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Wednesday March 23rd, 2022 Edition

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Sunday, March 27th - Worship with us!

9 AM: Online or In-Person Worship

10:30 AM: In-Person Worship


**The Final Boarding Call has been extended!! Don't miss out on such a special trip!!***

On Saturday, March 26th at 7:00 PM the Fellowship Team is sponsoring a virtual travel opportunity. Participants are asked to submit a photo (or two) of some site in the USA/World they have visited or dreamed of visiting. Or skip this step and just join for the fun of it. Participants will be challenged to identify as many of the proffered sites as they can. The sites need not be as obvious as the US Capitol Building but not so difficult as Coki Beach in St. Thomas, USVI. 

Please sign-up HERE and send your photograph(s) [and description(s)] to the church office by tonight (3/23)! A special surprise guest will be making an appearance. So, plan to join in to find out who it is! 

Contact Ann Hall, John Hall, or the church office if you have questions

Don't forget that our Bake Sale and Meal Auction will be happening THIS SUNDAY, March 27th, all morning long!

Bake Sale

  • You will be able to purchase some treats in the Commons. Your sweet tooth will thank you!
  • We need some bakers to bring said sweet treats! Please consider providing baked goods & other foods for this sale. You can drop off your goodies in the Commons that morning or in the church kitchen beforehand.

Meal Auction

  • There will be meals up for (silent) auction, provided by members of Aldersgate.
  • Want to help provide a meal for the auction? Round up a couple of friends and grab a bid sheet, either at the Information Desk or the church office

Questions? Contact Donna Massey for more information. Come hungry & help support our next Numana event!

Our Children's Lenten Fair is on Saturday, April 9th from 10-11:30 AM at Aldersgate.

There will be an Easter Egg Hunt, crafts, activities, and even a chance to take your picture with the Easter Bunny!

Lunch will also be provided at the event. Don't miss out on some Easter fun & learning!

**We are still looking for peanut-free candy for the event! Please place your donations in the purple bin in the church office**

The Men's Group is looking forward to getting back on track with the AUMC Tradition of providing breakfast to the Easter Sunrise Service attendees. If you are willing to rise and shine early on April 17 and can help make this happen please contact John Hall, Curt Showalter or the church office by April 3rd so appropriate plans can be made.

On behalf of Barb McEver, the rest of the Project 1020 Board and volunteers, and most of all the guests/clients we serve, thank you for raising $6,565 through your Christmas offering. This is just so amazing and we are so humbled that you chose our organization to support.

Without such a strong community of donors, many people experiencing homelessness would go without the life-saving help you allow us to provide. So again, thank you very much.


Cyndi White, Treasurer, Project 1020

Spiritually Alive

Be sure to send the church office pictures of your plants sprouting!

The Nominating Committee is looking for someone to fulfill the role of Lay Delegate to the Annual Conference for 2022-2024. This is our official connection to the Great Plains Conference. 

This year's Annual Conference is being held in La Vista, Nebraska (a suburb of Omaha) from June 8-11. The church will pay all expenses related to this event and requests a report back after Annual Conference concludes. 

If you have interesting in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Pastor Shelly

GriefShare is a warm and welcoming group of people who are processing their grief together. The group will meet for 13 weeks, beginning on March 3, at 7:00 PM at Aldersgate UMC. Each session will last for around an hour and a half, and you can join at any time. There is a small $20 registration fee, which is to help cover some of the expenses and includes the workbook

We hope that you will prayerfully consider joining our GriefShare group. This group is open to anyone who is experiencing grief, whether their loss was 5 years ago or last month. GriefsShare is open to the community, so please feel free to share this information with anyone whom you believe may benefit from this group. 

Please contact Pastor Cameron if you want to sign up or if you have any questions.

In need of a prayer shawl? Please contact Suan Wilson or the church office

Socially Involved

Aldersgate Preschool is hiring a Preschool Lite/Discovery Days aide for next school year. This position helps between our two youngest classes (setting up snack, small group, comforting kids, etc). This position could be 2-5 mornings a week depending on availability. We do offer a tuition discount for our teachers with children or grandchildren attending preschool. Please contact the Preschool if you or someone you know may be interested in working at our wonderful preschool!

