Coming Up
Friday, March 10
Playtime at Houghton's Pond - 3:30 pm

Wednesday, March 15
*Pizza Day - new session
Middle School to MMUN

Thursday, March 16
*AMS School Tour
Friday, March 17
No School - Professional Day

Thacher News
Note from the Head of School

The American Montessori Society (AMS) 2023 Annual Conference is being held in Boston next week, and Thacher is proud to serve as a host school for this international event.

On the morning of Thursday, March 16, approximately 55 Montessorians from around the globe will visit Thacher to tour our school. We are honored to have been chosen as a host school for this event and excited to showcase our school.

Thacher will be closed on Friday, March 17, so our staff can attend this 3-day conference.

With Gratitude,

Deba Dunn
Pizza - new session starts next week

A new pizza session starts on March 15. If you want pizza for your child next week, please place your order by Sunday, 3/10. This third session will last until the end of the school year.
Choral Performance

On the evening of Thursday, March 16, 2023, a group of our Lower and Upper Elementary students will represent Thacher in a Montessori Schools of Massachusetts (MSM) student choral performance.

Joining with other local Montessori School students, this performance is part of the opening ceremonies at the commencement of the 2023 AMS Annual Conference.
Lost and Found

Are you missing one of your child’s sweatshirts or hats? Please check out the table of lost and found items in the hallway at regular and aftercare dismissal next week.

Any items that are not claimed will be donated.
Summer Program

The Early Registration Summer Program discount ends on March 17, 2023.

Thacher offers an exciting range of full-day Summer Programs and Aftercare for Toddlers through Middle School students from June 20 - August 11, 2023.

Early registration is now open, with a 5% discount on all purchases.

To be eligible for registration, please use the access code SUNFLOWER23.
Thacher Family Network
The TFN has partnered with New England Base Camp for Thacher School days off. The camp is for children five and up. If you're planning on signing up for the April break, please do so soon! NE Basecamp must meet a minimum number of kids to run the program.

The cost is $50 a day per child (9-3:15). Please bring your own snack and lunch.
Class Parents
Visit the Thacher Family Network page on the school website for a complete list of Class Parents. Class parents facilitate communications within their class community, meet with other parents to share ideas, and support parent initiatives.
Hike in the Blue Hills with the Adults
Please join us for an adult hike in the Blue Hills every other Wednesday. Meet in the parking lot across from school after drop off around 8:40 am.

For questions, please contact TFN co-chairs Daniela Field and Kirsten Glynn.

Play with the Kids
Head over to Houghton's Pond after school on Fridays to let your kids run and play. See you there!

Join the Parent Facebook Group
All parents are invited to join the Thacher Montessori Parents Facebook group. The goal of the group is for parents to have a space to share resources, ask questions and support each other in the community. Join today!

If you have any questions, please contact TFN co-chairs Daniela Field and Kirsten Glynn.
Community Corner
2023 CSA Shares Available
Brookwood Community Farm 2023 CSA Shares are listed on their website and are now available for purchase.