October 13, 2023

10/17 Hispanic Heritage Night

10/18 8th Football Game Hogg vs Fondren @ Butler 7PM

10/19 Volleyball Game Hogg vs Lincoln @ Hogg 6PM

10/23 7th Grade Football Game

10/25 Coffee with the Principal

10/25 Homecoming Game @ Delmar 7PM

10/30 7th Football Game Hogg vs Hamilton -Away

10/30 8th Football Game Hogg vs Key @ Delmar 7PM

Dear Razorback Parents and Guardians,

For the last 6 weeks in WIN we have focused on our Campus Culture Camp, where students participated in lessons about the IB Learner Profile traits and Approaches to Learning Skills (ATLs).

Beginning Monday, October 16, 2023, WIN period will transition to targeted academic small group interventions, support for newcomers to English and the US, advanced arts programs, IB community projects, behavior support groups, and so much more. Students will be scheduled based on need. WIN is forty minutes long and is scheduled for Monday – Thursday after third period.

We will also begin our Advocacy Clubs. Advocacy will be every Friday at the same time, right after third period. This week, students had the option of picking their top five clubs from all of the options offered by our teachers. Clubs range from Acts of Kindness and Books & Bites to Guitars and Dungeons and Dragons and everything in between. Students will be scheduled into one of their top choices. Advocacy is a great time to build community by making new friends with common interests. 

Students will receive their new schedules on Monday, October 16, 2023, in homeroom. 

Thank you so much for all you do every day to support us at Hogg Middle School!

Vanessa Saldaña

Head of School, James Hogg Middle School 

Staff and Student of the week!

Staff of the Week-Mr. Powell

IB Trait: Knowledgeable

I’ve been teaching for seven years, four of which have been at Hogg. I’m originally from Georgia, then went on to college at Davidson College, post Stephen Curry, where I studied Anthropology. I am currently enrolled at the University of Houston getting my Masters in Educational Leadership.

Other things to know about me are that I have a deep love for peanut butter filled pretzels and a deep hate for chocolate chip waffles.

I enjoy riding my bike around the bayous and downtown, as well as messing up new recipes on a weekly basis. I’ve recently been making soups, and my tomato basil soup was delicious. My butternut squash soup still needs some work.

My favorite thing about being a razorback are the people I get to work with. Not only are these folks excellent at their jobs, and passionate about teaching and helping our students, but they also are pretty funny!

Selfie: It’s a picture with a previous student: Emilio Z!

6th Grade Student of the Week- Marley

IB Trait: Caring

Marley joined us from Travis ES. Her favorite thing about Hogg so far is her teachers.

She loves all of them!

Marley, was born in Austin and grew up in a farm. Which explains why she loves horses and horseback riding. She started riding at a very young age. She also enjoys watching tv and shopping.

Keep up the great work Marley!

7th Grade Student of the Week- Kaiden

IB Trait: Caring

Kaiden has a few hobbies, he enjoys working out with his Dad, reading, writing and taking care of his little sister Kinsley. That was the kindest response I've ever gotten and he said it with the warmest smile.

His favorite things about Hogg are his teachers, classes, the diversity and school spirit.

When he grows up he wants to get into a great University

and major in business. He wants to be a business owner.

Kaiden, you are capable of anything kiddo! Keep up the great work!

8th Grade Student of the Week- Michael

IB Trait: Caring

When Michael isn't focusing on his schoolwork he likes to spend his free time playing video games.

His favorite thing about Hogg is the great teachers!

Michael aspires to attend Harvard University and become a Trauma Surgeon.

Michael, Keep up the great work!

Congratulations to the 7th Grade Football team on their win against Pershing this week. Record 2-0!

Car Wash this Saturday! Funds will go to the Kickstart Competition Teams.

A message from Ms. Landa in World Cultures!

A BIG Thank You to those who have donated! We just need 3 more.

World Cultures teachers are looking for donations of Haribo Gummy Bears for next week's Political Systems Diorama Projects. These are available at Walmart.

Salsa Entry
Bring a Dish to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Night at Hogg
Volunteer for Hispanic Heritage Night

Attention NJHS Students

If you are interested in running for an office for NJHS you have until this Friday to email your Google slide to Ms. Guillory.

* There is another volunteer opportunity to help at the Travis Carnival. You may sign up for as many shifts as you want. You will be assigned a job on the day, depending on what they need help with. Sign up below.

Volunteer Sign Up

*This is not a Hogg Middle School Baseball Team. This is to be included in activities facilitated by the Baseball Club.

6th Grade Club Baseball Contact Sheet

Save the dates for upcoming Spirit Nights!

Creating Parent/Observer Account

Title I, Part A, Parent and Family Engagement Program Documents

Title I Status Notification
Aviso de estatus de Titulo 1
  Parent and Family Engagement Policy
 Politica para la participación del Programa
Teacher and Paraprofessional Qualifications
Competencias de Maestros y Personal Paradocente

Cell Phone Policy

As is current policy, student cell-phone use will not be allowed in HISD schools during the academic day. Student use of phones during the academic day disrupts learning and instruction, fuels disputes between students, and undermines the culture we are working to create in all HISD campuses.


Students must leave their cell phones at home or in their backpacks. Should a teacher or administrator see a cell phone on a student’s person (even if it is in a pocket, but visible) or being used by a student, the teacher or administrator will:

  1. Ask the student to hand over the mobile phone. 
  2. Put the student’s name on the phone (as with a sticky note), and
  3. Take it to the office.


The first time a student has a mobile phone taken to the office, that student may pick up the cell phone from the front office after school. If a student violates this rule a second time, the cell phone will be returned to a parent or guardian who must come to the school by 4:30pm to retrieve it.  

Learn About Texas Assessments

You can view your child's STAAR test results by either logging onto PowerSchool/HISD Connect or on the TEA website. You will need your child's Unique Student Access Code. That code can be given to you by your child's grade level Administrative Assistant. On PowerSchool, it will be on the left hand side of the menu, under Texas State Assessment Portal. If you have more than one child you can toggle between each child.

Drop off and Pick-up


Attendance Policy Information

When a student is absent, a signed parent note or physician’s note must be submitted to the campus attendance office within three (3) days of student’s return to school. The parent note should include the student’s name and grade, reason for absence, telephone number, and signature of parent or guardian. If a note is not provided, the absence will be counted as unexcused. It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor a student’s school attendance and require the student to attend each entire class period for every school day.


·    PDF Format only, for physician’s notes if emailed.


Cuando un estudiante está ausente o se va temprano, se debe enviar una nota firmada por los padres o una nota del médico a la oficina de asistencia de la escuela secundaria Hogg, dentro de los tres (3) días posteriores al regreso del estudiante a la escuela. La nota de los padres debe incluir el nombre completo y el grado del estudiante, el motivo de la ausencia, el número de teléfono y la firma del padre o tutor. Si no se proporciona una nota, la ausencia se contará como injustificada. Es responsabilidad de los padres controlar la asistencia escolar del estudiante y exigir que el estudiante asista a cada período de clase completo todos los días escolares.


Solo formato PDF, para notas del médico si se envían por correo electrónico.


Please contact Mrs. Ramirez a[email protected] if you have any concerns regarding Attendance. 

Por favor de comunicarse con la Sra. Ramirez a[email protected] 

Si tiene dudas o preguntas.

English Attendance Policy

Politica de Asistencia

Updated 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

The Hogg Health Center Updated Information

For the latest information about the Hogg Clinic, click here.


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