Because Lutherans love to cut ribbons: we were excited to dedicate and bless our new Little Free Library on Sunday, May 15th following worship. Thankful for Donna Simmons' (right) vision about the library and Bill Salt's (left) excellent carpentry skills. The Little Free Library is for friends and neighbors of Emanuel’s to share books, build community, and inspire readers. Take a book; leave a book! Learn more at We are better together.
Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Masks are encouraged but no longer required on the church campus.
Join us on May 29th
We will gather in the Fellowship Hall for an all-church potluck lunch right after worship. Please bring your favorite dish and/or dessert to share. Looking forward to a delicious meal, great camaraderie, and time to celebrate our graduates. Check the sign-up sheet in the Narthex for help after the meal. The goal is to “Go Green” and not use disposable plates and utensils.
May 29th
We will be honoring our graduates on May 29th. Keep an eye out for cards and giving trees for our four high school graduates and our college graduate. Join us at the potluck lunch following worship as we celebrate these amazing young people.
What a Sunday! Members of our Building Team, Campaign Steering Team, and Church Council assisted Campaign Co-Chair Karen Weinstein as she presented to our congregation the to-date amount pledged and received for our "Forward in Faith" Capital Campaign, $767,456!
We are so incredibly grateful, blessed, and encouraged by the outpouring of support for this campaign and the work we have set out to do. Thank you, to everyone, who has participated in the campaign already, prayed for this campaign, and or volunteered over the many, many weeks leading up to this point. We truly could not have done this without each and every one of you!
As a reminder, if you have not had a chance to respond to the campaign, our Response Team will be beginning their phones to connect with folks so be on the look out for a call from one of our fantastic team members.
A huge thank you to our volunteers who helped pick-up trash on our Adopt-a-Highway section Saturday! 25 bags were collected, as well as a delightful assortment of oddities. We just beat the heat! Pictured left to right: Allan Bode, Pastor Marcus, Melissa Barbre, Bill Meier, and Paul Sims. Not pictured are Beverly Seidenschwarz and a passerby named Isaiah.
June 13-16 5:30 -7:30 pm
We're partnering with Spirit of Joy and First Presbyterian again this year to put on VBS June 13-16 from 5:30 -7:30 pm. VBS includes dinner and is fun for the whole family! Registration forms are below. Parents of children who have not yet completed Kinder will be required to attend. Deadline to register is Monday, June 6.
Volunteers are needed to help in the kitchen cooking, serving, and cleaning up after dinner, to help teach arts and crafts and games, to help with the family group, to help with check-in and out, and volunteers to help during transition times. Chat with PK to sign up to volunteer!
Let your word be “Yes,” “ Yes,” or “No,” No.”
(Matthew 5:37)
We live in an era of “truthiness” and “fake news,” and “alternative facts.” Can it be enough to let our word be “yes,” “yes,” or “no,” “no?” How do we live as a people of Truth in a time of spin?
June 19-29 and June 26-July 1
We've got youth attending camp during two different weeks this summer, June 19-29 and June 26-July 1, with Pastor Marcus at camp the second week. There are still spots available in most programs.
July 24-29, 2022
When the national youth gathering was canceled, youth workers from our synod banded together to create a national gathering-like experience for our youth on the same dates, July 24-29, 2022, in Houston!
We will be traveling to Houston where we will be involved with service, worship, learning, fellowship, and FUN! Faith Lutheran Church in Bellaire, TX will be our home base.
Youth who have completed 8th grade through 12th grade are invited to register here using the discount code ELC22. Contact Pastor Kelsie for more information.
Ignite! KIDS (First Floor): Gather in the IGNITE! KIDS room in the 1st Floor Green Classroom at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday Mornings for song and Bible stories. Age groups will transition to different rooms following the gathering time then return to families in worship for Communion. Let PK know if you can be added to the teaching rotation.
SUNDAY SCHOOL SUMMER BREAK: May is the last month of Sunday School as we enter into summer. We will relaunch with a new format in the Fall featuring new ways of learning about the Bible including art, music, cooking, and science! Keep an eye out for more information. If this has piqued your interest, contact PK about how you can become more involved in our students' faith formation on Sunday mornings!
THE HERITAGE CLASS: Augsburg Fortress Quarterly Adult Bible Study led by various class members meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. in room 304. The spring study is God Frees and Redeems: Deuteronomy, Ezra, Matthew, John, Romans, Galatians.
PASTOR MARCUS' CLASS: 9:00 a.m. in the Family Life Center. "A Study of Martin Luther, the Reformation, and the Theology that Created Change." Please bring your Small Catechism.
