January 4, 2023

JOY to the World!

Principal's Message

Dear St. Philip Neri School Families,

Happy New Year! We sincerely hope that you all enjoyed the beauty of the Christmas holiday and will be blessed with good health and great joy in 2023. The word “joy” is packed with such loving power, and I remind myself daily that St. Philip Neri is the Patron Saint of joy. This always puts a smile on my face and reminds me, as St. Philip Neri said: “Find Joy in Each Day.” When I find that joy, I say a prayer of thanksgiving because joy is the manifestation of God in our lives.

Those of you who join us at the “big school” for morning assembly know that our Student Leadership Council ends each assembly with a Joke of the Day. During the Fall, the SLC created a Joke Box in the Office, and students (and staff) have been submitting joke suggestions for morning assembly. This is one little way that we begin our day with a smile and a chuckle, a little joy. We all know that how we begin our day can have a powerful impact on how the rest of the day will unfold. Our intention is to maximize the joy in our lives. Especially in the midst of dark times, acknowledging the light and support of those who help, reminds us that even in our darkest moments, God’s love and joy are present.

As we carefully monitor the weather pattern over the course of the next week, we will have many opportunities to find joy in each day. As rainy, dark and cloudy as it gets, we will see little glimmers of sunlight, a break in the storm just like we will find many little reasons to be joyful and grateful. Remember, too, how you may be the joy and light, for someone else. In some of our darkest moments, we can be reassured that the light, the joy, is there, it’s just hidden.

In Faith, Hope and Love,

Ms. Thomas


Focus on HOPE: Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

Psalm 31:24

Joyful Volunteers!

We are thrilled to announce that Monica Burneikis and Zane Howard, parents of Zyna (gr. 1) and Mazzee (gr. 3), have graciously agreed to co-chair our SPN Auction 2023 set for March 11! Formerly known as the Crab Feed, the Auction is our single most important fundraiser of the year. Proceeds support our school’s operating budget and fund special programs or projects. Stay tuned for requests for volunteer and donation opportunities, and of course, mark your calendars for March 11!

We are also very blessed to have a new parent, Justina Iglesia, mother of Jake (TK) and Julian (gr. 1) take on the role of Lead Art Docent this year. With a background in studio Art and childhood education, Justina is a knowledgeable and welcome addition to our Art Docent program. We value the arts in education, and the Art Docent program enhances our curriculum at all grade levels.

Thank you Monica, Zane, and Justina for taking on these leadership roles as VIP’s (Very Important Parents) at SPN. We appreciate you and all of our parent volunteers!

Information and Updates

  • Have you completed your volunteer hours?: As we approach the halfway mark for the 2022-23 school year we want to remind families about your commitment to complete 20 hours of volunteering (25 if doing sports). How do you find volunteer opportunities? You may contact the PTG at spn.ptg.alameda@gmail.com, and/or keep an eye out for volunteering asks in this newsletter (like the one below)! View the SPN Volunteer Requirements here, and log your hours using the Volunteer Hours Log Sheet.
  • Choice Lunch Volunteers Needed: Work a lunch shift and earn a free lunch for your student! 11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. M-F slots available. See sign up sheet here and contact parent Janelle Sheets (jtpaws@hotmail.com) for details.
  • Chess Club: 1st - 5th grade students are welcome to enroll in the after school Chess Club which meets Thursdays 3:15p.m. - 4:15p.m. from January 16th- March 16th. This club is offered onsite at SPN by the Berkeley Chess School. See flyer below for details or click here to register.
  • Pajama Day Wednesday, January 18th: The next SLC spirit day is anything but a snoozer! Pajamas (no slippers, please - real shoes needed for school) of all stripes and patterns are welcome! Free dress rules apply.
  • Looking for a past newsletter? Check out our Newsletter Archives on our website.
  • COVID Update: Thank you for providing test results for our 2023 return! We have three active Covid cases.

School Happenings

1st Graders visit the library.


January 2023

Jan 10 - PTG meeting

Jan 11 - Information Night (Admissions)

Jan 13 - NO SCHOOL: Elementary Staff Day - No Share and Care

Jan 16 - NO SCHOOL: MLK Holiday - No Share and Care

Jan 18 - Pajama Day

Jan 20 - 8th Grade Portraits

Jan 24 - Free Dress for January Bdays

Jan 25 - NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD

Jan 29 - Kick-off Catholic Schools Week - All School Mass

Jan 29 - Feb 3 - Catholic School Week

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