Week of March 3, 2025



Winter Sports Photos for Basketball and Golf


Ash Wednesday Service in School Families


End of 2nd Trimester


Daylight Savings Time Begins


No School - Bishop's Day Off


School Mass


No School

Staff In-Service Day


St. Patrick's Day

Alternate Dress Day


School Mass

Town Hall Meeting


Stations of the Cross 8am


Falcon Invitational

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Principal Notes

Dear Parents,

The jogathon was an amazing success, with over 100K raised!  These funds go towards helping PTO to make their 240K goal towards the operating budget of the school.  Each child receives an automatic discount in tuition due to PTO fundraising.  Thank you to Matt Ahumada and Stacey Almeida for all they did to ensure the success of this event.  It was fun, and it was successful, a win/win for everyone.  

This weekend, we had a fantastic event hosted by CivicSoul and Caitlin McHugh Stamos.  Caitlin is an alumna of St. Philip, and she has a heart of gold.  She wanted to help those impacted by the recent fires and planned this event.  We were happy to help out.  I love giving shout-outs to our alumni.

On Wednesday, we begin Lent by receiving our ashes at mass.  On Thursday and Friday, our students participate in the Eucharistic Revival by going to adoration in the church.  They will only spend a small amount of time that is appropriate for their age levels.  If you would like to join your child during this time, the schedule is below.

Thursday, March 6

8:30-9:00  6A

9:00-9:30 6B

9:30-10:00 7A

10:00-10:30 7B

10:30-11:00 2A and 2B

11:00-11:30 5A and 5B

Friday, March 7

8:30-9:00 4A and 4B

9:00-9:30 3A and 3B

9:30-10:00 8A

10:00-10:30 8B

10:30-10:40 TKA and TKB

10:40-11:00 KA and KB

11:00-11:20 1A and 1B

On Wednesday, you will receive a special email about Lent from our Faith Committee.  

Have a wonderful week,


Important Quick Links

RTB Signup Genius goes live on Thursday, March 6th @ 9pm.

Fr. Joe Educational Fund

Announcements and Events

Sports Photos

Winter sports photos for basketball and golf teams will be taken tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4th. Be sure to wear your team jersey and team bottoms.


Empty clean wine bottles needed for art project. Please drop off to Mrs. Slater in the art room. Thank You!

Change of Address

If you were displaced by the fire, please provide your new mailing address via email to

Financial Aid - CEF

California Education Foundation applications for tuition assistance are now available. Please review the Mission 4 Financial Eligibility Guidelines and follow the steps to reserve your appointment time for March 24th or 25. Spaces are limited so apply today!

English Application


Parent Handbook

Alternate Dress Code

Alternate Dress Code for Dollar Dress Days and other days as designated by the principal.

An Alternate Dress Code means “Free of Uniform,” not the freedom to dress any way a student desires. This code is established so the dress will match the high academic standards and the image of our school. It is to be adhered to BY ALL GRADES, TK THROUGH EIGHTH when alternate dress days are designated.

Clothes must be clean, free of holes, no tears, and in good taste. Oversize or undersize clothing is not allowed, this includes length. Bicycle shorts and boxer shorts cannot extend below the hem of other articles of clothes. Shorts and skirts should be walking length, between the top of the knee and no higher than 2 inches above the knee, no cut-offs or short shorts. Hats, halters, tank tops, and shirts with spaghetti straps or that do not cover the midriff are not allowed. Shoes must have a closed heel and toe; no sandals, or plastic shoes are allowed. Socks or tights are to be worn at all times. The school reserves the right to send anyone home who comes inappropriately dressed. 

Alternate dress is allowed on the days listed below. School uniforms are to be worn if a student is not participating. 

  1. A student’s birthday (or day designated for the student who has a weekend or summertime birthday.)
  2. Picture Day 
  3. Last day of school.
  4. Last day of school before Christmas break, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day 
  5. Special occasions per administration.



Directory Update

Updates are marked in bold. Please update your red School Directory books.

Beeton Family

2025 Del Mar Ave 

San Marino, CA 91108 

USAgain Bins

Please bring clothes you want to donate or no longer need and place them in our USAgain Bins. Our partnership with USAgain is a huge help to our community so you don't have to travel far to recycle. Our school uses the funds we raise to donate to St. Vincent de Paul. Since partnering with USAgain, we have donated over 7,000 pounds of clothing. Thanks for helping out!

Look for the green bins in the parking lot!

Coffee With The Principal

It's back! Please join us for a cup of coffee near the lunch tables after every Monday morning assembly. Chat with the principal and fellow parents. Catch up and enjoy a cup of Joe. See you next week!