Lunch Bunch this month is on Thursday, March 31st at 1 PM. They will be meeting at Johnny's Tavern Ridgeview:

10384 S Ridgeview Rd, Olathe, KS 66061

If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Suan Wilson by Monday, March 28th!

In accordance with the CDC, Aldersgate is not requiring masks while in the building for church activities.

Please read our full statement HERE

Kathy Riggs is offering up her alteration services, right in time for spring!

She can do it all--from basic repairs to even replacing zippers! All you need to do is bag it, bag it and toss it in the White Mission Cabinet in the East Commons.

Kathy will gladly do your alterations free of charge, but you may also make a donation to the church's Missions Fund.

Please enjoy your rejuvenated threads, courtesy of Kathy!

My name is Graham Nichols, and I have been going to Aldersgate since I was born. My Eagle Scout project is to build a sun shade over the outdoor chapel with Mr. Ben Powell. I am planning to work on it during spring or summer this year. We are looking to raise $5,000 in order to best complete this project. If you would like to donate, you can give either cash or check at the church office (Please make checks out to Graham Nichols). Thank you for your support, and I'm looking forward to giving back to the church.

Click HERE to view a 3D rendering of what the final project will look like

Selflessly Serving

You can make a donation to the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s International Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #982450 and be able to credit Aldersgate UMC.

Aldersgate's "Feed My Sheep" Drive is our annual fundraiser to help our community's food pantries. This year our funds will be shared between The Salvation Army Food Pantry and Cross-Lines Community Outreach to help provide people in Johnson & Wyandotte County that are in need of food assistance.

Here's how to to give to the cause:

  • Send in or drop off a check made out to AUMC with "Feed My Sheep" in the memo line
  • Use our online giving portal. 
  • Head to aldersgateumc-ks.org/online-giving
  • Use the "Food Pantry/Feed My Sheep" section to designate your donation

Thank you for your generous support year after year!

Do you or someone you know shopping on a tight budget? Shop at the Center of Grace Clothing Closet! It is full of some great stuff - including canned goods, clothing, shoes, medical supplies and housewares.

Want to shop? Just call Center of Grace to set up an appointment. It's that simple!

Click HERE to read more about Center of Grace & the Clothing Closet

We've already collected 126 bags of rice and/or dry beans so far! We're amazed at your support, month after month!

But don't stop now! We've got a couple more days left in March to keep collecting for Catholic Charities!

Click HERE to take a look at what we will be collecting each month of 2022 and the organizations we will be donating our collections to!

Questions? Please contact Buster West or Donna Massey

Items needed: small liquid laundry detergents

Please place these items in the white cabinets in the East Commons, near the Preschool doors

Children, Youth, & Young Adult Ministries

AUMY is back in session!

Youth in grades 6-12 are encouraged to join in on an evening of fun & games, fellowship, and spiritual growth!

Contact Kara Stanley if you have any questions

Children are invited to come to the 10:30 service and then head to Sunday School after the Children's Moment!

Questions? Contact Kara Stanley, our Director of Discipleship.

Any youth is grades 6-12 are invited to come to the first part of the 10:30 AM worship service, and then head down to enjoy some fellowship, learning, & pop-tarts!

Contact Kara Stanley, the Director of Discipleship, for more information

Sunday Morning Schedule

9 AM: In-Person & Online Worship

10:30 AM: In-Person Worship & Sunday School for all ages

Clergy and Staff

Pastor Shelly McNaughton-Lawrence

Senior Pastor

Pastor Cameron Miller

Associate Pastor and Young Adult Ministries

Kara Stanley

Director of Discipleship

Becky Waters

Worship Arts Director

Megan Fish

Media and Hospitality Coordinator

Stan Fish

Tech Coordinator


Lisa Stock

Accounting Clerk

Megan Lynn

Preschool Director

Julie France

Child Care Director

Aldersgate Main (913) 764-7560



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