Thursday, February 1, 2024

St. John's Mission Statement

St. John's is a Christian community that intentionally gathers 

to experience God's love through Episcopal worship, education,

fellowship, and ministry to the wider community.


The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Sunday, February 4, 2024


Collect for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty

of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son

our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Readings for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Isaiah 40:21-31

Psalm 147:1-12, 21c

1 Corinthians 9:16-23

Mark 1:29-39

Worship Booklet for the the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, February 4, 2024

2024 Altar Flowers

The altar flowers for February 4, 2024 are given by

Bill and Diane Gustafson in memory of Flo Looney.

Our 2024 Altar Flower sign-up is available in the Narthex. If you are not able to sign up in person, please contact the office to see if your desired date is available. If you donate online, please contact Maria with your dedication: [email protected]

Suggested donation is $40.00.

Please Bring Us Your Palm Fronds

Do you have any palm fronds/crosses from previous Palm Sundays? 

Do you want to dispose of them? Bring your old palms to church and deposit them in the basket on the counter in the narthex of the church. 

The palms will be ritually burned on Shrove Tuesday; and the ashes blessed and distributed for the Imposition of Ashes on Ash Wednesday.



"Souper Bowl" Soup/Chili Sale

A "Souper" Sale on February 11th

Celebrate the Super Bowl with soup to take home!  So far we have commitments from parishioners to make the following soups:

Albondigas, Split Pea, Cheddar Broccoli, Ham Hock and Bean, and Stuffed Pepper plus three kinds of chili!. There will be cornbread and rolls as well.

Would you be willing to make a soup or chili? Sign up on Sunday on the list in the Narthex. Malia Attaway has containers for you to use; pick them up on Sunday, February 4 or arrange to get them from Malia ([email protected]). We also would be interested in cornbread, rolls, and bread.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the church.


Items Needed for Blessings in a Bag

Supplies are needed for those who go without food or shelter. Please Click Here for all the items needed.

Outreach Collections

We will continue our ongoing collections for:

  • New Blankets - Domestic Violence Shelters (Denise Czer and Linda Dennehy)
  • Eyeglasses
  • Greeting Cards - ECS Head Start (Judy McKay)
  • Clean, Gently Used Blankets - Dreams for Change
  • Emergency Food Pantry - South Bay Community Services (Maria and Joe Love)
  • Blessings in a Bag - For our neighbors who live in need. Click here for a list of items you can donate to fill the bags.
  • Gently Used Clothing - Men's, women's and children's 

Items may be brought to Nale Hall on Sundays when we gather for worship.

You may also bring your items to the church during our weekday office hours,

Monday through Thursday from 9am to 3pm.

If you are not able to bring them, please contact the parish office, and we will pick up the items from your home.

St. John's Outreach Committee meets monthly to discuss our parish Outreach activities.

Please click on the following link for more information on our Outreach collection activities:

Outreach Ministries of St. John's


Prayers and Squares: The Prayer Quilt Ministry

St. John's is a member of a national organization called "Prayers and Squares: The Prayer Quilt Ministry".

Prayers and Squares meets on the second Tuesday of each month to sew. Participants will be shown how to make simple quilts for our Prayer Quilt Ministry. If you don't sew but would like to be a part of this ministry, there are many other quilt-making steps you can help with.

Please bring your own sewing machine and brown bag lunch. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Lothspeich.

If you would like to request a Prayer Quilt for anyone in need of prayer and support, please contact Diane Gustafson ([email protected]) or Maria ([email protected]).

This important ministry brings comfort and healing to many people who are suffering with illness.

Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study

Join us for Wednesday Morning Prayer and Bible Study

on Wednesdays at 9:30 am as a Zoom meeting.

Please contact Rev. Roger ( [email protected])

to be included in the Zoom meeting.

The Morning Prayer guide can be found here:

Morning Prayer, February 7

Parish Prayer Lists

For our Military

Matt Jensen, Drew Shorkey, Cody Crossland, Cameron Ronie, Chariti Paden, Mark Stanfield, Sean Robinson, Jonathan Martinez, TK Nguyen, Christopher Lindshield, Timothy Lindshield, Jeremy Colton, David Sanchez, Jonathan Baldera, Nick Wyatt, Jamal Warner, Devon Strunk,

Matt Hernandez, Daniel Getreu, Taylor Harrold, Jorge Zuazua, Sebastian Morales, Roberto Chavez, Ryan Lothspeich, Andrew C. Dugger, Dan and Chelsey Nyaradi, Gen. G.C. Heinrich and Pedro Bonilla.

Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping 

all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad.

Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; 

strengthen them in their trials and temptations; 

give them courage to face the perils which beset them; 

and grant them a sense of your abiding presence 

wherever they may be; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Strength in Time of Need

Steve Magill, Gary and Shirley McCarren, Ann Lindshield, the McClure family, Alec Hauer, Barbara Oliveira, Linda Longoria-Neff, Ann and Bill Rogers, Karen Polk, Bob Milam,

James Kellogg Burnham III, Joshua Farle, and Celia Vasquez.

