Our current worship schedule is as follows:
8:00 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist Service
10:30 AM Rite II Holy Eucharist Service. This service will also be live streamed.
Live Stream links can be found on our CEC Facebook Page and our CEC YouTube Page.
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Old-Fashioned Labor Day Potluck, Sunday, September 1
Just a reminder - there will be a Labor Day Celebration potluck after the 10:30 service in the Family Life Center. We decided to go with a NO THEME concept and just enjoy each other's company. Please bring your item to the Family life center (or the kitchen if it needs to be Hot) prior to the 10:30 Service We will have tables set up for the Food and deserts. Water Tea and Coffee will be provided. Please Join us for this opportunity all have a meal together.
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Time and Talent Campaign Blessing of the Ministries,
Sunday, September 8th!
Please don’t forget to fill out the newly revised Time and Talent
Survey Form. Forms can be found on the counter in the Narthex. All are welcome to join a Ministry, and help be a blessing to others! Whether it’s comfort and understanding during Book Club, a friendly smile and good conversation during Senior Shepherds, a helping hand during times of Bereavement or Celebration, the Usher that greets me and guides me to my seat, we need you!
If this is not your season to be part of a Ministry that’s okay! We recognize sometimes we need to be on the receiving end of God’s gifts and not the serving end. But if you are ready to serve or are already serving, we will be recognizing your heart for Ministry on Sunday, September the 8th, during each of the two Sunday services!
Please stay after the 10:30 service on September 8th during the
Community Conversation and Cookies to enjoy meeting the different Ministry Leads and learning about their Ministries!!
We also want to highlight a couple of new ministries:
For the Children’s Ministry – this year we have added Youth/Teen Volunteers as a Ministry category. This is especially great if your Youth/Teens need Service Hours for their school programs! We also need more Adult Volunteers. Please see Lea Melvin for these positions.
- Nursery Supplies Volunteer – we need someone to check and periodically supply diapers of various sizes and diaper wipes to the three diaper changing areas. Please see Barbara Strauss for more information about this Ministry.
Thank you to all who have filled out a survey and thank you for your heart for serving God in Christ Jesus.
Your Stewardship Ministry
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A Minor Episcopal Saint who supported Labor in the U.S. | |
Born in 1880, Frances Perkins, an Episcopalian, was recognized in 2009 by the Episcopal Church General Convention. They established May 13 as a feast day commemorating her as a Public Servant and Prophetic Witness. She helped Americans gain the 8 hour work day, the 40 hour work week, overtime pay, and aid for children without a parent able to support them. As Secretary of Labor for 12 years in Franklin Roosevelt’s Administration, she was the first woman to serve in a presidential cabinet.. She was a chief architect of Social Security which lifted millions of elderly Americans out of poverty working with IBM to ensure that it was possible to keep track of a population of 135 million. She graduated from Mt. Holyoke College with a degree in Physics. In 1911 she watched 47 factory workers jump to their deaths from the upper floors of a burning factory building whose doors were locked. This inspired her early work on New York's "Factory Investigating Committee" which helped persuade legislators to reform factory building codes and working hours for women and children. In her early career, she rescued immigrant women who were used as sex slaves at the risk of her own life and helped shut down the rooming houses used as bordellos. She was an associate of the Episcopalian religious order “All Saints Sisters of the Poor”. | |
Intercessors will be at the back of the church in the narthex to pray with anyone who would like special prayers during communion on Sundays. Often people will ask for prayers for healing for themselves or others, but any prayer request is welcomed. If you would like to pray with one of our prayer partners, you are encouraged to come forward for communion and then make your way to the narthex for additional prayers. If you have any questions about this ministry or are interested in becoming a prayer partner to pray with others, please contact Cindy Gravis or Fr. Richard.
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You can give online at OR you can mail your check to 3520 W. Whitestone Blvd., Cedar Park, TX 78613.
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If you would like to learn about other ways to financially contribute to the life and work of our parish, please contact our Treasurer, Wright Meyer. | |
They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream. It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.
Jeremiah 17:8
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The Vestry usually meets on the third Monday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. Any congregant can attend a Vestry meeting and observe. Only Vestry members have voice and vote. Vestry meetings do become "closed" when discussing personnel issues or staff salaries. Vestry meets via Zoom. If you wish to attend, please notify Fr. Richard, and he will send you the Zoom link.
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CEC Finances – Available in the Library
Quarterly financial statements are available on the bulletin board in the library following the vestry meeting.
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Discipleship Group - This group meets the first and third Sunday of the month at 6:00 pm in the library. It includes study of the Sunday service gospel readings and is open to anyone wishing to participate. Please contact Bill Sterling at for more information. | |
The Senior Shepherds is a Service/Social organization at CEC. Anyone over the age of 50 in the church is welcome. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 11:45 am in the Library for a delicious Potluck meal and lively conversation. A short program normally follows the meal. We do various interesting and creative service projects for the church children and the local community; host exciting outside speakers; visit unusual local places and have occasional seminars for better living. Contact: Betty Prince at for more information. | |
The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 4-6pm in the Library. We knit, crochet and do various other needlework and sewing crafts to meet a known need in the community such as providing pretty and comfortable caps for cancer patients; providing crocheted and knitted prayer shawls for those in need of comfort in our church community. These items are made with prayer and much interesting conversation. They are blessed by Father Richard before being distributed. Learn to knit or crochet at our meetings. Teens are welcome. Contact: or | |
The Tuesday Book Club is reading Julian of Norwich: The Showings, Uncovering the Face of the Feminine in Revelations of Divine Love by Marabai Starr. We meet from 10:30-12:00 in the Outreach Room. Please join us for lively discussions and diverse insights. It’s a welcoming group for men and women of all ages.
Questions, please contact Mary Wybenga at or at 303-850-7347.
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Choir Practice is held every Wednesday at 2:30 PM in the sanctuary. Anyone who is interested in joining, or getting more information on our choir, is invited to attend a practice. Questions? Contact Dave Gravis. | |
Please join us for Sunday Worship:
8:00 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist Service
9:00 AM Adult Forum Class (Library)
10:30 AM Rite II Holy Eucharist Service
Please visit our website ( for more information.
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Ministry to and with Infants/Toddlers and their Families.
We have three spaces available to minister to our youngest members and their families on Sunday mornings.
Our church nursery is open from 9:00 am to noon. The nursery is located in the Family Life Center. The nursery serves children through the age of 4 and is open every Sunday morning.
- A “soft” play space is located in the back of the sanctuary where children will find a small selection of toys and parents will find rocking chairs.
- A “cry room” is located above the sanctuary and accessed by the stairs in the narthex/lobby of the church. The cry room contains comfortable seats, toys, and a changing table.
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Children's Chapel meets Sundays during the 10:30 service in the Family Life Center.
Volunteers are needed! Come help our youngest parishioners grow in Christ! Children's Chapel meets Sundays during the 10:30 service in the Family Life Center. If you can help, please contact Fr. Richard. Lesson plans and supplies will be provided.
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Check out the Calendar of Events here for youth group meetings, social activities and more!
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All third party events held at the church are listed here. For parents, if at the church campus while the event(s) is taking place, children should be supervised by a trusted individual, as Safeguarded personnel / volunteers will not be present.
Upcoming Third Party Events:
AA Meeting - Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in the Library, Stone Building
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Christ Episcopal Church | 3520 W. Whitestone Blvd, Cedar Park, TX 78613 | 512.267.2428 |
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