
Weekly News

Oct 27, 2023

Note: be sure to click download external images to see all the content. You'll see:

Sunday's Service

A Thank You

Book Study

UCW News

The Stage


The love that is God flows through us. We feel it in prayer, praise, and fellowship. We receive it in the sacrament of holy communion. We channel it in our intentions and actions. Three wonderful things for us this Sunday:



The Affirming Vote

Be sure to look in your inbox for the other communication from Saint Andrew's today. It has helpful information about the affirming process and the motion for Sunday's vote.

Upcoming Services you won't want to miss ....

Nov 5 Music Guests: Polaris Choir

Nov 12 Communion and Peace



October 24th was a big day at Saint Andrew's ...

Thanks to the good work and good spirits of many, Saint Andrew's invited and hosted representatives from more than 40 organizations working in 2SLGBTQ+ programming and advocacy, thus declaring publicly our resolve to be a church that values inclusion and justice.

Thank you to Rev. Shaun Fryday and Patrice Neves for their leadership. Thank you to our volunteers for their commitment, presence, and good - good! - works.


Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Co-led by Susan Chisholm and Joanna Bull

note location: down the street at the Barat Spirituality Centre

Would you like to take a look at the book?

This Sunday we'll have a copy on the table at the back of the church.

Would you like to buy a book?

The book is available at Bookmark on Spring Garden Rd., or at your preferred online book stores. It is available as eBook (Kobo) and audio book (Audible). These versions are lower cost!

Meeting Location: Barat Spirituality Centre 1455 Summer Street

Why there? Because our Saint Andrew's rooms are fully booked. Wow ... we're a busy building.



What: St. Andrew’s UCW challenges you to make a donation to the “School Breakfast Program” at Joseph Howe Elementary School.


Where: From your very own home.


When: The entire month of November.


How:  Everytime you have a bowl of soup in November (or if soup’s not your thing, your favourite meal or treat) .... toss a loonie, toonie (or more) in a jar.  


Why:  Help give hungry kids at Joseph Howe Elementary a really great start to their day.  Last year we donated $1918.00 to this very worthwhile program, let’s do it again!  


Our challenge to you - Eat and Donate for the month of November - make a difference right in your own community! 


The rising cost of groceries and essentials has increased the amount of food given out from the various food banks and other places serving people in need.

Therefore, Brunswick Street mission is experiencing a decrease in the amount of food delivered from Feed Nova Scotia each week.

As a result, their shelves are empty, and clients are leaving with fewer groceries.

The list below would meet their need.

Donation baskets will be by the entry door or near coffee table at the back of the church sanctuary . Another one is also placed near the Coburg street door.


THE STAGE AT SAINT ANDREW'S was ALIVE last weekend. Check out these photos from the REJIGGED festival ...

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Office Hours

Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-4:30pm

Sunday Service 10:30am

Contact Us

(902) 422-3157

[email protected]

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