Ralph Connor Memorial United Church
Friday, August 6, 2021

Kindly submit your Newsletter items to office@ralphconnor.ca
by Thursday at 11:00 AM

We will have a simplified Newsletter for the summer, with fresh content each week ~ please refer to the June 25th Newsletter click here~.
Sunday, August 8, 2021

This Sunday’s reading is from the gospel of John, in which Jesus outlines his mission in ways that many of his listeners found hard to hear. John 6: 35, 41-51 click here~.

The service will be posted to the Ralph Connor Canmore YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi8loA1BP8lNAppSRR9_aQQ

We are pleased to confirm that our Worship service one week from Sunday - August 15th - will be at 11:00 AM at the Ball Diamond at Canmore Millennium Park.  Bring a lawn chair, a water bottle, and dress for the elements! We will have a place to receive offering envelopes and cash donations. 

A variety of helpers are needed for that day: a set-up crew (including the "glory job" of raking up and disposing of the elk droppings prior to service time!), and a person or two who can help with sound system setup on Aug 15 (and could help again with the sound system on Aug 29, when we plan to worship outdoors again). If you can help, please contact Greg, minister@ralphconnor.ca
In order to help our Worship Committee and Church Council know your hopes and preferences on returning to in-person gatherings, including Worship, we hope that lots of RCMUC and Rundle folks will fill out a brief online survey at http://ralphconnor.ca/survey/. The survey will be open for the next ten days. Thanks in advance!

In light of the Province's lifting of most COVID restrictions, Council has revisited our COVID Guidelines for building usage. The new, briefer version is posted here~.
$  Good News from the Stewards  $
The Banff Rundle Thrift store is open for business from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday and from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday and Friday. Surplus funds from the store go towards the maintenance costs of the church building as well as many community support projects in Banff.
As always, the regular Church expenses (utility bills, salaries, etc) continue 12 months of the year and your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. If you wish to make a financial contribution to Ralph Connor, please go to http://ralphconnor.ca/giving/
or for Rundle,
For several weeks, our Friday newsletter has featured calls of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. We will resume this practice in the fall, and in the meantime would like to announce the following initiative...
Join the Orange Shirt Day Team

The discovery of children’s graves on the sites of many Residential Schools has awakened Canadians to the tragedy of Residential Schools. The Little White Church on main street is ideally situated to continue educating people. Orange Shirt Day in September offers Ralph Connor an opportunity to continue raising awareness of Residential Schools and Indigenous History.

During September we hope to operate a booth in front to our church. People will be invited to pick up orange bookmarks to learn more about the history and importance of this day, an orange ribbon and orange candy. We have a sun/rain tent organized and comfy lawn chairs. We would welcome donations of orange shirts with or without logos.

Volunteers are needed to operate the booth in front of the church from 1pm to 5pm on:

  • Saturday September 4th
  • Sunday September 5th
  • Sunday September 12th
  • Sunday September 19th
  • Sunday September 26

Please consider signing up for 2 hours or four hours. No training required just a welcoming smile. For more information contact Mary Shearer - 403-609-0690 shearermary04@gmail.com or the church office - 403-678-5354 office@ralphconnor.ca  
RCMUC Prayer Circles
We have two prayer groups at RCMUC: The Healing Pathway Prayer which meets on Wednesdays and Fridays, and Tuesday's “Morning Prayer” group. 

To share a prayer concern, please email Val Goodrow at v.goodrow@me.com and Rev Greg Wooley at minister@ralphconnor.ca.

We request that the person gives consent to have their name mentioned in prayer as privacy/confidentiality is of utmost importance. We also would appreciate knowing when the situation changes and we can release them from our prayers or update the prayer to a changing need.
Bow Valley Refugee Project
An urgent need has been shared with us via our Bow Valley Refugee Project. Will Tatari and his partner are in urgent need of housing, by September 1st. Please contact Will at wtatari@gmail.com or 403-493-4503 if you can provide housing, or if you know of someone who can. If you'd like further information, please feel free to contact Karen Fraser (see Instant Church Directory for Karen's contact info). Thank you!!
Pastoral Care Committee Benevolent Fundraiser
Thank you photographers for submitting many beautiful images! The first 5 images have been selected and sent to print.

"Members Only Trial" of 50 packets may be available for purchase at planned August 15 outdoor service.
Our gratitude to Robin Slater for offering the following feature in our weekly Newsletter, as part of our efforts to be a more broadly inclusive, and affirming, Community of Faith.


Grab a book, cue up the movie app (obviously I have no idea how to do that!!), saveur language and allow the arts to lead us on a deeper dive into current issues. Head for a shady nook with a glass of refreshment and settle-in to share stories and celebrate the Babel of our world.

48 books by Indigenous writers to read to understand residential schools. Click here~.

12 Indigenous-themed films from dramas to food docs streaming on CBC Gem. Click here~.

What does it mean to be seen? For over 70 years the NFB had been filming and documenting Indigenous lives in its films, but in the late 60s a massive change happened at the cultural institution: the creation of the Indian Film Crew, documented in this history of the National Film Board and Indigenous filmmaking in Canada. Click here~.
You are on Indian Land was released in 1969. This short documentary was one of the most influential and widely distributed productions made by the Indian Film Crew (IFC), the first all-Indigenous unit at the NFB. Click here~.

Here is a selection of documentaries examining issues of race, racism and police tactics. Click here~.

Why 1971 was an extraordinary year in film. Fifty years ago, with both the industry and wider society in turmoil, an astounding set of movies was born - which offer pause for thought about the responsibility of cinema today. Click here~.
A professor in the faculty of education at Queen’s, explores why Indigenous languages matter to linguists and to Indigenous communities in this TEDx Talk. Language shapes how a culture integrates itself in the world, how we talk about our relationships with each other and the natural world defines values such as ownership. Click here~.
In this powerful talk, Kwak'wala language teacher Joye Walkus passionately shows the cultural and spiritual significance of saving indigenous languages and culture for future generations. Click here~.
Ralph Connor Memorial
United Church (RCMUC)

Administration: Trish Campney
Ph. 403-678-5354 - office@ralphconnor.ca

Minister: Rev. Greg Wooley
Ph. 403-493-4923 - minister@ralphconnor.ca

Music Director: Tanya Sullivan
Tanya is on holidays for the month of August,
Rundle's Aurora Borin is stepping in, and Dave Somerville at the Aug 15 outdoor service - thank you talented musicians
Please send all Office emails to office@ralphconnor.ca

The old canmoreu@telusplanet.net and canmoreu@telus.net addresses are now defunct.
Incoming: office@ralphconnor.ca
New Outgoing: ralphconnormemorial@gmail.com

Please also note: if you are sending letter mail to RCMUC, please include “Box 8901” in the address to make things easier for the folks at Canada Post. 
Rundle Memorial
United Church (RMUC) Contacts
The mail, email and phone messages will be picked up regularly.

Administration: Nancy Murray
Ph. 403-762-2075 - office@rundleunited.ca

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1086
Street address: 102 Banff Ave
Banff, Alberta, Canada T1L 1B1

To volunteer at Banff Thrift Store - thrift@rundleunited.ca

RMUC Website: http://rundleunited.ca/
Ralph Connor Memorial United Church
Mailing address: P.O. Box 8901
Street Address: 617 Main Street
Canmore, Alberta, T1W 2B1
403-678-5354 | office@ralphconnor.ca