The Magnificat  Weekly

St. Mary's Episcopal Church      ~      Crystal Lake IL

Weekly E-Newsletter                                         January 10, 2019

In This Issue

Worship Times
Sundays, 8 & 10 am
Nursery available at 9:45
Coffee Hour fellowship  follows both services;
join us for treats, and conversation


Children's Worship, for ages  3 through 2nd grade, meets in the Education Wing every Sunday

 at 10:00 am


Clergy & Staff
Amy Noe, Parish Administrator
Sandra Molyneux, Organist and Choir Director
Parish Vestry  (term expires)
Marge Smith, Warden (1/19)
Tracy Higgins, Warden (1/20)
Peter Becker, Treasurer
Judy Tracy, Clerk of the Vestry
(1/19)   John Amrein, Peter Carroll, Jerry Kolarczyk
(1/20)  Amy Koegel, Judy Thornton, Sally Van Vranken
(1/21)   Steve Brooks, Stacy Cook, Jane Helmboldt

Monthly Events
The next CRYSTAL LAKE FOOD PANTRY volunteer opportunity is Wednesday, February 6.  Shift times are 8:30-11:30 a.m., or 11:30 am to 2:30 pm.  Contact Aimee Day if you can help.  
CENTERING PRAYER meets the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall. 
Contac Rev. Fran with any questions, or for more information.
TAIZE is an ecumenical, meditative common prayer, incorporating song, chant, scripture readings, and silence.  People of ALL faith traditions are welcome this monthly candlelight service.  The services are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, 461 Pierson St.  The next Taize service will be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

A FREE COMMUNITY MEAL  is offered at St. Mary's on the third Saturday of every month.  The meal is served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and ALL are welcome.  There is no RSVP required.   Free will donations will be accepted.  Please watch the newsletter and website for the menu, which will be published a week or two before the event.  The next  Community Meal is Saturday, January 19.

We Pray For
Parishioners: Elmer, Sue,  Miles, Matthew, Bob, Carol, John, Matthew, and Elizabeth,  Mary, Gladys, Galen & Betsy, Harry & Marion, and all those seeking employment
Family/Friends:   Gary, James, Joanne, Lauren,  Christi, Lynn, Brian, Rachel, Maria,  Kay, Virginia, Cora,  Saul, Naomi, Aimee, Susan, Brian, Mark,  Neil, Desmond,  Will, Tom, Tom, Tim,  Pat, Billy, Kay, Gary, Kevin,  Kelly, David, Susie, Carole, Diana, Kelly Marie, Lori, Kurt, Gail, Regina, Darcy, Julie, Betty, Sue, Nancy, Maggie, Nicci, Sarah

Those Serving in the
Armed Forces
Michael, Jeremy, Terry, Dan 

Those Who Have Died
Deacon Chere Bates;
Janice, aunt of Tom Koegel

Those Who Mourn
Tom Koegel and the family of his cousin, Erik

Birthdays January 10-16
1.16  Steve Tracy
          Marion Krause

Anniversaries Jan. 10-16
1.16  El & Dorothy

If you would like your name added to the birthday / anniversary list, please contact   Amy  in the Parish Office.

Quick Links


News from The Episcopal Cafe

From the Rector

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Mary's,

This Sunday as we celebrate the first Sunday after Epiphany, the church observes the Baptism of our Lord. The word Epiphany means a "manifestation of a divine or supernatural being." It is a moment of sudden revelation or insight. Last Sunday as we celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6, we celebrated the realization of the gentiles (represented by the Magi) that Jesus was the Messiah. The realization of Jesus' divinity continues this Sunday, as Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River. As he comes out of the water a voice from heaven proclaims him to be the holy one of God: "You are my Son, with you I am well pleased" (Luke 3: 22).   The choir has prepared some lovely music to enhance our worship once again this Sunday.

Please mark your calendars for Sunday January 27 th , when we will hold our Annual Meeting. We will have only one 9:00 a.m. service with a parish wide brunch to follow, and then our meeting in the Great Hall. This is an important event in the life of the parish and all are welcome. We will elect new vestry members to lead our parish, and approve a new budget for 2019. It is a time to find out more about your church, the finances, our growth, and goals, and a time to celebrate all of the ministry we have accomplished this past year.  Newcomers are most welcome.  There is a sign-up sheet in the parish hall if you would like to contribute to the brunch. Please note that on January 27 we only have one 9:00 a.m. service with the choir. There is no 8:00 or 10:00 a.m. service on this Sunday.

Thank you to everyone who took the time and effort to help us decorate the church for Christmas, and to all those who helped take down our decorations. It takes a great deal of time and effort and I truly appreciate your help and involvement. The church always looks so lovely, thank you.

See you all on Sunday,
January Community Meal

Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 19 5:00-7:00 p.m. for our next Community Meal .    In January we begin our third year of offering a free meal on the third Saturday of every month! This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, share a night out with friends, or just stop in if you've had a busy day and don't feel like cooking. Let us do the work!! Remember, this meal is open to anyone, and no RSVP is required. Bring your family and friends! There is no charge for the meal, but free-will donations are appreciated.

January Menu
Meat Loaf with Gravy and Mashed Potatoes,
Salad, Rolls, Vegetable, Dessert

There are post cards available on a Narthex table with all the dates for 2019. The menu is posted on our website a week or two prior to the meal.   If you'd like to volunteer to help, please contact Tracy Higgins.
Sunday, January 27
Annual Parish Meeting and Brunch

The morning will begin with a  single, combined Eucharist beginning at 9:00 a.m., followed by a wonderful pot-luck brunch, and then the Annual Parish Meeting, beginning at 10:45 a.m.

The brunch sign-up sheet is posted in the Great Hall.  Please indicate if you would like to prepare a dish, shop for additional items needed, or help with set-up and clean-up.

Make it a point to attend this year's meeting as we reflect on 2018, and look forward to great opportunities in 2019!

Ministry Leaders: A request for your annual reports was sent out this week. Please email them to the office by Monday, January 21st at the very latest, so the packets can be put together. Questions? Contact Amy in the office.

2018 Tax Statements Available

The year-end statements of contribution for tax year 2018 are now available on a Narthex table. Some of them were mailed out this week, but most are available on a Narthex table. Please pick them up this Sunday. Thank you!!
2019 Flower Chart

The 2019 Flower Chart is now posted. Members are encouraged to select a Sunday closest to a significant date in one's life, i.e. the anniversary of the death of a loved one or friend, a birthday or wedding anniversary, or perhaps on the occasion of blessings received, and underwrite that Sunday's flowers.   Donation amount is $30.
Pads Meal Volunteers Needed

For many years now St. Mary's is one of the churches that serve the evening meal three times a year at the PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) location at Bethany Lutheran Church, during the winter months. Our next staffing date is January 20. If you can volunteer to shop or serve, please contact Mary Frake.

The Three Kings Journey to See the Holy Family
St. Mary's Episcopal Church |   210 McHenry Ave.   |   Crystal Lake IL  60014-6009
815-459-1009    |