Jesus – The Shepherd of our Souls
Sunday, the message focused on Luke 2:8-20. Barclay shared “It is a lovely thought that the shepherds who looked after the Temple lambs were the first to see the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” These shepherds in the fields received the Good News from the angel, and went to Bethlehem to see Jesus. Their lives were forever changed from poor, stinky, outcasts to servants of the Most High with a message of salvation.
God loves ordinary people. How refreshing to come and see what these shepherds saw in the manger. Jesus, the Shepherd of their Souls, was wrapped in rags and placed in a cattle trough. But His glory shone as bright to them as the angels had out in the fields. They knew what a shepherd was and did, and now they saw the One who would be their Shepherd. He would feed them, and guide them, and protect them.
The New Testament gives us three main pictures of Jesus as the Shepherd: Good, Great, and Chief.
In John 10, He is the Good Shepherd. Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood to save us. He is Good. He provides green pastures for us to feed and rest, still streams of fresh, clean water for us to drink, and His rod and staff protect us. He is Good!
In Hebrews 13, He is the Great Shepherd. Jesus is powerful enough to conquer death and His powerful blood seals the Everlasting Covenant. By His power, those sheep who follow Him are equipped to complete His Will and Way, and to bring glory to His name.
In 1 Peter 5, He is the Chief Shepherd. Jesus fulfills and completes the work as the One and Only Head of His church. While He gives gifts of Pastor Elder to the church, Jesus alone is in charge and supreme. He is Number One in all things. One day, He will return to reward all who serve Him well.
Jesus is the Shepherd of our Souls. Follow Him. Allow Him to lead you, to feed you, to protect you, and to guide you into all Truth.
Celebrating our Shepherd Jesus,
Pastor Ken