Immanuel Lutheran Church

Greenwood, South Carolina

Weekly Newsletter

November 22, 2024

Please join us this Christ the King Sunday, November 24.

Theme: By Decree of the King

9 a.m. Worship

*Children's church is offered during the Liturgy of the Word, and the children return during Communion.

Click HERE to view the Worship bulletin.

Click HERE to view Worship via YouTube.

Click HERE to view Worship via Facebook.

10:15 a.m.-11 a.m. - Adult Sunday School - This week we continue with the study of Exodus 34:6. Please join us for this special series as we learn together.

"The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving kindness."

11:15 a.m. - Noon - Spoken Service

Please register your attendance this Sunday by clicking HERE

or by scanning the QR code in the bulletin. *Those worshiping online please also register your attendance.

Communion for the Homebound will be observed NEXT Sunday, December 1. Please have your materials to the Sacristy by Wednesday, November 27.

Please consider purchasing a poinsettia for $15 to help

with costs for Festive Music on Christmas Eve. Forms

are in the Narthex and in the Welcome Center. Please fill

out a form or click HERE

to e-mail Dr. Will.

Submissions should include "in honor of," or in "memory of." The deadline for submissions isTuesday, December 10.

Lander University Choral Concert

THIS Sunday, November 24 at 4 p.m. The

Lander University Singers and the Old Main Singers will present a choral concert entitled Around the World in 80 Minutes. The concert will be in the Abney Cultural Center at Lander University and is free and open to the public.

Help is needed to put up the Chrismon tree and other decorations in the Sanctuary on Monday, November 25, at 1 p.m. If you can help, please click HERE to e-mail John Kinard.

The Church Office will be CLOSED - this coming week, November- 25-29.

Food Pantry CLOSED Thursday, November 28

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Bereavement Committee will hold its first meeting on Sunday, December 1 following the

9 am service. This will be a committee formation meeting held in the McCombs Room.

If you would like to be part of the ministry of providing a meal to

the family or a reception when a church family member dies, please join us to provide your input and ideas. Please note your interest on the Time and Talent sheet, and contact JoAn Crowder or Zeolean Kinard if you have questions.

JoAn Crowder: Click HERE to email JoAn.

Zeolean Kinard: Click HERE to email Zoelean.

Two Volunteer Ushers are needed for the 11 p.m. service on Christmas Eve service.

Please contact Jim Wolfer ASAP: 864-378-9297,

Click HERE to email Jim.

Advent Wednesday Dinners and Services: December 4, 11, and 18. Free meal at

6 p.m. followed by a short service in the Fellowship Center.

Lander Brass Concert - The Lander Faculty Brass, along with the student brass ensemble, will showcase their Fall Semester recital on December 4, at7:15 p.m., at Immanuel.

The concert is free and open to the public.

Click HERE to view the latest newsletter from the South Carolina Synod.

The next quarterly roadside clean up

occurs on Saturday, December 7. Meet at

Immanuel at 10 a.m.

All supplies will be provided, and no experience is

necessary. Please email David Rosenbaum by clicking HERE you are available to assist or with any questions.

Matthew 2540: Pecan Sale 

I have Dark or Milk chocolate covered, Cinnamon glazed and Milk chocolate caramel and Plain halves. Each bag sold, feeds and educates a child for a 5 days for just $23! These make great holiday gifts while providing education and meals for an impoverished child studying at our school in Guatemala. I can mail them for you to friends and family all over the U.S. addresses for an additional donation to cover the postage. I’ll be glad to include a photo card detailing our ministry if you would like one to include if gifting these. You can order via this link or by contacting Lynn who will deliver them to church on

Nov. 10, Nov. 24, Dec. 8 and 15. 

Click HERE to place your order online.

Your purchase will make Christmas a little brighter for the kids in Guatemala. The gift of an education is a forever gift!