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Presbytery of Southern Kansas


Windows Galore

From Transitional Executive Presbyter Gail Doering's visit to First Presbyterian Church in Lyons.

Prayer Focus Church - March 3, 2022

Church Body: Presbytery of Southern Kansas

Mission Focus: Equip, support, and encourage congregations, pastors, and leaders.

Prayer Request: Remember our new Moderator, Melissa Krabbe and Moderator-Elect, Jeremiah Lange. Continue to pray for the staff and leaders involved in a variety of transitions in and around the Presbytery.


Prayer written by theologian/ethicist Stanley Hauerwas

A Prayer for Ukraine

God, we are angry and frightened. We know you created us for peace, but our world is just so violent... so we are angry and frightened. We ask your comfort for those violated. We ask your justice for those whose souls are so numb they cannot feel the pain they inflict. They need you most of all. Violate them with your terrible grace, that they may feel again. And make us your peace; rob us of the violence of our privileges, that we may be a refuge so that such evil can come to an end. Amen.

PC(USA) Seeking Support for Humanitarian Response to Ukraine


In the midst of the chaos in the refugee crisis, there are sibling churches and ecumenical partners to the PC(USA) who are already providing assistance with basic items for survival. Initial assistance being provided includes shelter, food, clothing, blankets, baby food and diapers, other hygiene supplies, flashlights and candles, generators and fuel.

The first priority of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is to provide funding to these partners on the ground. While the scale of this crisis is new, receiving refugees from Ukraine and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe is not, which means we have trusted, established partners with the knowledge and expertise to carry out this important work. In fact, One Great Hour of Sharing — the single largest way that Presbyterians come together every year to provide hope, help and relief — was started in response to refugees coming out of Europe.

Click the link below and stand in the "GAP" - Give. Act. Pray.

Click HERE to read more and give.

Goodbyes are not easy...


Jan Lane began the next phase of her calling (retirement) on March 1. We send her well wishes and prayers for many years of mowed lawns, service to her Methodist church and leisure time with friends and family. We continue to encourage everyone to wish her well in ways that express your appreciation of all that she has done for PSK.  

Starting Tuesday, we will not yet have the new Administrative Assistant in place. If you need anything, please call Rev. Gail Doering, Transitional Executive Leader, 925-852-7481. We are in the process of getting a phone system that will link the office number directly to a live phone line during non-office hours. (The new AA will most likely work and answer phones 10-2 or 9-2). We will keep you regularly posted on our hiring process and progress.  

If you know someone who is interested and qualified, we once again ask you to direct them to the link below. 

Transitions are NEVER easy, but we persevere in faith, hope, and love.

Click HERE for the job description link

Leader Formation Webinar for Deacons and Ruling Elders


The Office of the General Assembly is sponsoring a webinar, “Investing in Ruling Elders and Deacons: Good Stewards of God’s Grace,” Wednesday, March 30, from 7:00–8:30 pm Eastern, focused on the spiritual leadership of ruling elders and deacons in a variety of worship settings. Deepen your understanding of the Service for the Lord’s Day; services of ordination, installation, and commissioning; the extended service of communion; and other ministries of compassion and care with those who are sick, homebound, or hospitalized. The webinar leader is David Gambrell, Associate for Worship in the PC(USA)’s Office of Theology and Worship.

Your per capita dollars are funding this event and there is no cost to participants, but registration is required. So that interpretation in Spanish and Korean can be provided for those requesting it, you must register by March 23 to allow time for arrangements to be made.

If you cannot participate in the live event, there is no need to register in order to access the recording in English afterwards.

Click HERE for more information and to register

Girls Day Out - Saturday, April 23, 2022

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Have you been missing the opportunity to share time in person with friends and family? Many of us have. All the women in Southern Kansas are invited to come together for a "Girl's Day Out" to tell our stories of the last two years. What have you done to keep in touch with people? How have you celebrate special events? Who has helped you the most? Time to talk, laugh, pray, and look forward.

Here's the plan: Load up your car with all your friends, drive to Wichita, spend two hours in a time of conversation, sharing, laughing, praying, and looking ahead.

Then share a luncheon together and spend the rest of the day shopping, visiting friends, a movie, or heading home refreshed and looking forward to new opportunities

Look for more details soon!

Synod of Mid-America News

Comfort My People

A Retreat for the Development of Mental Health Ministries

Mental health crises in our congregations and communities are increasing and Matthew 25 reminds us that we are to minister to those in need.

Join your colleagues in a retreat that will provide the time and resources for developing a mental health ministry specific to your context.

Dates: March 21‐23

Location: Heartland Presbyterian Center,

Parkville, MO (greater Kansas City)

Cost: There is no cost for those who have attended one of the mental health webinars in the past year. Otherwise, the cost is $50.00 per person. REGISTER BY MARCH 7th.

Click HERE to register
Click HERE for the Conference details

Spirit of Stewardship Conference

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Make plans to attend this regional stewardship event seeking to nurture, educate, and inspire faithful financial discipleship and promote meaningful holistic approaches to stewardship. 

When: Friday and Saturday, April 1-2, 2022 (note date change!). Registration deadline is March 21st

 Where: First Presbyterian Church, Lee's Summit, MO


Keynote Speakers:

Rev. Dr. Scott McKenzie, CFRE Partner and Sr. Vice President of Horizons Stewardship

Kristine Miller, CFRE Partner and Sr. Vice President of Horizons Stewardship

Worship Leader: Rev. Laura Frazey, Pastor/Head of Staff, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Wichita, KS


Sponsors: Presbyteries of Heartland, Missouri Union, Northern Kansas and Southern Kansas, Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy

Click HERE for the event website, including registration

Articles, Newsletters, Webinars

Webinar - The Center for Healthy Churches

The Changing Church Webinar Series is free to all church leaders, members, and advocates. In response to the growing challenges facing Ministers and Congregations, an ecumenical collaboration of organizations that focus on church health is working together to offer practical content to help congregations be the Church in the midst of a changing world.

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Theologian's Almanac for Week of March 6, 2022

Welcome to SALT's "Theologian's Almanac," a weekly selection of important birthdays, holidays, and other upcoming milestones worth marking - specially created for a) writing sermons and prayers, b) creating content for social media channels, and c) enriching your devotional life.

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Horizon Stewardship Newsletter

Articles and ideas from Horizon Stewardship

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