We're very fortunate this Palm/Passion Sunday to welcome guest preacher Dr. David Deane. Dr. Deane is a Theology Professor, writer, podcaster, and widely regarded speaker.
Reflecting on Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, Dr. Deane invites us to really face up to Christ and ask ourselves "Who is he?" and "Do we want to follow him?"
This service will turn us toward Holy Week.
Upcoming Services you won’t want to miss...
March 29 Good Friday Tenebrae Service, 7:00 pm. Tenebrae is a traditional and stirring Service of Shadow. Scripture, Music, and Diminishing Light on this deeply meaningful day.
March 30 Easter Sunday. With all the joy of resurrection.
EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:00 – 6:30 Contemplative Service: A brief sabbath in the middle of the week