THE JOY CLASS: Bible stories and songs for adults with intellectual disabilities. Gathers at 9:15 on the First Sunday of the month in the Women's Ministry Room.
Faith Circle (Women’s Ministry Room): Third Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Joy Circle (Women’s Ministry Room): Second Thursday at 9:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid (Women’s Ministry Room): First Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.
THE SUMMER SINGERS are taking over as the Jubilation Singers go on holiday. Beginning June 12th, join us in the sanctuary by the piano at 10am on Sunday mornings for rehearsal. Summer is a great, informal time to try something new. Please try us! Questions? Reach out to the Director of Music Tom Engler at or catch him after worship.
Continuing Programs:
MUSIC MINISTRY includes the Jubilation Singers Choir and Heavenly Ringers Handbell Choir. Heavenly Ringers meets at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings followed by Jubilation Singers at 7:30. Contact Thomas Engler, Emanuel's Director of Music.
LWR QUICK QUILTERS gathers in their first floor sewing suite on Monday mornings to assemble quilts that are distributed globally to those in need. If you are interested in this productive group call or text Jeanne P. at (830) 624-6478.
PROPERTY STEWARDS are a stalwart group of doers at Emanuel's who meet on Tuesday mornings. All skillsets are welcome. There are carpenters and gardeners and people good at changing light bulbs! Contact Garry Miller for more information.
SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER meets in the chapel on Thursday mornings at 10am to lift in prayer our church, community, and the world. Contact is Donna Simmons.
FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP gathers for lunch on 1st Sundays at Noon in the Women's Ministry Room. This ministry is for widowed, divorced, separated, and any people needing conversation and friendship. Please bring a favorite dish to share. Donna Simmons is the contact
HEALING THROUGH CONVERSATION is a support group for those who have lost a loved on to death. The group meets on the 1st Thursday at 11 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Facilitated by Donna Simmons.
SENIOR SOCIAL CLUB usually gathers on the 3rd Thursday at 11:30am of each month for lunch, conversation, and other shenanigans. Donna Simmons is the coordinator for this lively group.
WORSHIP LEADERS are the backbone of our services on Sunday mornings. If you would like to be an usher, reader, assisting minister, Altar Guild, communion assistant, hospitality. or radio announcer contact Sherry H.
DO YOU PLAY 42? A group of domino players play the game 42 at Emanuel’s on Thursdays from 1-4 p.m. Experienced players are invited to pull up a chair and join in the fun with “The 42 Crew.” Please contact Alton Mattke at 433-1193 and he can answer all your questions.
Please contact individual groups or the church office to see how each creatively proceeds with the ministry and life of the church
Emanuel’s hosts a community Support Group for Caregivers currently caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Dementia, and other aging issues. Meeting next May 28, June 25, and July 23. Facilitators are the Rev. John and Faye Van Deusen. You can reach Pastor John at (830) 305-5658 and Faye at (830) 305-8851.
Continuing programs:
NAMI GUADALUPE COUNTY provides education, advocacy and support to families and individuals affected by mental illness. Learn more at
CHRISTIAN CUPBOARD provides food and other basic need items to those living in Guadalupe County. Emanuel's has collection sites in the Narthex and the Mountain St. entrance. Most needed items include: cans of tuna and other meats; cans of fruit, veggies, beans, soup; mac & cheese; dried beans and rice; pasta and sauces; PB&J; cereal; toilet tissue, soap
THE GARDEN OF EATIN' is Emanuel's community garden on the corner of Walnut and Bowie Streets. The garden enjoys a partnership with Seguin ISD and provides produce for the Christian Cupboard as able. We'd love to have you dig in with us. Contact our resident gardener Wayne S.
CHURCH WOMEN UNITED is a valuable ecumenical organization with women from different churches who worship and work together on various projects. Contact is Elaine G.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY builds and improves homes in partnership with individuals and families in need of a decent and affordable place to live. The current house is at 503 E. Pine St If you can help out, please contact Garry Miller at 830-534-3290 or
Emanuel's regular office hours are Monday - Thursday from 8-5. However, if the office is understaffed, you may find the answering machine catching your call or a "Gone Fishing" sign on the door. Please know that we will get back with you as soon as possible.
We encourage you to call before stopping by. Everyone is still accessible via email. Thanks for understanding our need pace ourselves during these very trying times.
Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our Vanco link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated.
You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to:
Emanuel's Lutheran Church
206 N. Travis Street
Seguin, Texas 78155
Year to Date Giving comparison:
Jan 1 - May 17, 2022
Receipts: $ 186,982.10
Expenses: $ 188,012.57
Jan 1 - May 17, 2021
Receipts: $ 191,664.43
Expenses: $ 196,714.61
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church either through email or phone.
Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event below or to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.