Naples SDA Church
In light of the Second Coming, God's missional mandate for the Naples Seventh-day Adventist Church is to connect people to Christ, enabling them to be transformed into His likeness, and equipped to serve Him.
Worship Team
Youth Church
Kids Grow in Faith
NACS Fruit Sale
Worship Message
Stewarship Thoughts
Health Fair
Blood Drive
Youth Council Meeting
Youth Rally
Worship Team

Todd Fits
Children's Corner:
Laura Carlisle
Gifts of Worship: 
Fabiana Issac
Fabbiana Issac
Prayer Garden:
Emmanuel Philogene
Praise Time
Kendall, Ashley & Mary Chaffee
Worship in Song:
Christine Haddix
Worship Message:
Pastor Phil Vasseur
Christine Haddix
Cindy & Jason Rone
Youth Church is October 26

All Youth are invited to join Herb and Sue following Sabbath School in Meeting Room 1 on October 26 for Youth Church. For more information contact Herb or Sue Boothby at 398-6190 or


A Practical Tool to Help Kids Grow in Faith....
Are your children ready to face the challenges that await them each day? Plan now for fun, faith-building Family Time Activities to strengthen your family and invest in the hearts of your kids. Take just 20-30 minutes a week to energize your devotions and share lessons that will last a lifetime. Click here to learn more.
NACS Fruit Sale
Get some liquid sunshine and help a great cause!  Our church school children will be selling citrus fruit from Golden Harvest Fruit beginning October 12th.  The kids will be offering a variety of oranges and grapefruit with the proceeds benefiting our church school programs.  This delicious fruit makes a wonderful holiday gift, especially for our northern friends.  Please see any NACS student, teacher, board member or Principal Dahl to place an order.
Upcoming Events
Maranatha SDA Church Youth Ministry Council
October 20 10:00am-2:00pm

NACS Early Release

October 21

Youth Church
October 26

NACS No School
October 31

Fellowship Potluck Dinner
November 2

ABC Bookmobile
November 2 @ 6:45pm

Naples Church Health Fair
November 3 @ 1:00pm

Children's Church

November 9

Ft. Myers SDA Church Youth Rally
October 9 @ 11:00am
Ministry Links
 Online Giving
 Sermons Online
Voice of Hope
NACS Homepage 

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Worship Message
"God's Tool Box"
Building People for the Kingdom

Happy Sabbath!!  Make sure you don't miss part 3 of our "Building People for the Kingdom" worship message series!  Bring a friend!!
God's Tool Box
Theme:  Equip-Equip means to train people for ministry.  We are God's workmanship.  He has given us gifts and abilities that need to be discovered and developed for His glory and to build up the Church.

Scripture:  Ephesians 4:11-13
Next's Week's Worship Message:  Pouring Yourself Out. Scripture:  Luke 7:37-38
Stewardship Thoughts "Church Budget"

The story is told of a land owner who went on a trip.  He entrusted his wealth to three of his property managers.  To one he gave the equivalent of 90 years wages in silver.  To another he gave the equivalent of 36 years wages, and to a third, he entrusted the equivalent of almost 20 years wages.  After a long time, the land owner returned and called the three managers in to share what transpired while he was away.  Imagine the joy as the first manager gave his report of a 100% increase.  That's right; he doubled the land owners asset.  The second with a similar report, 100% increase, and the asset doubled.  The third manager gave his report, 100% in tack, no increase, no interest, no growth of any kind.
Which manager would you like to be?  What report, of the three, would you like to present?  May God bless each one as we continue to manage all He has entrusted to us.  It's that part of our service when we can present our gifts to the owner of all. Today's offering will support our local Church.  Thank you in advance for your faithfulness.
Bulletin Financials
Health Ministries Health Fair

Looking for that perfect time to volunteer and serve Jesus? Now might be that time! Your Health Ministries is planning a huge FACE-to-FACE Health Fair to be held at the church, Sunday, November 3, from 1:00-5:00pm. We will take care of all the planning, organizing the professionals, gathering literature, and promoting, but we need YOU to help the day of the fair. We need greeters, guides, set up crew, tear down crew, and much, much more!

Our church will shine God's light through this Health Fair to the community in a fun, educational, and professional outreach. Please join us and volunteer by contacting Heather Cheriel at [email protected] or Mary Ann Rule at [email protected].

Health Ministries Blood Drive

Your Health Ministries committee wants to organize a blood drive to be held at the FACE-to-FACE Health Fair November 3, 1:00-5:00pm. We must have 20 volunteers before the blood mobile will come. Did you know that every drop of donated blood will stay in the community or that only 3 out of 100 people give blood? It is easy and painless and will help in a big way. Please see Heather Cheriel, [email protected] or Mary Ann Rule, [email protected] to volunteer right away! Thanks!

Area Youth Council Meeting

All areas will be having their bi-annual general meeting on October 20.  At this meeting each area will be setting out how they will be implementing the themes, goals and plans that were hashed out at the State Youth Council.  The South Area bi-annual council meeting will convene at 10:00 am at the Marantha SDA Church 18900 NW 32nd Ave, Miami Gardens, FL  305-620-9091.  This meeting is for all leaders and assistants of Adventurer, Pathfinder, Youth, Young Adult and ACM.  For more information contact the Youth Department.  Booking is online at
Ft. Myers SDA Church Youth Rally

All are invited to join the Fort Myers SDA Church on Ortiz Ave. for a wonderful YOUTH Sabbath starting at 11AM on November 9 with guest speaker Ryan Murow from Tampa SDA Academy and guest praise band "Common Cause" from Naples. Please come back in the evening for the GRAND OPENING of the Family Life Center: Basketball, volleyball, and more games @5p.m. Please invite your friends!!!
October Birthdays
3  Stefano Martin
4  Evelyn Mercardo
4  Jared Crombie
6  James Crombie
6  Claimene Chalme
7  Arthur Theodore
7  Jennifer Anderson
7  Heather Cheriel
8  Anchise Sylveus
9  Maya Kganela
9  Yani Camps
10 Caitlin Bingham
11 Enrique Angeles
11 Kara Bush
11 Gwendolyn Tyler
11 Betty Jean Byrd
12 Jacqueline Marcelin
14 Denice Napoleon
14 Brunette Cherelus
16 Joyce Aldea
19 Henriette LeBrun
20 Marie Calvert
20 Nole Stephania
23 Melissa Currie
24 Phil Johnson
24 Erick Baltodano
26 Denise Vasseur
26 Javiere Inniss
27 Jessie Ncube
27 Joshua Ncube
28 Philip Crombie
28 Joseph Agresti
30 Nancy Cadet
31 Ruth Camps