October 17, 2023

Principal's Message

You Are Invited

Dear SPN Families,

We are so happy to invite our families in grades Kindergarten through Fifth Grade to join the classroom teachers and myself for a conversation on “Setting Up Students for Success in School,” Thursday, October 26, in O’Brien Hall, 6:30-7:30 p.m. As promised last week, here are the topics the teachers will present:

  • “Partners in Education”
  • “Effectively Communicating with Teachers”
  • “The Value of Routine”
  • “Know Your Students’ Needs: Resist Over-Scheduling”
  • “Developmental Appropriateness”
  • ”Helping Students Self Advocate” 
  • “Restorative Conversations: How We Address Student Conflict at School”

We will have ample time for questions and discussion with parents. We will be serving light refreshments, so we ask you to kindly RSVP so we can plan accordingly for the refreshments and seating. We hope you can join us, and you’ll earn an hour for volunteering if you attend. Please respond here!

Our Student Leadership Council (SLC) is commemorating the month of October by leading the Morning Assembly in saying the Rosary. This week and next week volunteer students in grades 1-8 will lead us in 5 Hail Mary’s and additional prayers so that we complete an entire Rosary over the 10 school days. The Rosary is a powerful devotion to Mary that provides us with peace by focusing on the most significant events in the life of Christ. The Rosary has been a great source of comfort and strength to the faithful for over 400 years.

Please read through this Newsletter for important information and events coming up.

Blessings and Peace,

Ms. Thomas

Annual Fund  Campaign Grade Level Competition

Our Annual Fund Campaign runs from October 15-November 15. Our goal is to raise $50,000 with the support of parishioners, relatives and friends as well as 100% participation by all school families. Our Grade Level Competition kicked off Monday, October 16, with the following percentages per grade level (all siblings are credited with a family’s donation): any class showing 100% participation by November 15 will earn a pizza party and free dress on Friday, November 17.

Thank you for supporting our Annual Fund.

As of October 16:

Preschool: 9%

TK: 25%

K: 27%

1: 23%

2: 12%

3: 17%

4: 28%

5: 13%

6: 23%

7: 23%

8: 15%

Covid Info

There have been zero (0) COVID cases since October 1, 2023.

Please continue to conduct Daily Health Screenings and inform the school office of any exposure or positive cases.



October 2023

October 17 - AB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

October 17 - Free dress for October birthdays

October 20 - Make-up Photo Day

October 21 - Adult Bingo Night, 6:00 p.m.

October 23-27 - Caritas - 8th Grade Retreat

October 23 - SAB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

October 26 - K-5 Town Hall Meeting, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

October 31 - Noon Dismissal, Halloween Parade, 8:15 a.m.

November 2023

November 1 - All School Mass: All Saints Day, 9:30 a.m.

November 2 - Mini Maker's Fair, 5:00-7:00 p.m.

November 5 - Rite of Enrollment - Family Mass Hosted by Grades 5 & 6, 9:00 a.m.

November 7 - Chipotle Fundraising

November 7 - PTG Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

November 8 - Information Night for Prospective Families, 7:00-8:00 p.m.

November 9 - End of First Trimester

November 10 - NO SCHOOL: Veterans Day Observed - No Share and Care

November 12 - Scholastic Book Fair First Day

November 14 - Free Dress for Nov Birthdays

November 14 - AB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

November 15 - Noon Dismissal / Professional Development Day

November 16 - Catholic School Principal Appreciation Day

November 17 - Report Card Day

November 20-24 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL - No Share and Care

November 27 - SAB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

November 30 - School Spirit Day - Pajama Day

December 2023

December 8 - All School Mass: Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 9:30 a.m.

December 12 - Free Dress for December Birthdays

December 12 - AB Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

December 14 - Christmas Concert, 7:00 p.m. Students' Attendance Required

December 20 - Christmas Free Dress

December 20 - Noon Dismissal - No Share and Care

December 21 - January 3 - Christmas Break: NO SCHOOL - No Share and Care

K-5 Town Hall Meeting

RSVP here!

The Great American Shakeout

This Thursday, October 19, along with several other schools and organizations across the globe, St. Philip Neri will be participating in the Great Shakeout. The earthquake drill is part of our monthly practice in emergency drills, to help prepare our faculty, staff, and students in the event of an evacuation (fire), earthquake, shelter-in-place, or any other scenario that would warrant the implementation of our schoolwide safety plan. 

The SPN Emergency Safety Committee wanted to share some earthquake preparedness links and resources for discussing a natural disaster with your child(ren). 

