Vol. 3: No. 47 | December 17, 2021
Becca is modeling our Ace 300 metal detector, available for checkout! See the other electronic devices we have in our Library of Things!
We still have Korean Lantern craft kits for $8.00! Ask at our Reference desk.
Cookbook Available Now! Great for a Holiday Gift!

A Taste of Hudson New Hampshire is a recent compilation of all recipe types contributed by folks who live and work right here in Hudson! 

Each cookbook is $10 and ALL proceeds will go directly to Hudson's local food pantry. 

If you would like to purchase this book, please see a librarian at the Circulation Desk.
Mittens, Gloves, and Hats Donation Drive
Bring new mittens, gloves, hats and scarves to the Reference Desk now through December.

Handmade and store bought items welcome. Donations will be given to local charitable organizations.

While you are here, admire the Mitten Tree, decorated with items made by our Friday Stitchers Group.
Events This (short) Week: December 18 through December 24
Visit our website to see all upcoming events
Mystery Lover's Book Club: The Secret, Book & Scone Society by Ellery Adams
Monday, December 20 @ 1pm
This is the regularly scheduled meeting for the Mystery Lovers Book Club. We meet on the third Monday of each month to discuss murder, mayhem and whodunnit! Check with the Circulation Desk for available copies.  Please register for this program.
Christmas Carol Sing-A-Long
Tuesday, December 21 @ 2pm
Join library staff for a Holiday Sing-A-Long with the residents at The Inn at Fairview. Come in the main entrance, on the side of the building closest to Market Basket, before 2pm and take the elevator downstairs to the program room. Song books with lyrics are provided.

203 Lowell Road, Hudson NH
Geopolitics on Zoom
Thursday, December 23 @ 1pm

Are you interested in current affairs? Would you like to engage in thought provoking discussions about national and internation news events? The Geopolitics Class focuses on current world geopolitical events using information from multiple U.S. and world internet sources. Summaries of the source materials are presented on PowerPoint for class discussion.
Normal Library Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 
9am - 5pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 1pm
Sunday: CLOSED