Note from School Nurse
As you may have noticed, those of us in the Northeast region are over-achieving at rebuilding our immunity after being so unexposed for two years. Most of us are, or will, experience the viruses that come at this time of year, including the Flu, COVID, and stomach bugs to name a few. Unfortunately, most of these viruses are passed before the onset of symptoms. Please look at our
Daily Health Check and
COVID protocols and keep this sheet handy as we move ahead with the rest of this cold and flu season.
If a Thacher community member tests positive for Covid, please note that the first day of symptoms or the day of the positive test (whichever comes first) is day zero. Individuals must quarantine through day five and can return to school on day six, in which case a mask must be worn for days 6 - 10.
If this scenario applies to a toddler or a student in another class who is not likely to keep a mask on, the return to school would be on day 11. Like all viruses, an individual must be free from a temperature of 99.5 or above for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications to return to Thacher. Please note that a mask does not need to be worn if an individual tests negative after day five and is free of all symptoms. A negative test, however, is not required to return as some people can test positive for multiple weeks.
The best way to fight these viruses is to get a good night’s sleep, get your fruit and veggies in, and stay hydrated. A run-down and tired body is the most susceptible.