January 18, 2023

Principal's Message

Dear families,

The legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is still a guiding light for those seeking justice and peace in the world. This month SPN teachers have focused lessons on Martin Luther King, Jr. - who he was, why he is so important to our country and our history, and why his messages of peace and non-violence, along with his advocacy for income and racial equality, are as pertinent as ever. I never cease to discover something new and inspiring about Dr. King, whether through a quote of his or anecdote about his life and his work. He continues to provide us with guidance and courage to do the right thing. As he said to a crowd at UC Berkeley in the 1960’s, “The time is always right to do what is right.”  

Let us all remember this message as we make choices and decisions throughout our days. Dr. King's faith shows us that as we do the right thing we make manifest God’s love and glory in the world.


Ms. Thomas

Focus on HOPE: “Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Psalm 25:5

Special Catholic Schools Week Volunteer Announcement

Calling All SPN Volunteers!

This year Catholic Schools Week kicks off on 1/29/23.

The PTG needs your help to celebrate our amazing community. 

  • 1/29/23: Volunteer to help with refreshments for the open house, and for drink donations.
  • 1/31/23: Volunteer to deliver treats to our SPN students.
  • 2/3/23: Volunteer in an SPN classroom. Volunteers will provide supervision for their class during recess and an activity in the classroom.
  • Wait - there's more! Check out our new volunteer portal which makes signing up for events super easy! To volunteer, click on the link below. Scroll down to the PTG section and Catholic Schools Week.


 If you have any questions please email the PTG at: spn.ptg.alameda@gmail.com

Information and Updates

  • Open House: All current and interested SPN students and families are invited to visit classrooms and teachers during our Open House on Sunday, January 29th! Families are invited to attend 9a.m. Mass and then visit classrooms after Mass concludes.
  • 8th Grade Portraits - Friday, January 20th: 8th grade portrait photos will be taken on campus this Friday starting at 9a.m. Information on what to wear was emailed out directly to 8th grade families yesterday.
  • Sports Photo Day Wednesday, January 25th: Please see details in Sports Section below.
  • Register for Spring Sports: Use this link to register for Track and Field, Girls basketball, and Sand Volleyball. See special sports section below for a fun new face!
  • Choice Lunch Volunteers Needed: Work a lunch shift and earn a free lunch for your student! 11:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. M-F slots available. See sign up sheet here and contact parent Janelle Sheets (jtpaws@hotmail.com) for details.
  • Looking for a past newsletter? Check out our Newsletter Archives on our website.
  • COVID Update: We have had 4 Covid cases since Tuesday, January 10, 2023.

SPN 2023 Spartan Masquerade Auction - You are Invited!

Spartan Sports Section

SPN's mighty new mascot made an appearance at last Thursday's morning assembly to a rousing reception! Our Athletic Co-Directors are working on the voting for this giant Spartan's name. Students will weigh-in on the choices this week. Spike? Sparkles? Spiro?

5th and 8th Grade Volleyball - an "epic" weekend!

Friday night, the 5th grade Team White won against St Theresa in impressive fashion. After losing the first set, they came back strong to win the next two.

5th Grade team Green overcame a 19-23 deficit to win the first set and dominated the second set to a Victory.

8th Grade earned a decisive win against Corpus Christi in 2 Straight sets.

5th grade Volleyball Team White and Team Green faced off this weekend for the 2nd time. While Team White won the first match-up in December, Team Green won last weekend.

Register for Spring Sports: Use this link to register for Track and Field, Girls basketball, and Sand Volleyball. Go Spartans!

Sports Photos next Wednesday, January 15th: 

SPN athletes will be photographed next Wednesday starting at 12:15p.m. in O’Brien Hall. Athletes need to bring their team uniforms to school and can change into them prior to taking pictures. Photos will start with 8th grade teams and continue on down, finishing with Cross Country (XC). Parents with children in Share & Care should communicate with their coach and Mr. Croft to coordinate the check in and check out from Share&Care.

The photos will occur in 15 minutes increments, starting at 12:15:

8th Grade - Boys BB and Girls VB

7th Grade - Boys BB and Girls VB

6th Grade - Boys BB

5th Grade - Girls VB

4th Grade - Boys BB

3rd Grade - Boys BB


School Happenings

2nd Grade Continent Presentations

SPN gets a greenhouse!

Scout Troop 78, led by Henri Elkaim, spent MLK Day of Service assembling a greenhouse in the SPN Garden. 5th graders got to try it out today - in their pjs!

Stay tuned for a family workday this Spring.

Contact Ms. Kristen at ksmeal@csdo.org if you'd like to volunteer in the garden. 


January/February 2023

Jan 18 - Pajama Day

Jan 20 - 8th Grade Portraits

Jan 24 - Free Dress for January Bdays

Jan 25 - NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD

Jan 25 - Sports Photo Day

Jan 29 - Kick-off Catholic Schools Week - All School Mass

Jan 29 - Open House begins after 9a.m. Mass

Jan 29 - Feb 3 - Catholic School Week

Feb 7 - PTG Meeting 7pm

Feb 14 - St. Valentine's Day red/white/pink free dress

Feb 17 - Noon dismissal

Feb 20 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day holiday, NO SHARE & CARE

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