
Weekly News

Feb 23, 2024

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content.

You'll see:

Sunday's Service

Join Us for the AGM!

Celebrating our Community

An Invitation to Discuss our Future

News from our Community!

A Note Regarding Charitable Receipts

Upcoming Shows

Last Week at Saint Andrew's


Here’s a riddle: what do you get when you combine Jesus Christ, Huey Lewis (and The News), and an enlightenment philosopher named Spinoza.

Answer: A Saint Andrew’s Sunday.


Yes – those are the elements of our worship this week.  The lectionary suggested a scripture, Steve Tugwell suggested a song, John Finley suggested an article, and Susan and Kevin were inspired.  Join us this Sunday, for a lively Lenten worship. Going deep in thought, connection, and community. 


Upcoming Services you won’t want to miss...

March 3          AGM Sunday

March 10        Celebrating our Community

March 17        Ecclesiastes in Song and Reflection

March 24        Palm/Passion with Dr. David Deane, AST Theologian

March 29        Good Friday Evening Tennebrae Service


It's that time of year again!

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is our yearly invitation to everyone to come learn about and celebrate all the good things that have happened at Saint Andrew's this past year. It's also an opportunity to look forward to the coming year, and get energized about making good things happen again!

This community never rests, and we guarantee you'll learn something new and exciting about what's been happening within the church at this year's meeting.

The AGM will be held in the sanctuary immediately following a short worship service on Sunday 3 March. Copies of the Annual Report will be available for pickup the preceding Sunday, 25 Feb after worship.

We hope to see you there!


Saint Andrew's 2023 Annual Report


Cake, coffee, and community!

Here at Saint Andrew's we are so lucky to have such a vibrant and active community that really make this place special, and that takes a whole lot of work!

We are so grateful to the many volunteers that work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly for us, and we want to show it!

On March 10, immediately following service, we will be hosting a community festival to celebrate all the people that make Saint Andrew's 'go.' Stop by to learn about all the committees and groups that help make church happen, and grab a slice of cake while you're at it.

See you there!



Update from the Refugee Support Committee

Mahmoud Al Maselmeh and his family, wife Ibtehal, daughter Heba, 9, sons Barra, 7 and Mohammed, 4 are settling into their new home in Larry Uteck Area. The move took place on Feb 3rd and 4th, the weekend of the 1st major snowstorm in Halifax.

Wesam rented a truck late Friday afternoon and he, his father and his friend Mohammed, spent the evening driving around Halifax picking up all the donated furniture that folks were holding for us. Then on Saturday, they had to make one more pickup downtown in the height of the storm then drive out to Larry Uteck. Wesam and crew managed to pack up the truck, drive it through that horrible storm and then unpack. Talk about an initiation to a Canadian winter. Ibtehal, along with Wesam's mother and sister were there to unpack all the boxes and a bags and put everything away.

The family is very happy to be in their own space and are so very grateful and appreciative of all the support they have received from Saint Andrew's and the community. They want to thank everyone for the donations and help they have received. They feel very welcomed to their new country.

Now that they are settled the children have started school which is a very short walk from their home. Little Mohammed is not very happy with school. He was registered for pre-primary and went for a few days but it is too much for him right now, so they have decided to keep him home for the time being.

The committee is very thankful for all the assistance we received from the congregation and the wider community. It would not have been possible to pull this move together so quickly without all your help and donations. We are very grateful for your ongoing interest and support of the Al Masalemeh family.

The Welcome Project

What's the first thing you do when you get to church on Sundays? Grab your name tag, right? And there's always a smiling face there to welcome you!

The Greeting Committee is looking for volunteers to help all those who come to worship feel comfortable and welcome. You can brighten someone's day!

Click Here to Sign up!


Charitable receipts from the 2023 tax year were sent out yesterday - 22 February - to all donors who had previously provided their email address to the church office.

If you have not received your receipt: this is likely because we do not have your email address on file, or the one we have is out of date. Please reach out to Patricia at so that we may get you a copy of your receipt as soon as possible.

Our heartfelt thanks to all all those who gave to Saint Andrew's in 2023. Without your support, all the wonderful things Saint Andrew's is would not be possible.


Winter Showcase - Halifax Camerata Singers and CMHA

24 February

7:30 - 9:30 PM

An evening of musical and artistic collaboration with the Halifax Camerata Singers and the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Halifax-Dartmouth Branch, will be presented at Grace United Church.

With Camerata’s Artistic Director Dr. Joel Tranquilla and pianist Lynette Wahlstrom, this event will feature individual members of Camerata in selections ranging from musical theatre, pop, and jazz, to Classical art songs and a world premiere of “Whispers of Mermaids” by Douglas Vipond.

Special musical guest for this event is Scott Kingsley, double bass. Artwork and cards will be available for sale from the Mosaic for Mental Health.

Admission is by free-will donation, with proceeds to the Halifax Camerata Singers and CMHA Halifax-Dartmouth Branch. No tickets or reservation required.

To see the official event listing, click here.

Vibrant Vivaldi & Friends

17 March

2:00 PM

Experience virtuosic solo performances from the Nova Scotia Symphony’s own extraordinary musicians and Canadian bassoon specialist and concert leader Mathieu Lussier in this program of vibrant Baroque classics from Antonio Vivaldi, Michel Corrette, and Françoise Francoeur.

Get all the details by clicking here.

Milestones - Celebrating the 5th & 20th Anniversaries of HGMC and Nova Voce

22 March - 7:30 PM

23 March - 3:00 PM

This March, come warm up from the winter cold and join HGMC and Nova Voce as they present a joint concert “Milestones – Celebrating 20 years of Nova Voce and 5 years of HGMC”.

This ‘Best of’ performance marks the start of exciting new chapters for both choruses, each of which will perform audience favourites from past concerts.

The two choirs will join together for a grand finale, including a newly commissioned piece by Nova Voce’s Director Emeritus, Terry Hurrell.

Check out all of the HGMC's upcoming performances by clicking here!

Pride Place Report - Community Q&A

Following worship this past Sunday, Shuan Fryday and Patricia Neves hosted an open Q&A for the community regarding the recent Pride Place report.

Over 30 people stopped in to celebrate the Affirming work that has been done so far at Saint Andrew's, the feedback from the report on what we can do next, and discussed idea on how to put the report into action.

The takeaway from this gathering? There's still lots to do in support of the queer and transgender community here in Halifax, and we need volunteers to make it happen!

If you're interested in getting involved with our church's Affirming Committee and supporting the future of this work, please reach out to Shaun Fryday -

Didn't get the chance to read the Pride Place Report yet? Click the button below to read it now!

Pride Place Report

There's always something happening at St. Andrew's!

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Sunday Service 10:30am

Contemplative Service Wednesdays 6:00pm

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday - Friday 10:00am - 3:00pm

Office Closed Tuesdays

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(902) 422-3157

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