 2021.
Fully vaccinated persons may choose to not wear masks on the church campus and may gather closer than 6 feet from non-household members.
Nonvaccinated persons are to wear masks at all times on the church campus and maintain social distancing of more than 6 feet from non-household members.
Our currently modified worship practices will remain in place. These include sitting in every other pew, the taking of Holy Communion while in our pews, refraining from moving while sharing the peace, and not passing the offering plates but providing baskets at each entrance door. Council will reevaluate these practices during the summer months.
Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Sundays, May 23
During Worship
Join us in your fieriest red as we confirm eight amazing students who have completed Confirmation Classes in a most unusual year: Caitlyn Hannibal, Corbin Hannibal, Katie Miller, Lane Seidenberger, William Tallier, Colby Ulrich, Blaine Vickers, and Bryce Vickers.
Sundays, May 16, 23, 30
9:15 a.m.
If it has been a while since you served in worship, or you are interested in trying something new, please join Pastor Kelsie in the Sanctuary to review these practices at Emanuel’s. Everyone welcome!
May 16th: Communion Assistants and Altar Guild May 23rd: Assisting Ministers
May 30th: Ushers, Greeters, and Readers
If you, or you and your family, are interested in joining us in the mission and ministry here at Emanuel’s, you are invited to reach out to Pastor Marcus for a conversation of welcome. Our next Sunday to receive new members is Sunday, May 30th. This special service will include a welcoming liturgy, a time to be recognized and prayed for by the congregation, and, tentatively, a time for potluck following worship in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Marcus can be reached at: 830-377-8643.
Pastor Kelsie reports that her fabulous crew re-hinged around 130 hymnals on Saturday afternoon. Emanuel's beloved red hymnals received a much-needed spa treatment after 13 years of use. Thanks to PK for the taking the initiative and to everyone who learned new book repairing skills.
Providence or deism?
Does God plan your life, or are you on your own?
Or is it somewhere in between?
Has the Holy Spirit ignited fire on your head, or has the Spirit been more subtle?
Pastor Frank Honeycutt recently shared some insight in Living Lutheran.
JULY 19-23, 2021
With our friends from Spirit of Joy and First Presbyterian Churches!
CROSS TRAILS DAY CAMP is for students who have completed Kinder through 5th grade. Cross Trails Ministry will be sending their staff to us for the week. Day Camp will run from 1 pm - 6 pm each day, including a snack and dinner for the family. This year's theme is "From the Ground Up!", so come and grow your faith with us! Space is limited to forty students. You can register below.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is for children three years old to those who have not started kindergarten. VBS will run from 8:30am - Noon with a snack and lunch provided. Registration forms will be available soon on the church website. Turn forms into Pastor Kelsie. Our enrolled Emanuel's Day School students will return to their regular school day after lunch.
Have questions or want to volunteer? Pastor Kelsie would love to hear from you!
Saturday, May 22 @6:30pm
We are headed to Stumpy’s Hatchet House, 758 Isom Road, San Antonio, Texas 78216. If you would like to carpool, a group will be leaving from the Mountain Street parking lot at 5:30pm. Food options are pretty limited, and you are allowed to bring your own drinks (but NOT your own hatchet!), so we will plan on grabbing a bite afterwards for anyone who wishes to join us. That location will be decided at Stumpy’s.
Sunday, June 6 @Noon
We are excited to be gathering again and look forward to seeing your shining faces. So excited that lunch is on us this time! If you are widowed, divorced, single, or just don't get out very much then please join us. It has been a long and lonely year for a lot of people. We've missed you and cannot wait to reconnect!
NAMI Guadalupe County is committed to providing education, advocacy, and support to families and individuals affected by mental illness. Learn more about their current programs on the link below.
Collections are taken in Emanuel's narthex on the shelves and in baskets at the Mountain Street entrance.
Emanuel’s Lutheran Church is collecting needed items for the Immigration Hospitality Ministry at the San Antonio Mennonite Church. The ministry provides assistance to refugees and migrants coming through San Antonio. Items for this Interfaith Welcome include:
Adult bathrobes- non-fluffy
Large towels
Small, new stuffed animals and TY Beanie Babies
Coloring books & crayons
Cash or check (memo section: Interfaith Welcome).
Collection bins are located at the church entrances. For more information contact Gloria H. at (713) 213-5752.
