
Weekly News

November 22, 2024

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You'll see:

Sunday Service

Sunday Lunch & Learn

UCW Soup Challenge

Memorial Poinsettias

Upcoming Events


This week is Reign of Christ Sunday,

a Christian celebration marking the end of the Liturgical Year.  Did you know the Liturgical Year begins with Advent (next Sunday!)  That makes this Sunday a kind of New Year’s Eve – a celebration and an opportunity to (re) focus on the Christ – the who, what, and why of all this.  


It is proposed that effects of poverty can be mitigated by adopting a Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI). GLI replaces the condition-based, multiple federal and provincial income assistance programs with a single, unconditional cash payment delivered through the tax system.

BILL S-233 GLI Framework

Speakers Waye Mason and Catherine Sweet

This Sunday, November 24 12noon in the Mary Holmes Room at Saint Andrew’s United Church. Lunch will be provided. Reserve a spot by email or at this link.



What: St. Andrew’s UCW challenges you to make a donation to the “School Breakfast Program” at Joseph Howe Elementary School.


Where: From your very own home.


When: The entire month of November.


How:  Everytime you have a bowl of soup in November (or if soup’s not your thing, your favourite meal or treat) .... toss a loonie, toonie (or more) in a jar.  


Why:  Help give hungry kids at Joseph Howe Elementary a really great start to their day.  Last year we donated $2,546 to this very worthwhile program, let’s do it again!  


Our challenge to you - Eat and Donate for the month of November - make a difference right in your own community! 

Memorial poinsettias are a Christmas tradition at St. Andrew’s.


To give a poinsettia in memory of a loved one, send their name and your donation by December 4, using the DONATE NOW button on our website Be sure to include your name and the name of the person you wish to honour. There are special offering envelopes for them at the welcome table as well.

Poinsettias will be placed in the Sanctuary for Sunday Services and concerts during Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

Decorating Day December 3

Can you help to make our sanctuary beautiful?  Kelly is organized (as always) and many hands will make light work of the trees, wreaths, and garlands.  


Email to let us know you’ll help or just show up between 10 - 11:30am! We will have Christmas music filling the sanctuary.


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All are welcome at Saint Andrew's

Sunday Service 10:30am

Office Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00am -1:00pm

Contact & Newsletter Submissions

(902) 422-3157

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