Principal's Letter
Dear OLG Families,

Our final weeks of Lent are upon us. The last Lenten Fish Fry is this Friday night and then we enter the holiest time of the church year. Easter is coming! For Christians we recall Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday this Sunday), The Last Supper (Holy Thursday and our Soup Supper), Good Friday (and our school and parish's Stations of the Cross), and Easter. True, we are excited by the prospects of Spring Break, however the events of Holy Week should remind us of the importance of this time to deepen our faith. Join us as a family at Our Thursday Soup Supper (5:30pm) and our Friday Stations of the Cross (11:15am). Continue the celebration with the rest of our parish through the whole Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter).

A couple other reminders for this week and next... Please complete a brief survey on the Auction to provide feedback and help us improve on a great event. Report Cards for Trimester 2 will be sent home with students next Thursday the 29th (as will a note about your re-registration status). Also school dismisses at noon on Friday the 30th. Read on for more info on our current happenings and to look ahead... many events coming up including several exciting new social opportunities (baseball games, dinners-out, Cultural Night, etc)!

Yours in Christ,

Anton Kramer
School Happenings
Re-registration Deadline
March 28th

Thank you to families who have completed registration for the 2018-19 school year! If you haven't registered yet, the deadline is less than a week away. Don't wait! Currently we are forming waitlists for new families entering Pre-K and 3rd Grade. Returning families, please make sure you complete these 3 ACTION ITEMS BY MARCH 28th:

  1. Complete the school's online registration
  2. Sign and return your child's Student Profile to the office. (The Student Profile is in paper form. If you need another copy of your child's Student Profile, contact Laura Wong or Shelley Bradley or click here for a blank copy) .
  3. Pay registration fees by check to the school office by March 28th. Registration fees are as follows:

  • Preschool/Pre-K (ELC) $150 per student
  • Entering grades K-8 $250 per student
  • Classroom auction fee $15 per student

If you fully register by March 28th (pay registration fees + online registration completed + Student Profile returned to office), deduct $50 from your family's registration payment!

If you need more time to pay registration fees, pay 1/2 of the registration fees by March 28th and the second half by April 18th. The online registration and Student Profile are still due March 28th so we have accurate counts! More information is available on our admissions website here. If you have questions, please contact Laura Wong or Shelley Bradley.
Important Dates
Friday Mar. 23rd
Fish Fry Friday 6:00-8:00 PM
at Walmesley Center (gym)

Holy Week (See parish calendar !)

Thursday, Mar. 29th
Holy Thursday Soup Supper 5:30-7:00 PM at the School Hall
Bring your soup bowl and spoon to soup supper at 5:30 PM, and bring your Rice Bowl check/cash donation to Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:00 PM

Friday, Mar. 30th
Good Friday and Half Day

Saturday, Mar. 31st
OLG Chorus at the Mariners
Our 4th & 5th graders performs the national anthem at Safeco Field. Thanks for buying tickets and see you at the ball game!

Apr. 2nd to Apr, 6th
Spring Break
No School
See you Monday, March 9th

Tues-Wed, Apr. 10-11th
Class Pictures
Students in full uniform. (8th grade special dress on Wednesday)

Sunday, Apr. 15th
Coffee & Doughnuts after Mass at the Walmesley Center
By 3rd grade
Sunday, Apr. 15th
Over 65 Dinner 12:30-2:30 at the School Hall

Tuesday, Apr. 17th
Parent Org Meeting 6:30 PM   in the Math Lab
Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, Apr. 19th
OLG Dinner Night Out 5:00-8:00 PM at Great American Diner & Bar
10% of all sales donated to OLG!

Saturday, Apr. 21st
OLG Day of Service

Saturday, Apr. 28th
Cultural Night 5:30 PM at the Walmesley Center
The Celebration of Uniting Cultures! Sign up to perform or volunteer
OLG Day of Service
Join us on Saturday, April 21st as we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing God's love to our greater community. Times and activities are designed to fit a variety of schedules and needs.  

See projects available here and register by April 1st. Spots are filling up fast with one site already full. Sign up now to get your first preference.   Registration deadline is April 1.
Classroom News
4th Grade Class visits VA Hospital
Thoughts from the students:

“I spoke with a lady who is the last of her family to still be alive…. 

My person couldn’t move so well, so I helped him play BINGO…. 

I gave a card to a man who said he saves every note and drawing he receives and plans to create a card wall when he gets home…. 

My person has been in the long-term care unit for seven years….

I talked with a man who speaks three languages….

I met a man who fixed airplanes, just like grandpa.”  
Fourth graders visit the VA Hospital’s long-term care facility as part of their service commitment to support veterans and those who serve our country through military service. They are able to connect with the Works of Mercy we study in class, “visit the sick” and practice the ministry of being present to one another… simply showing up, sitting beside, listening to and speaking with.   Fourth graders eat lunch, play BINGO, give cards and visit, all simple acts. Thank you, fourth graders and their parents, for being role models for kindness.  -- Catherine Wilson
Spring Extracurricular
Reserve your spot now
Classes begin after spring break
Sign up here to perform in The Jungle Book, or build your child's STEM skills while they build with Legos, or discover M asterpieces in Art inspired by Monet, Matisse and Cezanne with Smart with Art.

