Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

I'm doing a lot of counting and numbers these days. Here we are just a few weeks away from reaching the midpoint of our school year, day 90, Mid-term of Trimester 2. The Auction team is working hard to create a fabulous event, less than 2 months to go. Parent Org and Staff are doing tremendous work readying for Catholic Schools Week, in about 10 school days. Today we have a great update on the School Fund Drive (see below). There is also this news from our Advent SVDP Canned Food drive:

Thank you for your support of the St. Vincent de Paul Advent Drive! The OLG School Community raised over 1,600 items/dollars. 5th grade won the elementary inter-class competition with 662 items/dollars and 6th grade won the middle school category with 330 items/dollars.  The 5th and 6th grade each won a class party - congratulations!

Wow! Numbers... and the ones that really count are you, our fabulous families. School enrollment is the key number that drives so much, and together we are generating a lot of excitement and interest in our school. With Open House on Sunday, Jan 28th your word of mouth is the best advertisement we can have. Remember the referral bonus program and continue to spread the word about all the great things happening here!

Middle School parents, I look forward to seeing you tonight at 6:30pm for our Curriculum Night (v.2), and next week (1/18) for the Parent Internet Safety Presentation.
Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
School Happenings
Catholic Schools Week
Jan. 28th to Feb. 2nd
Get Ready!
The Family Communications Envelope (FCE) is coming home this week with some important ACTION ITEMS to prepare for Special Persons' Day!

  1. Invite a Special Person for Thursday, Feb. 1st 8:30 AM to 11:15 AM.-- Mail the postcard included in the FCE to invite to your Special Person.
  2. Inform the school with the name of your Special Person. Fill out the form included in the FCE and return it to the school by Jan. 17th.
  3. Sign up to help on Special Persons' Day. Earn double commitment hours!
  4. Bring these items to the school Jan. 30th - Jan. 31st (for Special Person's Day)
  • K-2nd grades - one package of 8-10 juice boxes to the classroom
  • 3rd-5th grades - one bunch/package grapes, strawberries or blueberries to the school office
  • 6th-8th grades - one package of mini muffins or similar bite-sizedbaked goods to the school office

Important Dates
Thursday, Jan. 11th
Middle School Curriculum Night
6:30 PM - School Hall
Meet Ms. Ellis, our new middle school science teacher. Receive updates to middle school curriculum.

Monday, Jan. 15th
No School
Martin Luther King Day

Thursday, Jan. 18th
All-School Mass
9:00 AM
Students in full uniform. Mass planned by 1st and 6th grades.

Thursday, Jan. 18th
Internet Safety Presentation to Parents
6:30-7:40 PM - School Hall
Seattle Police presents to parents on internet usage and how to keep our children safe in the online world. This is a companion to the Jan. 11th student presentation for 5th - 8th Grade.

Saturday, Jan. 20th
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Trivia Night
Pay in advance here . Details in the Parent Org section below.
Saturday, Jan. 20th & Sunday, Jan. 21st
Coffee & Doughnuts after Mass at Walmesley Center
By 6th grade and 1st grades

Friday, Jan. 26th
Noon Dismissal
EDC open until 6:00 PM

Jan. 28th to Feb 3rd
Catholic Schools Week!

Sunday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Open House. Full uniform
11:00 AM Mass

Monday - Parent/Volunteer Appreciation Day

Tuesday - Staff/Teacher
Appreciation Day

Wednesday 7:00 PM
Winter Concert in the

Thursday 8:30-11:15 AM
Special Persons' Day
All-school Mass 9:00 AM
Full uniform

Friday - Student Appreciation Day
Wear Pajamas!
Recess Reminders
Winter is well upon us! This is just a reminder to parents to ensure that students dress for the elements. It’s helpful if they have both cold weather clothing, such as a warm jacket, hat, scarf, gloves, as well as water resistant clothing for rainy days. Hooded jackets work very well, with less chance of losing a hat. Ms. Shelley has several warm fleece jackets available for students. We will be outside even for brief sprinkles or our infamous “Seattle Mist!” Only continual rain will keep us inside for recess. Staying as dry and warm as possible makes playtime much more enjoyable!

Please be sure to put names in ALL clothing items. This helps recess monitors get belongings back to students quickly. Names in / on school backpacks, binders, lunch boxes etc. is also a good idea.

Also, please review this guideline from Seattle and King County Public Health on when your child is sick.

Take care, and stay warm out there!

Playground Supervisor
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer for Trivia Night
Seeking volunteers to help us put on another great Trivia Night Jan. 20th! Earn commitment hours and sign up online or contact Jessica Burris / Cassie Jenkins.
Volunteer for Special Persons' Day
Earn double commitment hours when you volunteer to help cook, set up, serve or clean up! Shifts are available on Wednesday 1/31 and Thursday 2/1. Sign up online or contact Carrie Morrissey.
Classroom News
Engage! Explore! Excite!
1st Grade Class

Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn .
-Benjamin Franklin

Lasting learning is marked with active engagement and exploration and ignites excitement. In first grade we have been immersed in some pretty thrilling activities in both Social Studies and in Science.

