Vol. 3: No. 48 | December 24, 2021
Festivities From the Children's Room
Try out a GoPro action camera from our Library of Things! Use while skiing, hiking or biking. Of course, you don't have to be a movie stunt person to enjoy it. Check it out and see!
Cookbook Available Now! Great for a Holiday Gift!

A Taste of Hudson New Hampshire is a recent compilation of all recipe types contributed by folks who live and work right here in Hudson! 

Each cookbook is $10 and ALL proceeds will go directly to Hudson's local food pantry. 

If you would like to purchase this book, please see a librarian at the Circulation Desk.
We offer Consumer Reports on our website, which you can check from home!! Get recent reviews and articles. Just sign in with your library card and explore!

Mittens, Gloves, and Hats Donation Drive
Bring new mittens, gloves, hats and scarves to the Reference Desk now through December.

Handmade and store bought items welcome. Donations will be given to local charitable organizations.

While you are here, admire the Mitten Tree, decorated with items made by our Friday Stitchers Group.
Upcoming Events
Sing-A-Long at Fairview
Tuesday, December 28 @ 3pm
Join library staff for a Holiday Sing-A-Long with the residents at The Inn at Fairview. Come in the main entrance, on the side of the building closest to Market Basket, before 2pm and take the elevator downstairs to the program room. Song books with lyrics are provided.

203 Lowell Road, Hudson NH
Evening Book Discussion:
What Have You Read Lately??
Thursday, January 6 @ 7pm
Join us in the Library's Community Room on Thursday evening January 6th at 7pm for the group's Annual Book Recommendation Talk! What books have you read that you think others might love (or NOT love!)?? Share your opinions! The host will compile a book list based on the discussion which will be shared with participants following the event. Register now!
First Friday Tech Chats:
Password Managers
Friday, January 7 @ 11am
ONLINE EVENT. Join us on the first Friday of each month on Zoom for a Tech Talk.

This session: We'll take a look at steps you can take to strengthen your online security, including password management.

Registration required to receive a link to the event.
Alcohol Ink Tote Bags
Saturday, January 8 @ 10am
Decorate a cloth tote bag using alcohol ink and fabric pens. Come between 10-11:30 to decorate your bag. Supplies are limited. Register to reserve a bag.
Normal Library Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 
9am - 5pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: CLOSED