Weekly Newsletter

January 29, 2025


Tony Leonard

Nothing goes better with cold temperatures than a bowl of hot soup or chili. I am not sure how cold it will be on February 23 but let’s get the GraceWorks family together and share a bowl of homemade soup or chili. Since we will be eating, let’s also add some of our favorite desserts. Come join us on the last Sunday of the month of February for a church-wide dinner at 5 PM in the sanctuary. Let us know if you will be bringing soup, chili, or a dessert. Everyone bring a friend to meet your church family!


For the past two weeks we have been posting some ministry needs for the new year. We have had a couple of members take on new responsibilities. We still have needs in the areas of security, Sunday morning van transportation, and hospital visitation. If you would like more information or can help, please let me know and I will connect you with leadership in one of the areas. tony@graceworkschatt.com.


Looking forward to worshipping together this Sunday!

Volunteer Needs for Ministry Teams

in the New Year:

Hospital Visitation Team:

Lucille Dietrick - drlucille763@gmail.com

2 people are needed to visit members in the hospital 

In-Home Visitation:

Judy Bulliner - jabulliner@comcast.net

2 people are needed to adopt an In-Home member 


Angel Wade - johnlumpkin7@gmail.com

One person needed to serve as an alternate 


Jim Manis - jimbow1959@gmail.com

One or two needed to drive


Worship: 189

Offering: $5,840.00


2024 Total Revenue: $547,801.02

2024 Total Expenses: $424,661.76

 Year End Total: $123,139.26

Click for Current Hospital & Sympathy Notices

2024 Giving Statements have been emailed and requested copies have been mailed.

If you did not receive an email or would like a printed copy, please contact the church office.

Sunday, February 9

Immediately following the Worship Service

Our GraceKids will be collecting a Noisy Offering on Sunday, February 16.

All proceeds will benefit the Chattanooga Homeless Ministry.

January Birthdays
February Birthdays
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The Prayer list will be updated monthly.

Please resubmit each month to remain on the list.

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