Christian Education opportunities are in development for both Sunday mornings at 9:15 and midweek studies. Please stay tuned while we roll out programs for children and adults. It is a challenge as we return from our lengthy time apart to coordinate volunteers, physical space, and curriculum. Let Pastor Marcus or Pastor Kelsie know if you are interested in leading a group or sharing a special skill.
The Heritage Class (307): Augsburg Fortress Quarterly Adult Bible Study led by Steve Richardson and Walter Seidenschwarz. Current study is of the Old Testament, Faithful to God’s Covenant.
A Look at the Gospels (Family Life Center): Beginning May 2 with Pastor Marcus for a deeper look at each Gospel, their authors, their faith community, and their differences.
Faith Circle (Women’s Ministry Room): Third Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m.
Joy Circle (Women’s Ministry Room): Second Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
May meeting is a the home of Elaine G.
Ladies Aid (Women’s Ministry Room): Beginning August 4 at 2:00 p.m.
Small groups have resumed meeting at Emanuel's. Please contact individual groups or the church office to see how each is creatively managing to proceed with the ministry and life of the church.
MUSIC MINISTRY included the Jubilation Singers Choir and Heavenly Ringers Handbell Choir. They are currently meeting on Wednesday mornings to rehearse and record our online service, as well as Sunday mornings. Contact Thomas Engler, Emanuel's Director of Music.
LWR QUICK QUILTERS gathers in their first floor sewing suite on Monday mornings to assemble quilts that are distributed globally to those in need. If you are interested in this productive group call or text Jeanne P. at (830) 624-6478.
PROPERTY STEWARDS are a stalwart group of doers at Emanuel's who meet on Tuesday mornings. All skillsets are welcome. There are carpenters and gardeners and people good at changing light bulbs! Contact Garry Miller for more information.
SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER meets in the chapel on Thursday mornings at 10am to lift in prayer our church, community, and the world. Contact is Donna Simmons.
HEALING THROUGH CONVERSATION is a support group for those who have lost a loved on to death. The group meets on the third Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Facilitated by Donna Simmons,
FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP gathers on the 1st Sundays at Noon in the Women's Ministry Room. This ministry is for widowed, divorced, and separated people. Donna Simmons is the contact.
WORSHIP LEADERS are the backbone of our services on Sunday mornings. If you would like to be an usher, reader, assisting minister, Altar Guild, communion assistant, hospitality. or radio announcer please let Denise H. know.
THE GAREDN OF EATIN' is our community garden on the corner of Walnut and Bowie Streets. The work is seasonal. We'd love to have you dig in with us. Contact our resident gardener Wayne S. .
Please consider coming to one of Emanuel’s newly formed Ministry Team meetings to learn more about what is going on at Emanuel’s and how you can participate. The Team leaders are energetic and enthusiastic about “being the church God is calling us to be.”
THE CONGREGATIONAL CARE TEAM meets on first Thursdays at 6pm in the Family Life Center. They are reworking and reorganizing numerous ministries for the church including our new member welcome, funeral reception hosting, 5th Sunday potlucks and fellowship gatherings, and looking for new ways to celebrate the many milestones across our church family.
THE EDUCATION TEAM meets on fourth Mondays at 4:30pm in the Family Life Center. Their work this summer will be to revitalize and organize the fall education rotation, schedule, and age groups of our children and youth; support summer VBS programming; and create new educational gatherings, inside and outside the church, that are supported with childcare and activities.
THE OUTREACH & SERVICE TEAM meets on first Mondays at 6:30pm in the Family Life Center. Their summer projects include Emanuel’s Hwy 123 Adopt-a-Spot Highway Clean-up, 2nd Fridays Sunset Cinema starting June 11, and “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday in September.
Emanuel's Office Staff is working both at the office and at home. Our schedules are staggered so that someone is in the office Mondays through Thursdays from 8-5. It is best to make an appointment or call before coming in. Everyone is still accessible via email and phone.
THANK YOU for your continued financial support of the ongoing ministries of Emanuel's Lutheran Church.
Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our Vanco link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated.
You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to:
Emanuel's Lutheran Church
206 N. Travis Street
Seguin, Texas 78155
Year to Date Giving comparison:
January 1- May 18, 2021
Receipts:$ 190,679.43
Expenses: $ 196,084.61
January 1- May 18, 2020
Receipts: $ 179,203.39
Expenses: $ 206,694.21
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church either through email or phone.
Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.