Weekly Newsletter
Week of February 12th - February 18th
Gilead Congregational Church, UCC

Meetings and Services this week:

Wednesday, February 12th: 
-8:30 a.m. Hunger Action Team Breakfast
-9:30 a.m. Wednesday Morning Book Discussion in the Fellowship Hall
-7:00 p.m. Choir

Thursday, February 13th: 
-7:00 p.m. Trustees

Sunday, February 16th:
-8:30 a.m. Worship Service
-10:00 a.m. Worship Service
-Sunday School
-Coffee Hour
-11:30 a.m. Stewardship Committee
-11:30 a.m. Youth Choir

Monday, February 17th:
-7:30 p.m. Board of Christian Education

Tuesday, February 18th: 
-9:30 a.m. Knitting Circle
- 11:15 a.m. Bible Study
 -7:30 p.m. AA
God is Still Speaking
  About Us:

Reverend Dr. Denise Esslinger 
Minister of Mission and Faith Formation:
Stephanie Haines 
Minister of Music:
Danielle Hoehn
Administrative Assistant:
Sally Fritsche

Worship: 8:30 a.m.

Worship w/Sunday School and Choir: 10:00 a.m.

Summer Worship: 
9:00 a.m.

Gathered: 1748
Meeting House: 1838
Fellowship Hall: 2008
We are an Open & Affirming Church
Youth Group Selling Mission Trip Shares

Our GCC Youth Mission Team will be heading to New York City to share God's love and hope from April 14th – 18th. We invite the congregation to join in our ministry by purchasing a Mission Share for $15 following worship services this Sunday and on February 23rd. All proceeds from the sale of Mission Shares will directly support the trip. Shareholders will also receive a postcard from the Mission Team as well as an invitation to a Coffee and Dessert Social on Sunday, April 26th at 3:00 p.m. when the Mission Team will share meaningful stories about their experiences serving those struggling with self-sufficiency in New York City. We extend our appreciation to the congregation for its continued support of our youth! Please reach out to Brian Byrne if you should have any questions at bebyrne89@gmail.com.

Mardi Gras Brunch and One Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Our Youth Group will be preparing and serving an all Church Mardi Gras brunch on Sunday, February 23rd. This is the last Sunday before the beginning of Lent, so we invite you to come and enjoy some eggs, sausage, baked French toast, fruit and fellowship before the Lenten journey begins. The brunch will begin following the 10:00 a.m. worship service. A free will offering will be received. All proceeds from the breakfast will benefit our upcoming 2020 Youth Group Mission Trip. There will be one worship service at 10:00 a.m. this day and The Modern Riffs will be with us once again to share their music. All are welcome! Please join us! 

Finding God in Contemporary Issues Discussion Group
Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 11:30 a.m.
Our “Finding God in Contemporary Issues” discussion group will meet on Sunday, February 23rd at 11:30 a.m. in one of the classrooms off of our Fellowship Hall. At this gathering, we'll be discussing "Are Faith and Science Compatible?" Articles to read as food for thought are available on the table underneath the name tags. Margot Sheehan and John Jenkins will be facilitating this conversation. We hope you will be able to join us. Please contact either of them with any questions you may have.

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

On Wednesday, February 26th at 7:00 p.m. we will have a service of worship in our Sanctuary. The service will include a time for reflecting on our intentions for this season along with the imposition of ashes and the sharing of Communion.  Also, from noon to 1:00 p.m. on this day, Rev. Esslinger, will be at the pavilion at Veteran's Memorial Park distributing ashes to the community.  
Lenten Theme - "Weathering the Storm"

Our theme for the upcoming Season of Lent will be on resiliency and how we can weather the storms of life. We'll be using a book written by Rev. Tracy Mehr-Muska titled "Weathering the Storm: Simple Strategies for Being Peaceful and Prepared" as a resource. Our worship services and prayer cards will be focused on this theme each week. We're also excited that Rev. Mehr-Muska will be with us on Sunday, March 1st, the first Sunday of the season of Lent, and will be preaching and leading worship with Pastor Denise.

In addition, we'll be offering a number of opportunities to gather to discuss this book and topic. Opportunities being planned include: a Sunday school class for Senior High age youth, a discussion group to meet after worship on Sunday mornings, our Wednesday morning book group, a Men's Fellowship gathering or two, and an opportunity for families with children to engage the theme. More information to come on these opportunities, but please feel free to speak with Pastor Denise of Stephanie Haines if you have any questions or would like to know more.
New Members Gatherings
Sunday, March 1, 2020 or March 8, 2020 at 11:30 a.m.

Our Deacons will be hosting two gatherings for persons who are interested in exploring membership with the Gilead Church on Sunday, March 1st at 11:30 a.m. and again on Sunday, March 8th at 11:30 a.m. These gatherings will be a time to meet others and to learn more about our church. Those interested in exploring membership need only attend one of the gatherings. New members will be joining during the 10 a.m. worship service on Sunday, March 29th. If you have any questions, please speak with one of our Deacons or with Rev. Esslinger.   

Fellowship Opportunities

The Fellowship Committee invites the congregation to the following events:

Game Night/Set-Back Tournament on Friday, March 13th at 6:30 p.m.
Pizza, salad, and coffee will be provided. Please bring a snack, dessert, or drink to share along with any favorite games to play. Set-Back players can be in pairs or singles! A sign-up sheet is available under the name tags in the hallway. 