Find out more on our web site, and contact Laura Wong with questions.
Parent Org Updates
Auction Survey

Tell us what you thought of this year’s Roaring 20’s auction by taking this very brief survey. Your feedback will help us as we begin planning for next year’s event!
Spirit Gear - ORDERS DUE March 29th 3:00PM

Get your OLG 3/4 sleeve t-shirt for spring or that OLG hoody for rainy weather! Submit your order form and check payment to the OLG front office. Orders take 2-3 weeks to process.

Next opportunity to order will be School Supply Drop Off Night in August. Questions? Contact Grace Corpuz
SCRIP – Thank you to those of you who have registered for EScrip! Scrip is a simple way to earn extra dollars for the Parent Org and our School! Join EScrip today!

SCRIP Gift Card Update!
A few changes to note... if you like to use paper checks and paper order forms, we are now accepting Scrip orders the first Friday of every month. Turn SCRIP order forms in anytime during the month, but everything will be processed that "first Friday". We are hoping this allows families to better plan ahead for the month and make their card purchases all at once. Please email Danielle with questions.

Can't wait for paper and mailed cards?  EScrip is active! Sign up for an account that links you to Scrip so you can order conveniently from home anytime, recharge current scrip cards, or download scrip directly to your phone or printer! Our school enrollment code is  C5687EF41L6L2. It takes a few steps to get it going, but once you're up and running you can be standing in the cashier line and download the scrip directly to your phone to make your purchase count... no extra cost to you!
Pizza Friday
Are you looking for ways to complete your commitment hours for this year?
You are always welcome to help serve pizza on Pizza Fridays, it's a fun and easy way to earn an hour (11:15am-12:15pm) of volunteer time per week. Contact Jennifer Dempsey for more information. 
Save the Date

COFFEE & DONUTS after the Masses in the School Hall – 3rd grade – Apr. 15th

Next PO Meeting & Auction Meeting - Tuesday,  Apr. 17th  6:30 pm in the Math Lab. All are welcome to attend!

Multicultural Potluck and Festival - OLG Walmesley Center - Apr. 28th 5:30 pm
OLG Parish News
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl: Encounter our Neighbors
We encounter Jesus this week in Jerusalem, a community he knew well. We prayerfully enter our own communities too, encountering those who are hungry and thirsty, those who need our help. How does our Lenten journey motivate us to serve those we meet in our daily lives?  Visit for more. Did you know that 25% of Rice Bowl donations stays in our Archdiocese for local hunger relief efforts? That amounted to over $125,000 in 2017!  The Missions Office gave out over 270 grants, including two to OLG for our Peace Garden and our Community Vegetable Garden.  Click for a full list of grantees.

Remember to bring your Rice Bowls to Mass on Holy Thursday. It helps our counters if you can write a check or give cash instead of turning in loose coins. Thank you for your generosity!
Come Enjoy a Community Meal
New to OLG? Looking for a way to connect? Like food? All the above? Join us for the Community Meal, a free, restaurant-style meal served in the Walmesley Center. This month you can enjoy some homemade spaghetti sauce over noodles, salad, bread, fruit and, of course, dessert! All are welcome from 1-2pm THIS Sunday, March 25th.
Create Your Own Ethical Easter Basket
Fill your Easter basket with goodies that do good. Visit the Catholic Relief Services Ethical Trade website for ethically-made baskets, eggs, chocolates, bunnies, and more. Looking for ideas? Try a basket that can be used all year, line your basket with an eco-friendly fabric, and/or fill your basket with fair trade chocolate! 
Anti-Racism Networking Gathering
The Church Council of Greater Seattle invites all who want to pursue anti-racism work with their faith community to the 2 nd quarterly Anti-Racism Networking Gathering on Saturday, April 14th from 9:30am-12pm at Columbia City Church of Hope (3818 S. Angeline St., Seattle 98118). RSVP to: Childcare may be available upon request. 

Youth Mental Health First Aid
St. Luke Parish in Shoreline is hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid training on April 15 and 22, 2018 from 1-5 PM. This is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders for youth.  More details here
School Fund Drive Update:
Our School Fund Drive provides $80,000 in tuition assistance to help our school be w elcoming to all , plus funds our Teacher Excellence Award and other professional development. Make your donation or pledge payment today. The Fund Drive ends with our fiscal year on June 30th.
If you have questions, contact Carrie Morrissey

Our Lady of Guadalupe,  Pray for Us!

Our Lady Guadalupe Catholic School
3401 SW Myrtle St. Seattle, WA 98126
office 206-935-0651