Ralph Connor Memorial United Church
Friday, September 17, 2021

Kindly submit your Newsletter items to office@ralphconnor.ca
by Thursday at 11:00 AM

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Although we were rained out at the Ball Diamond on Sept. 12th, the service was recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel. We look forward to our next outdoor service on Sept. 26th (get your orange shirts ready for that one!)

Our service this Sunday, September 19th, focuses on Mark 9:30-37 – a scripture that talks about power dynamics in the precarious days of Jesus. This week’s service is online only,
at the Ralph Connor Canmore YouTube channel,

At 10:45 AM this Sunday, after the YouTube service, let’s gather online for a virtual Coffee time! A great opportunity to catch up with folks you’ve not seen for awhile or for Ralph Connor and Rundle folks to get to know one another. Here is the Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 859 8628 5528
Passcode: 537902
Or to phone in (audio only, no video)
       +1 587 328 1099 Canada
Meeting ID: 859 8628 5528
Passcode: 537902
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcXINKQj5j

At it's September 1st meeting, RCMUC Council revisited our COVID Guidelines for building usage. Links to link to the most recent RCMUC guidelines and the Alberta COVID regulations are posted on the home page of ralphconnor.ca.

Returning for its 21st consecutive year: Evensong, our Wednesday night contemplative service, starts on Wednesday September 22nd at 7:15 PM, on Zoom. The Zoom login will be sent out with the weekly Evensong email; if you are not on this email list and would like to be added, please contact jan.tissandier@gmail.com.
Choir rehearsals have resumed - Thursday nights, on Zoom! If you would like to join the RCMUC choir , please contact our music director, Tanya Sullivan at music@ralphconnor.ca.

a Message from your Stewardship Committee

The mission of Ralph Connor Memorial United Church is: 
• to nurture the spiritual exploration and growth of all our members and adherents; 
• to be an intentionally inviting Christian community that seeks, welcomes and embraces new members; 
• to reach out and become an agent for social justice in our neighborhood and in the global community. 

THANK YOU to all who brought donations to the Outdoor Services!

We are grateful for the generous donations to support our local church, and for donations to Mission & Service to reach out to others in our community and around the world.

You can donate by:

In September and October, there are many days that call us to live out our Calls to Action. We also enter the Season of Creation. A season of new beginnings and renewed energy to adapt and adjust to the world around us. We bring the wisdom of our ancestors and forbearers. Let us look into the coming weeks as an opportunity to learn, listen and witness the changing world around us. We might find our part and our role in the tasks ahead. Please follow the link for the important dates and opportunities to join with others in our region on this journey of creation and reconciliation. Link here~.

Join the Orange Shirt Day Team

On the Sept 4 and 5, 2021 we engaged with 350 people at the Orange Shirt Day Booth. Most were from Alberta, a few from BC and even people from Europe and NZ. A few Indigenous people stopped to tell us their stories. Many of the Alberta children knew more than their parents. The teachers are doing a good job. We will be there the next two Sunday afternoons so drop by to say hello.

If you can help at a booth, with set up, hosting or take down, or if you can prepare orange ribbons to give away, please contact Mary Shearer at shearermary04@gmail.com.

RCMUC Prayer Circles
We have two prayer groups at RCMUC: The Healing Pathway Prayer which meets on Wednesdays and Fridays, and Tuesday's “Morning Prayer” group. 

To share a prayer concern, please email Val Goodrow at v.goodrow@me.com and Rev Greg Wooley at minister@ralphconnor.ca.

We request that the person gives consent to have their name mentioned in prayer as privacy/confidentiality is of utmost importance. We also would appreciate knowing when the situation changes and we can release them from our prayers or update the prayer to a changing need.
Pastoral Care Committee Benevolent Fundraiser
Thank you photographers for submitting many beautiful images! The first five images have been selected and printed.

The balance of the "Members Only Trial" packets will be available for purchase at the September 26th outdoor service. Bring your $10 cash and go home with five notecards. Proceeds to Benevolent Fund. If you miss out we will accept orders and print more of this first series.
CYAN has lots of great events planned for the young adults of Canmore and environs. Their main website is under repair at the moment, so check https://www.facebook.com/canmorecyan/ for coming events!
Green Exodus
EARTH JAM - and GREEN EXODUS - are initiatives linking our concern for this planet with our spirituality. Ralph Connor is pleased to be one of the partner organizations in Canmore, Calgary and Lethbridge who are bringing the EARTH JAM event to our communities.
Due to concerns regarding indoor, in-person gatherings at this time, EARTH JAM has moved to being an online-only event.  There will still be weekend retreats (now on Zoom rather than in-person) as well as daily contemplative "sits" and discussion times throughout September and early October. We had hoped to have a Canmore-based retreat as part of Earth Jam but this is transitioning to a Tuesday night Zoom discussion, with portions by Tony Snow pre-recorded in Canmore – check greenexodus.ca for details!

