Please note that our Facebook page is not available at the moment. Our Worship Services will be live streamed On Sundays at 10 am and saved on Instagram until the issue has been resolved. ​Click HERE to go to Instagram and follow our page.

Letter from Pastor Julie

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I’ll admit I’ve been a bit remiss in getting articles out this month. My apologies: the month has felt like a blink of an eye. As I was thinking about what to write for this week, I was cleaning my e-mail as the Chicago Presbytery Connect e-news popped up on my screen. Because of the impactful words of Rev. Dr. Craig Howard, Executive Presbyter, I feel compelled to simply share his article in the hopes you will find it equally as impactful (or at least, helpful in some way). Click HERE to read the article.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Julie

Events coming up...

We will be celebrating Souper Bowl Sunday on February 9th

Come prepared to vote for your favorite team by wearing red for the Kansas City Chiefs or green for Philadelphia Eagles.  Please do not forget to bring monetary donations to vote for your favorite team. All proceeds will be donated to the Schaumburg Food Pantry.

Pastor Julie will be holding a New Member Class this month. If you are interested in becoming a Member of Church of the Cross, please see Pastor Julie.

Meetings are once a month on Wednesdays at 7 pm. Contact Julie Truelsen for more details.

  • February 12 - The School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan
  • March 12 - These is My Words–The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine by Nancy Turner
  • April 16 - The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon

The group meets on Sundays at 11:45 am. Everyone is invited to join the study in the Gathering Place.

Join us via Zoom every Wednesday at 12 noon for lunch and bible study.  We discuss scripture passages for our upcoming worship service. Contact Pastor Julie for the Zoom access information to join.

The group meets Wednesdays at 7 pm. Contact Ken Groenewold or Stu Rutter for more details.

Join us via Zoom on Tuesdays at 11 am for prayers and conversations. Contact Pastor Julie for the Zoom access information to join.

This is a relaxed time to gather over coffee to share conversation and enjoy each other’s company. These gatherings will be held at COTC about twice a month on Thursdays at 10 am. Next meeting: February 13