American Red Cross- Earthquake Safety

Earthquake Safety Checklist

Ready Kids- FEMA

California Earthquake Authority

School Picture Make-Up Day

Students who missed our school picture day in September will have a chance to get their photo taken this Friday, October 2023. Please make sure that your child wears their white SPN polo shirt and their navy blue cardigan.

Families who wish to have their children's photo retaken will need to return the entire photo package to be eligible. Please let Ms. Andie know by Thursday afternoon if you are planning get your child's photo retaken.

Halloween Candy Donations

Our Student Leadership Council is looking for donations of candy to be used for the Halloween Carnival, on Tuesday, October 31, hosted by the SLC. Please check the ingredients as we can accept only peanut free confections. Thank you for your cooperation.

MakerSpace Needs Twisty Ties

The SPN MakerSpace is seeking twist ties for a project! Please put them in the box near the front office between now and October 31! 

Please contact Ms. Smeal with any questions.

Annual First Grade Pumpkin Project

Mrs. Russi's class recently participated in the annual First Grade Pumpkin Planting Project. Students saved scraps from their snacks and placed them in a pumpkin, which was buried in the SPN Garden. Students will dig it up on Earth Day 2024 to see what remains. A wonderful lesson in decomposition that fits in nicely with our schoolwide focus on taking care of the Earth. 

Athletic News

All our runners did such a great job at the Joaquin Miller Park meet last Friday Night! I am so proud of all of you.  For the standings from the race K-2 Girls Annamarie was 18th and Sadie Weesner 27th; K-2 Boys Sirvon Toner was 1st and Jimmy Toner 30th. 3-5 Girls Claire Fisher 16th; 3-5 Boys Cole Castelaz was 6th. 6-8 Girls Clara Castelaz was 3rd and Alyssa Ragasa 20th and 6-8 Boys Ronin Sturlini was 14th. I won't know the team standings until Monday. Great Job to all and thank you parents especially Nick DeGolia for helping me find my keys!  We are super relieved to announce that AJ's injury was not a break or sprain. I think all our hearts sank with worry when we saw him. So, feel better AJ! 

Coach Elaine

Mini Makers' Fair

SPN's annual Mini Makers' Faire will be on Thursday Nov 2nd from 5-7pm at O'Brien Hall. 

Please sign up to volunteer here and donate supplies here.

We are also collecting gently used toys for up-cycling and small household appliances for electronics take apart. A collection box will be set out the week of Oct 23nd. 

Please contact Helen Wang (Alexandra, K and Maxwell, 2) or Elaine Mendes (Zeke, 3) with any questions.

Scholastic Book Fair

Dear SPN Families:

I’m excited to announce that our school will be hosting our Annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair, which will take place from NOVEMBER 13 through NOVEMBER 17 at O’BRIEN HALL.

For students, it’s one of the most anticipated events of the school year—but we need volunteers to make it happen. We hope that you can offer your time and talents to help students experience Bookjoy firsthand! And every purchase at the Fair directly benefits our school. So, it’s a win-win!

If you’re available to lend a hand at this upcoming event, please visit the sign-up page at: https://bit.ly/3RnJ7ka or scan the QR code below:

Opportunities to assist include:

  • Setup/Decorating the Fair
  • Helping shoppers at the Fair
  • Checkout
  • Strike Down/Packing up the Fair

I look forward to hearing from you.


Benjamin Yee

(Joshua, 4)

A New Way to Earn Volunteer Hours & Link to Log Hours

Families can now get volunteer hours for buying items from Grade Level and Department Amazon Wishlists. You will get 1 volunteer hour for every $20 spent. If the class does not have any items available on their list, Amazon gift cards are welcome, too!

Please include a gift receipt so we know who to thank!

Please contact Ms. Trujillo with any questions.




1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade





Office/Shared Areas



Share & Care

Lunch Servers Needed

Help serve lunch. Please contact Janelle Sheets with any questions.

Log your volunteers hours HERE! Please contact Ms. Trujillo for help.


Please join these 8th Grade fundraisers. Contact Grace Condez (Kaleb, 8 and Katelyn, 6) with any questions.


Please stay tuned for more information on our upcoming ofrenda.

Contact Justine Lazaro (Orion, 2 and Phoenix, 4) with any questions.

High School Admission News

After School Activities

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We would love to have you as a part of our social media community.

It only takes a few seconds to join.

Check us out on Instagram at “spnalameda”.

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