Take a look at greenexodus.ca – you will find that Sarah Arthurs and her team (from Calgary, Canmore, Lethbridge and elsewhere) have worked hard to develop a range of online offerings, from retreats to contemplative “sits.” Please register here and check here for the full schedule of events and registration links!

Our gratitude to Robin Slater for offering the following feature in our weekly Newsletter, as part of our efforts to be a more broadly inclusive, and affirming, Community of Faith.


GO VOTE!! Remember: Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 New King James Version
In light of this tradition I offer diverse perspectives of the upcoming election(s). The more we know, the better choices we will make.
Look at issues and candidates from a faith-justice perspective at Creating a Just Canada.

The Mennonite Canadian Federal Election Guide for 2021 mirrors our United Church call for justice. They highlight that a federal election is an opportunity for all of us to shape the future of Canada. An election is also an occasion for Christians to consider the political implications of our faith, supporting the most vulnerable at home and abroad. It is a time to discern, with humility, how Jesus’ call to love our neighbours can be reflected in the public good. Click here for more.

Broadview questions our national character as we determine politicians who will restore Canada’s reputation. Canada needs to do better for Black refugees and immigrants. Black refugees from Africa still face barriers to integration and long processing times. Read more here.

Assembly of First Nations unveils priorities ahead of the federal election. National chief declines to endorse any party, says whoever is elected must recognize rights and make amends for the past. More here.

This Orange Shirt Day is also the first observance of a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. For settler Christians in particular, this is a time when we can reflect on our role in colonialism and the residential school system, and our ongoing responsibility to make reparations. Learn more~ Orange Shirt Day will be September 30, 2021   You can purchase your own Orange Shirt that supports the Orange Shirt Day Society at: https://orangeshirtday.net.

Indigenous Children: Then, Now and Tomorrow A Panel Discussion for Orange Shirt Day Panelists will explore how Indigenous children and families were and continue to be impacted by colonialism. They will answer a series of questions on a range of topics including Indigenous Children in Residential Schools, Sixties Scoop, Millennial Scoop, and bringing our children home. September 29, 2021 3:30 - 6:00pm MST Find out more and register here.  

From Tony Snow, Indigenous Minister, Chinook Winds Region: As we transition from a chaotic summer of change into a contemplative fall of recovery and reflection, let us take time to remember our Indigenous relations. Our World Indigenous Day session is now uploaded to the Urban Indigenous Circle Youtube Channel.
September 22, 2021 is Treaty Day (date of the signing of Treaty 7) 
September 30, 2021 is Truth and Reconciliation Day (newly announced, formerly Orange Shirt Day)
October 4, 2021 is Sisters in Spirit Day (designated in Alberta in 2019 for MMIWG2S and their families)

On June 29, 2021 the Moderator offered a message in the wake of more confirmation of graves associated with residential schools. He said, “Over the past few days, I’ve been hearing a number of settler Communities of Faith who are looking for contacts with Indigenous communities and their Elders. Often this has come with an explanation that the settler communities would like to ask for guidance in some way. I’d like to make a really strong suggestion. Stop it. I think one of the things those of us who are of settler/colonizer/newcomer descent need to recognize is that this is *our* stuff to deal with. Even if the Community of Faith I was a part of had an ongoing relationship with an Indigenous community and their Elders, this is *not* the time to ask for guidance.” Click here for the Moderator's message. 
From the UNHCR
Your support is urgently needed to help Afghans
 fleeing for safety.

Escalating violence has forced hundreds of thousands of Afghans from their homes, and more are being forced to flee every day. People are leaving with nothing in search of safety.

Now, fifty percent of the population requires critical, lifesaving humanitarian assistance and support.

Thanks to a generous donation match from BMO, when you give today, your gift will go twice as far to help those in need. To learn more or to donate, click here~.

Ralph Connor Memorial
United Church (RCMUC)

Administration: Trish Campney
Ph. 403-678-5354 - office@ralphconnor.ca
Trish is on vacation from August 27-September 20, though friendly volunteers will fill in when they can

Minister: Rev. Greg Wooley
Ph. 403-493-4923 - minister@ralphconnor.ca

Music Director: Tanya Sullivan
Please send all Office emails to office@ralphconnor.ca

The old canmoreu@telusplanet.net and canmoreu@telus.net addresses are now defunct.
Incoming: office@ralphconnor.ca
New Outgoing: ralphconnormemorial@gmail.com

Please also note: if you are sending letter mail to RCMUC, please include “Box 8901” in the address to make things easier for the folks at Canada Post. 
Rundle Memorial
United Church (RMUC) Contacts
The mail, email and phone messages will be picked up regularly.

Administration: Nancy Murray
Ph. 403-762-2075 - office@rundleunited.ca

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1086
Street address: 102 Banff Ave
Banff, Alberta, Canada T1L 1B1

To volunteer at Banff Thrift Store - thrift@rundleunited.ca

RMUC Website: http://rundleunited.ca/
Ralph Connor Memorial United Church
Mailing address: P.O. Box 8901
Street Address: 617 Main Street
Canmore, Alberta, T1W 2B1
403-678-5354 | office@ralphconnor.ca