The Magnificat Weekly
St. Mary's Episcopal Church   ~   Crystal Lake IL
Weekly E-Newsletter                                                            December 29, 2016
In This Issue
Worship Times
Sundays, 8 & 10 am
Nursery available at 9:45
Coffee Hour fellowship  follows both services;
join us for treats, and conversation


Children's Worship,

10:00 am

(Preschool -2nd grade)


Sunday School, 11:00 am


Clergy & Staff
Rev. Barbara Bishop, Deacon
Amy Noe, Parish Administrator
Sandra Molyneux, Organist and Choir Director
Parish Vestry
Michael Higgins, Co-Warden
Cate Williams, Co-Warden
Peter Becker, Treasurer
Judy Tracy, Clerk of the Vestry
Members: John Amrein, Peter Carroll, Michael Choquette, Mark Cornelissen, Jerry Kolarczyk, and Marge Smith

Monthly Events
The next CRYSTAL LAKE FOOD PANTRY volunteer opportunity is Monday, January 16.  Contact Chris Bednaroski if you can help.  Shift times are 9:30-Noon, and Noon-2:30.
CENTERING PRAYER meets the first and third Tuesday of every month, at 7:30 p.m. in the Great Hall.  Contact Rev. Fran with any questions, or for more information.
TAIZE is an ecumenical, meditative common prayer, incorporating song, chant, scripture readings, and silence.  People of ALL faith traditions are welcome this monthly candlelight service.  The next service will be held at the First Congregational Church of Crystal Lake, 461 Pierson St., on Tuesday, January 24, at 7:00 pm.

We Pray For
Matthew, Mike, Jerry, John, Glenice, Daphne, Dn. Barb, Karen, Thelma, Ann, Galen, Betsy, Meg, Bob, Pat, Harry, Marion, Don, Tom, Joe, Madeleine, Glenice, Dn. Barb, Jo, Raven, Bill, Diana, Evelyn, Jerry,  Brian, Sarah, Carol, Betty, Judie, Wendy
Those Who Have Died
Walter, father of Jerry Kolarczyk;
Richard, partner of Jerry Kolarzyk's uncle, Joe; Chuck , friend of Jerry Kolarczyk
Those Serving in the
Armed Forces
Jeremy, Zack, Ryan, Terry, Scott,
Dan, Corey, Nicholas, Tyler, Ross
1.1      John Mason



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From the Rector
Dear Friends and Parishioners of St. Mary's,
As we embark on a new year I invite you to participate in our new community meal program. The community meal will kick off with a fundraiser on January 21, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.  This fundraiser will help us raise money and interest within our community.  It is also designed to be an opportunity for our cooks, servers and other volunteers to run through an actual meal, and practice what they need to do for our ongoing free community meal program, which will be held on the third Saturday of each month going forward.   Please plan on gathering with other members of St. Mary's and the community for this joyous occasion.   If you would like to attend but cannot afford a ticket that is not reason to stay away.  Please know that we have some scholarship funds set aside so that everyone can attend. Tickets are $25.00 per person, or $60.00 for a family. You may purchase a ticket from Amy in the office or speak to me at church on Sunday.  The community meal program is an opportunity for us to live out our faith in a very real and tangible way and to make a difference in people's lives.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sandy and choir for the wonderful music on Christmas Eve. We were also blessed to have Amy Koegel singing a solo at the 5:00 p.m. service, and Missy Spengel and her family singing together at our 9:00 a.m. service on Christmas Day.   All of the music was wonderful and I thank you all.
This Sunday on New Year's Day we will gather to celebrate The Feast of the Holy Name with one 9:00 a.m. service. We will resume our regular worship schedule on Sunday January 8th with n 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. service as we celebrate The Feast of the Epiphany.
May you have a happy, healthy and blessed New Year.
Holy Name / Epiphany Services
Sunday, January 1, Feast of the Holy Name:
9:00 a.m Choral Eucharist (Note: Only ONE service this day)

Sunday, January 8, Feast of the Epiphany (transferred)
8:00 a.m. Eucharist
10:00 a.m.  Choral Eucharist with Children's Epiphany Procession

Join the Gift-Giving at the Epiphany Procession
January 8, 10:00 a.m.

As we did last year, the children and youth of the parish will put on their costumes and bring out the scenery for the Epiphany Procession celebrating the arrival of the Wise Men. Wise Men, Wise Women, and Wise Children bearing gifts and, of course, the famous camels (and perhaps some of the other animals) will follow the star to where they will find Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus. There they will present their gifts to the Baby Jesus, which will be items for babies and toddlers to be donated to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry.
This year everyone is invited to participate by bringing gifts to the front of the church where our Food Pantry basket will be located . In addition to the always needed diapers and other baby items, gold, frankincense, and checks will be welcome. Thank you for joining the children and youth in the bringing of gifts. The wonderful "traveling" music for this journey will be played by our organist/choirmaster, Sandy Molyneux.
  Holiday Schedule Updates
Office Hours : The parish offices will be closed Monday, January 2  
Men's/Women's Bible Study : Will NOT meet on December 31.
Chair Yoga : Will NOT meet on January 2; it will resume on Wednesday, January 4
Children's Worship / Sunday School: Currently on Christmas break.  Both will resume on Sunday, January 8.
Offering Envelopes for Pledging Parishioners

The 2017 Offering Envelopes will be available beginning this Sunday, located on a table in the Narthex.  Please make a point to pick up your box of envelopes, which will save the parish considerable postage costs.

Annual Parish Meeting / Brunch in January

Save the date:  The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 29.  There will be only one service this day, beginning at 9:00 a.m., followed by a delicious potluck brunch, and then the meeting.
Sign-up sheets for the brunch will soon be posted in the Great Hall.  Please be sure and join us for the meeting, as we celebrate the accomplishments of 2016, and look forward to some amazing opportunities in the new year.

Kitchen Under Construction

Over the next few weeks we will continue to make repairs and changes to the kitchen. We will label drawers and cabinets, and post signs where we have moved items if needed. You may already have noticed the addition of a commercial refrigerator and freezer, and upgraded shelving in a newly reorganized pantry.  These changes are being done to upgrade our kitchen for our Community Meal program. In just a few weeks, you will see our kitchen running very efficiently and smoothly. Have ideas or suggestions? Please share them with Fran, or other members of the Community Meal team.

St. Mary's Episcopal Church |   210 McHenry Ave.   |   Crystal Lake IL  60014-6009
815-459-1009    |