Annual Soup Swap on Sunday March 15th following the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Sign up to bring your favorite crock of soup to share or just come and enjoy soup, bread and a time with friends. Crocks of soup can be dropped off prior to the 10:00 a.m. service. Ladles along with recipes appreciated! 
Youth Choir

Our Youth Choir will sing during our 10 a.m. worship service Sunday, March 8th. Our Youth Choir meets every Sunday after worship from 11:30 a.m. to noon in the Music Room. All youth are invited to join and no singing experience is needed. If you should have any questions or if you would like to join the Youth Choir, please contact Danielle directly at stonecold.5239@gmail.com .
Adult Choir

Rehearsals for our Adult Choir are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. If you would like to join the Choir or if you have any questions, please contact our Minister of Music, Danielle Hoehn at stonecold.5239@gmail.com. Recently the Choir held an "Invite a Friend" to Choir week. Pictured below are members of our Choir and friends who joined them.
Wednesday Morning Book Discussion Group

The Wednesday Morning Book Discussion Group meets in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday mornings. The group is currently discussing "1000 White Women" by Jim Ferges. It is a fictional account of Brides for Indians program by Ulysses S. Grant to assimilate the Indians to the white man's world by having white women marry Cheyenne Indians. All are welcome! If you have any questions concerning the book group, please contact Sandy Hooker at jackandsandyh@gmail.com.

Silver Lake Conference Center

Silver Lake has announced its offerings for the summer 2020 conference season. Details and registration are available at www.silverlakect.org along with downloads of the forms needed for registration. Copies of the Silver Lake brochure are also available on the table underneath the name tags. Also, our Women's Fellowship has once again agreed to pay the $150 deposit for any young person from our congregation who would like to attend Silver Lake. Please speak with Margaret Gibbs (860-384-4327) if you would like to take our Women's Fellowship up on their offer.

Valentine's Day Cards

The Women’s Fellowship would like to invite you to celebrate Valentine’s Day by sending a card to one or all of our members and friends listed below:

Bea Anderson                                Ed Meincke
5 Huckleberry Acres                      274 Burrows Hill Road
East Hampton, CT 06424             Hebron, CT 06248

Dale Bland                                       Lynn Owens
124 Slocum Road                           15 West Street
Hebron, CT 06248                         Columbia, CT 06237

Peter Carbone                                 Maralyn Porter
Cherry Brook Healthcare, #216 20 Martin Road
102 Dyer Avenue Hebron, CT 06248                        
Canton, CT 06019

Jean Derby                                       Dottie Taggart
564 East Street                                P.O. Box 63
Hebron, CT 06248                        Hebron, CT 06248
John Hibbard                                   Betty Tow       
1072 Gilead Street                          60 Millstream Road
Hebron, CT 06248                         Amston, CT 06231

Terry Lukow
72 Charles Lane
Hebron, CT 06248
Bible Study
Tuesdays at 11:15 am

Our weekly Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. in the Music Room. Rev. Bob Woodward leads the study. The group is discussing the book of Genesis. Please bring your own Bible. All are welcome!  

Gilead Cooks! 

We need your special recipes! Forms are on-line (on the Gilead Church web page found at www.gileadchurchucc.org under Policies, Forms and Reports) and under the name tags outside the Sanctuary. YOUNG PEOPLE, we especially need your contributions - those great dishes you cook up with the special people in your lives! Deadline for contributions is March 31st. Any questions can come to Committee members: Margaret Gibbs, Judy Brandi, Renee Ellis, Margot Sheehan, Diane Dixon and Ginny Miller.

Garden of Remembrance 

This is the final in a series of articles regarding the Garden of Remembrance (GOR) the purpose of which has been to create an awareness of the GOR and answer some questions which have surfaced.

Just outside and to the left of the coat room is a table on which is located a Book of Remembrance. The family of the deceased is invited to take a page and insert remembrances, which may be changed as the family wishes. Questions regarding the book may be directed to GOR Committee member, Alice Marien.

Also placed on the table is a Bible which may be used, if one chooses, to sit and reflect on the departed family member.

On the wall appears a plaque which bears the names of those interred. It indicates the date of birth and the date of death. The plaque is updated once a year in the Spring.

Harvey Desruisseaux, GOR Chair

Save the Date for our Gilead Golf Open 

Our Gilead Golf Open will take place this year on Saturday, May 16th with registration beginning at noon. We will have a start time of 1:00 p.m. Watch for more details!
Sunday School Cancellation 

If inclement weather should happen and forces cancellation of Sunday School, our Sunday School Superintendents will contact Sunday School teachers. Parents please check the WFSB web site for cancellation information. If Gilead Church is not listed there will be Sunday School. Worship will never be cancelled as Pastor Denise lives so close to the church. Please, however, use your discretion and always stay safe!   

Upcoming Sunday Worship Servers 
Ushers for this Sunday:  Gage Haines and Fernando Martins III
Ushers for next Sunday: Fred Martins and Fernando Martins III

Deacon of the Day for this Sunday:  Doug Stewart
Deacon of the Day for next Sunday: Amy Huhn

Liturgist: Jared Langevin
Acolyte: Jayden Bennett
Call to Worship: Tucker Haines

Coffee Hour Hosts for this Sunday:  Jessica Peltier and Nathalie Peltier-Horton
Coffee Hour Hosts for next Sunday: Mardi Gras Brumch

Greeter for this Sunday:    Sharon McKenna
Greeter for next Sunday:  Elaine Aubin

Scripture Reading and Prayer for the Week
Matthew 5: 21-48

God of our lives, you are always turning the world upside down, challenging us to follow you into new ventures, new challenges, new ways to care.  Send your Spirit, we pray, to meet us in this day and guide us into your depths that we may glimpse your grace.  We pray this in the name of Jesus, your Mystery, your Wisdom and your Glory. Amen.
Contact Info
Sally Fritsche
Administrative Assistant
672 Gilead St
Hebron, Ct  06248
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until noon (Parish House)