Mini-Grants Available for Students from America's Promise Alliance
America’s Promise Alliance has reached out to YWCA USA to offer an exciting opportunity available for any and all students within the extended YWCA network. The Power of Youth Challenge launched an initiative on Youth Leading Racial Healing, which will provide $250 mini-grants to U.S.-based projects led by young people ages 13-19.

Applications will remain open until April 30 and the proposed projects are required to be COVID-safe while also focusing on promoting racial equity and addressing systemic racism.

You can find more details and information to apply here.
YES Joins the Fullerton Collaborative's Nxt Gen Youth Subcommittee
Jenna Oelke, our YWCA OC’s Youth Employment Services Program Assistant and YES Career Advisors have teamed up with the Fullerton Collaborative’s youth-serving organizations called the “Nxt Gen Subcommittee” which meets monthly for a community roundtable to share resources and programming with one another and find ways to partner to better serve our city's youth. 

April 22, 2021: Earth Day
April 22-25, 2021: Stand Against Racism
April 27, 2021: Board Meeting
May 11, 2021: Executive Committee
May 2021: HERSTORY 
May 25, 2021: Board Meeting
May 31, 2021: Memorial Day
June 8, 2021: Executive Committee
June 14, 2021: Flag Day
June 22, 2021: Board Meeting
June 26, 2021: Scholarship Luncheon & Annual Meeting 


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215 E. Commonwealth Ave. Suite D
Fullerton, CA 92832

Learn more about your YWCA-OC visit

Facebook: YWCA of Orange County
Instagram: @ywcaoc

With gratitude,
YWCA of Orange County, Board of Directors