Social Studies is brought to life with our Storypath Unit, Families in Their Neighborhoods. We have been hard at work all year creating a detailed imaginary neighborhood. We built homes, roads, a store, a school, and a park.... Read More

Winter Extracurricular Programs
Register for
After-School Enrichment

Sign up here for chess, crafts, coding, Spanish immersion, and creative writing.

Find out more on our web site, and contact Laura Wong with questions. (Dance Blast will be back in session March to April - details coming soon).
Parent Org Updates
The Parent Org would like to send a warm welcome to new 6 th grade teacher, Ms. Ellis! We are happy to have you as part of our school community!

Parent Org Chair
Saturday, Jan 20th
5:00-8:00 PM
Walmesley Center
REGISTER NOW! Invite friends, family and neighbors to join in this fun evening of friendly competition. And yes, there will be PRIZES!!! Also included: a chaperoned kids area for those little ones not into triva!

Pay in advance here or cash at the door. Online registration ends on Thursday, Jan. 18th. The entry fee is $20 per adult/$5 per child includes dinner and a drink and all the trivia you can play.

Also seeking volunteers to help with a variety of roles. Please sign up here for commitment hours! For more information, please contact our hard-working chairs: Cassie Jenkins or Jessica Burris.
Roaring 20's Auction
Saturday, March 3rd
OLG School’s ROARING 20’s AUCTION is coming to the Walmesley Center on Saturday March 3 rd. Watch for your invitation coming to your mailbox soon! Learn more here!
Save the Date

TRIVIA NIGHT – January 20 th

COFFEE & DONUTS after the Masses – 6 th and 1st grades – January 20th and 21st

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK & OPEN HOUSE – January 28 th – February 3rd

Next PO Meeting & Auction Meeting: Tuesday February 13th @ 6:15 p.m. (time change!!) in the Math Lab (P.O.) Auction meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.

OLG School Auction- “Roaring 20’s theme” – March 3 rd
CYO News
Last Chance!
Register for Volleyball by January 12th 10:00 PM

Volleyball is open to boys and girls grades 4-8. Boys volleyball teams are combined by grades - 5th and 6th grade will be one team and 7th and 8th grade will be one team. Cost is $90 per child. Sibling discounts do apply to second and third children from the same family. Practices will begin Monday, January 28, 2018 with the first matches beginning Saturday, February 24, 2018. Registration will close at 10:00 p.m. on January 12, 2018.

Volleyball Coordinator
OLG Parish News
High School Youth Social January 13th
6:30-8:00 PM (after the 5:30 PM Mass), Walmesley Center
All high school students are invited to an evening of food, fun and fellowship. Invite your friends an make new ones. RSVP online or call 206-935-0358
9 Days for Life Novena
The U.S. bishops invite us to pray for the protection of all human life. A special novena called 9 Days for Life will take place from January 18th through the 26th. You can participate through a variety of mediums including Facebook, email, text message, or an app. Join at

Marriage is a Beautiful...and Hard): A Marriage Enrichment Series
Join us for this marriage enrichment series for couples to learn/strengthen practical skills for success in Christian marriage so as to keep faith, hope, love and romance alive! You will learn/strengthen skills in listening for understanding, communicating clearly on difficult topics, and effective problem - solving.

Mondays 7:00 - 9:00 PM Jan. 22nd, 28th, Feb 5th, 12th at the Parish Center Basement. $50 per couple. Childcare available upon request. To register, call Robert Fontana (licensed marriage therapist, associate) at 509-731-6012

Mass and March for Life
Join others Catholics from around the state at the annual Mass and March for Life. Archbishop Sartain will preside at the Mass at St. Martin's in Lacey at 9am. The March begins at 12pm on the Capitol Steps in Olympia January 22nd. To reserve a spot on the bus, contact Rose at 206-475-9333.

Young Adult Social January 27th
6:30-8:00 PM (after the 5:30 PM Mass), Walmesley Center
Tell young adults about an opportunity to gather and get to know one another better, and talk about future events and activities. Come for an evening of food, drink, and fellowship. RSVP online

Save the Date: OLG Day of Service is April 21st, 2018
School Fund Drive Update
A huge gratitude of thanks is due to our school and parish families for helping us to raise over $58,000 towards our goal of $80,000! We are 73% of the way to our goal! Pledges and donations are still coming in, so that number will continue to rise. Thank you!!

If you haven’t yet made a pledge for your family, you can do so with an email to Carrie Morrisey or make a donation here .

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651