News & Updates
July 27th, 2022
The Greater Escondido Chamber of Commerce is Working For You & Your Business!
Chamber News and Updates
Would You Want An Apple Campus In Escondido?
Ok I admit it I still read my newspapers. I read the UT and the Wall Street Journal daily as well as look at the Business Journal online. Of course, I also enjoy my weekly local newspapers leading off with the Times-Advocate as they’re essential to local business. I drive a connected car and get news feeds that I subscribe to in an effort to keep abreast of what’s going on relevant to what we do here at the Chamber. And there is much going on.

Having been in the media world prior to my role here at the Chamber I kind of know how the sausage is made, so to speak. I’ve led many daily news briefings and attended various journalism workshops so the whole process of delivering the news is not foreign to me.

What is concerning to me is the over exposure of negativity being put out in the mainstream press.

Here’s an example. In Today’s UT Business section, the front-page headlines read in part: “Pace of Home sales slow,” “Used car repo man is back,” “Alphabet has slowest growth,” “Microsoft says economic woes are to blame” and the kicker “U.S. consumer confidence declines.” These are just snippets of the headlines followed by the full story which often doesn’t reflect the headline. See the theme here?

Nothing about Huckleberry’s opening up their newest restaurant in the Heritage Restaurant Brands group and how well they’re doing here in Escondido. We all know Costco is working to open in Escondido and speaking with the Westfield North County Mall GM Nitta Gaddy she verity’s that there are 125+ stores/vendors open and doing business at the mall right now. Erickson-Hall Construction has broken ground on a new private school being built in Escondido. These are but a handful of positive business news happening right now in our backyard.

And then the latest big positive news for the region is Apple’s purchase of the Rancho Vista Corporate Center just to our south for $445 million dollars. The ripple affect of this will be felt here.

My point is, there is much to celebrate around us as we continue to shake off the long tail effects of the last 2+ years.

Economic shifts are often based on broad indexes reflecting global trends not certainties. We can drive ourselves into despair or look for the opportunity change inevitably creates.

We can write our own headlines.

Cheers, JR
Last Week's Poll Results: "Will You Switch From Your Current Costco To The New Escondido Costco When It Opens?"
YES = 80%
NO = 20%
Chamber Events & Programs
Over 6,700 Votes So Far!
The 2022 "Best of Escondido Eats" Awards Are Here...Vote NOW!
Government Affairs Town Hall Meeting w/ Congressman Darrell Issa, Mayor Paul McNamara & Guests

"IT Modernization" Thursday, 8/4
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Economic Development Meeting w/ Dr. Kami Hoss, CEO & Co-Founder The Super Dentists

Tuesday, 8/16
4:00pm - 5:00pm

111th Annual Chamber Installation Dinner

Aloha Nights
Thursday, 8/25
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Listen Up North County!
If you want to learn ALL about our elected officials, the business & community leaders, and the movers and shakers of North County...you gotta listen to The Wonderland podcast.

However, you won't learn anything if you don't listen!
The Monthly Residential Real Estate Market Report
Are The Rising Interest Rates Discouraging You From Purchasing A Home?
The truth is, interest rates are on the rise and they may go up even higher this year. Don’t let interest rates stop you from buying a home! Information is important when deciding to make a big purchase.
We need information that will prepare us to navigate buying a home in this marketplace.

Is it a good time to purchase a home? This depends on...
Member News & More
Assemblymember Marie Waldron announces $8 million in funding for the Deer Springs Fire Protection District

Assemblymember Marie Waldron (R -Valley Center) announced that she has secured $8 million in state funding for the Deer Springs Fire Protection District. The funds will be used to build a new...
Escondido News & Happenings
City News & Updates
There is always something happening in Escondido! Learn more about the current status of projects and events happening around Escondido by going to the City's website or Facebook page.
Business Resources
Scene In Escondido: Our Beautiful Hidden Valley