O God of heavenly powers, 

by the might of your command you drive away from our bodies 

all sickness and all infirmity: 

Be present in your goodness with your servants, 

that their weakness may be banished and their strength restored; 

and that, their health being renewed, they may bless your holy Name;

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Cycle of Prayers for the Church

In the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the clergy and people of Christ Church, Coronado.

In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, we pray for the Anglican Church of South America.

In the Military Cycle of Prayer, we pray for Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 163, MCAS Miramar.


We Are Here For You!

If you, a family member, neighbor or a friend are interested in celebrating a significant event in your spiritual life, please know that you are welcome.

We would be honored to be a part of your Baptism, Holy Communion, Quinceañera, Marriage, Renewal of Vows or Anointing of the Sick.

At St. John's, no matter who you are or where you are on your spiritual journey - you are welcome here.

We Are Available in Your Time of Need

If you have a pastoral emergency when the parish offices are closed,
please call 619-301-0724 or email [email protected]


Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram

Please follow us and friend us on Facebook at Saint John's Episcopal Church

and on Instagram at stjohnsepiscopalchurchcv


Upcoming Events at St. John's

  • February 6th: La Misa in English, Celebrating Dia de la Candelaria (Candlemas), 6:00pm in Nale Hall
  • Sunday, February 11th: Souper Bowl Soup/Chili Sale in Nale Hall
  • Tuesday, February 13th: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner, 5:00pm in Nale Hall
  • Wednesday, February 14th: Ash Wednesday
  • Sunday, March 17th: St. Patrick's Day Steak Dinner

1st Quarter Calendar of Events

Parish Office Hours and Contacts

The Parish Office will be open 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Thursday.

Please call the parish office if you have any questions or concerns

(619-422-4141) or email [email protected].

Rev. Roger will be in the office on Monday and Tuesday afternoons, and all day on Wednesday and Thursday. He is available by appointment. Please call the office to schedule an appointment.

In case of a pastoral emergency, Rev. Roger may be reached on his cell phone at



Helping Hungry Travelers

By: Cindy Dodson

For me, there is a sadness, a frustration, and mixed joy when helping those along the border. Scriptures call us all to service, and people from throughout the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego continue to help those who are simply looking for a safe haven in the United States. 

The process for asylum seekers after their interview with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) often involves several steps. If the asylum seeker passes the initial screening (credible fear interview), they may be allowed to enter the U.S. to pursue their asylum claim. Asylum seekers who are released sometimes travel to another location in the U.S., often where they have family or a support network.  Read More

Commission on Ministry: Day of Information

Join members of the Commission on Ministry, Diocesan leadership, and other discerners for the Day of Information at St. Thomas, Temecula on February 17 from 10am-2pm. This event is for all who are discerning a call to ordained ministry. It is essential that you have the approval of your clergyperson, and that you are accompanied by your clergyperson.

Click here to register

Sacred Ground

A new Sacred Ground circle sponsored by EDSD’s Racial Justice and Reconciliation Task Force starts Thursday, March 7, 6:30-8:30 pm. Info session is Thursday, February 15, 6:30-7:30 pm.

Click here for more information and to register

Creation Care Book Study

Join this provocative book study, "So We and Our Children May Live" by Sarah Augustine and Sheri Hostetler. "This book offers hope ... alongside concrete actions for joining with Indigenous Peoples to protect life and negotiate with decision-makers for sustainable change that follows Jesus." Click here for more information

Faith To Go Podcast

Charlette and David explore the blessings of the recent Leadership Academy, wrestle with the realities of the role of women in scripture,

and share the need for refreshing moments to reground ourselves.

Listen Here

Cursillo Weekend

Cursillo weekend is scheduled for February 22-25 at the Whispering Winds Camp and Conference Center near Julian. Cursillo Weekend is designed to deepen a person's relationship with Jesus and enable them to live out their life as a witness to Jesus in the world.

Click here for more information.

Flood Relief Fund

In the wake of the recent devastating floods that have impacted our communities, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego is stepping forward to offer support and aid to those in crisis. We are establishing the EDSD Flood Relief Fund, a dedicated resource for providing immediate assistance to those affected by the floods. This fund embodies our commitment to being a compassionate and responsive presence in times of need. We invite you to share this with everyone who feels called to help. Let’s work together to bring relief, hope, and healing to our neighbors and communities during this challenging time.

Help today: EDSD Flood Relief 2024

EDSD Support for Migrants

EDSD’s Migration Ministry office continues to work with migrants along our southern border, providing immediate aid and relief. Thank you for your support! For an updated list of donation needs, volunteer opportunities, and a list of our partners, please visit Have questions? Contact Migration Missioner Robert Vivar at [email protected].

Support Episcopal Relief and Development

Your gift to the Middle East Fund will support the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and Al-Ahli Arab Hospital as they offer critical health services to those impacted by the current crisis in Gaza. Through your generosity, ERD is able to provide medicine and other supplies to help tend to the physical and psychosocial wounds of the current conflict.

Visit today to make a contribution

760 First Ave  Chula Vista, CA  91910

(619) 422-4141 |  [email protected] |

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