PTO News

Huge Thank You

To our awesome Co-Chairs, Matt Ahumada & Stacey Almeida, thank you so much for all you did to plan and execute a fun and very successful Jog-a-thon, what a great event. You really went above and beyond! To Kristien Helbing, VP of Fundraising, your experience and guidance really led the way in overseeing such an event, Thank You!! From our DJ Lionel, to our warm up coaches, to those who helped pin bibs and pass out popsicles, none of this would be possible without you! We are very grateful for this community!

Thank you to all of the teachers, staff, parents, and students that helped get 100% registration!! We were able to meet our goal which means the Kona Truck will be here for all students and faculty / staff on May 2, 2025. We really appreciate you and your support!  

Our classes ran their hearts out, the following students in each class had the most laps:

TK: Tommy Reaume & Liliana Jurado 

KINDER: Ben Bolger, Tomas Themudo, Layla Reyes 

1ST GRADE: Franz Hosp & Madison Dooling

2ND GRADE: Eden Parker, Lydon Helbing, Nathan Yost, Jack Isola, Jude Burk, Hazel Hawk 

3RD GRADE: Teddy Sloane & Ieva Asadullina Kim 

4TH GRADE: Scott Seley, Armen Atay, Ryan Paulus, Kyan Flores, Jonah Parker, Claire Walker, Violet Blacker 

5TH GRADE: Theodore Fong, Henrik Johnson, Lavery Lynch, Liliana Zakaria 

6TH GRADE: Remy Flores, Andrew Ralph, Audrey Hosp 

7TH GRADE: Quincy Duong & Kayden Krost

8TH GRADE: Matthew O'Connor, Hudson Sawran, Mallory Harden

Stay tuned next week to see who the top 3 classes are, they will each win an ice cream party.

Lastly, we were able to raise $106,000 - WOW, we are so grateful. A huge thank you to everyone who contributed and got us over the finish line. This money will directly benefit our school's operating budget. 

Thank you!

Becky & Neha 

PTO Co-Presidents 

Red Tie Benefit


RTB Rock The Night Away tickets are on sale. Go to SPASREDTIEBENEFIT2025 where you will find tickets, sponsorship opportunities and auction item donations.

Sign Up Genius

Red Tie Benefit Volunteer Sign Up Genius goes live on Thursday, March 6th @ 9pm.


*Reminder: All families on tuition plans A and C are required to complete 2 RTB volunteer hours. Buy-out is $50 per hour and must be completed by March 17. No-Shows and those who do not fulfill their commitment will be billed at $100 per hour. 

For questions, please email

Buy-In Parties

Looking for a fun way to support and bring our community together? Host a Buy-In Party! 

Buy-In Parties are a fantastic way to raise funds while creating memorable experiences for families, parents, and kids. Guests purchase a spot at your party, and all proceeds go directly to the school.

We’re looking for party ideas and amazing hosts to make this year’s RTB unforgettable! If you have an idea or want to learn more, reach out to us at

Silent Auction Items

Do you have a product, service, experience, or unique item you’d be willing to donate? Whether it’s a gift card, a weekend getaway, sports tickets, or a one-of-a-kind experience, your generosity will make a big impact! If you’re interested in donating or have any questions, please reach out to

For more information, please click go to SPASREDTIEBENEFIT or email RTB Committee Chairs, April Bergen or Elvira Ramos, at

Used Uniforms

The Used Uniform Committee will be holding office hours on the 2nd Thursday of each month starting March 13, 2025. 

03/13 (2:45 PM to 3:15 PM)

04/10 (7:45 AM to 8:15 AM)

05/08 (2:45 PM to 3:15 PM)

Stop by the storage containers at the corner of the playground/parking lot if you are in need of used uniforms or would like to drop off donations. Please plan to park in the Church lot as the school gates are required to be locked to ensure safety of the children.

The Used Uniform Committee will also be available on 02/28 during Jog-a-Thon.

For those who are interested in assisting during Office Hours, please sign up for any open slots through the SUG - Sign Up Here

Reminders - Used uniforms are free (but donations are always welcome).

Red and blue “Falcons” patches are also now available for $5 each.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Used Uniform Committee at

Service Hours

Tuition Plan Changes 2025-26

If you would to change to a volunteer tuition plan for the 2025-26 school year, please make sure we have all of your volunteer requirements in the office by April 30.

Volunteer Requirements

Both parents are required to have current TB clearance, Fingerprinting, Code of Conduct, and current VIRTUS certificates on file in the school office to qualify for volunteering and a service hour tuition plan (plans A & C).

Library Help

***Additional volunteer shifts have been added to the Learning Commons for March Madness—sign up now to join the fun!

New volunteer time slots are now available for the PLC and Learning Commons. If you have an hour to give, we’d love to have you join us—your help makes a difference!

Primary Learning Center (PLC)

Learning Commons (LC)

Help Needed

Sign up to help with Used Uniforms here.

After School Activities



Reflection of the Week

“The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.” 

~St. Gianna Molla

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