Coming Up
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Picture Day (details below)
Thacher News
A Note from Deba

Dear Families,

This past Wednesday, September 22, marked the moment when the Sun was precisely above our Earth's equator, causing day and night to be almost equal in length, the time of the Fall Equinox.

Drawing on their scientific backgrounds, Dr. Montessori and her son, Mario, fashioned developmentally appropriate lessons for multiple ages. Lessons to inspire and excite students' learning. Lessons to stimulate their curiosity and encourage them to ask questions and explore. Lessons to fan the flames that burn within a child in their never-ending pursuit of knowledge. At the elementary level (6 – 12-year-old), students engage in all curricular areas. One area addresses the many, many yearly changes that take place on our remarkable planet, Earth. As I mentioned the Fall Equinox above, here is a picture of just one lesson to illustrate this phenomenon.
As we enter the magnificent time of Autumn in New England, this is another opportunity to be thankful for our planet. I encourage you to get out into nature; there is so much wonder in the small corner of our world.
 Enjoy your weekend and be safe.

TREX Plastic Film Recycling Returns

Once again, Thacher is participating in the TREX Plastic Film Recycle Challenge.

Save and drop off plastic film that is clean, dry and free of food residue. Several drop-off bins are located on campus. Click here for more information.

We are looking for parent volunteers willing to help bring the full bags to local supermarkets. Please contact Adam Percy for details.
Picture Day -
Tuesday, September 28

Update - All Thacher students will have an individual photo taken only. Due to Covid, we are postponing taking all-class photos until the Spring.

You can order portraits before Picture Day at

  • Click on "Order School Portraits"
  • Select Thacher Montessori
  • Choose your photo packages


Contact Coffeepond
Call: 800-632-2323 ext 0

Parents of Upper Elementary students might notice that picture day falls on the same day students go to Nature's Classroom. We plan to take your child's individual photo before the bus to Nature's Classroom departs!
Google Classrooms

We are phasing in our Google Classrooms and Thacher student emails. Students keep the same email address from year to year, so they should be able to sign in to their account anytime. Students will be invited by email into their current Google classroom(s). If you need help logging in, don't hesitate to get in touch with Andrea Dietrich (

Adolescents and Upper Elementary students are already in full swing, and students have been using their Thacher emails and Google classrooms.

Lower Elementary students have all been assigned Thacher email addresses and invited to join their appropriate Google Classroom. Students at this level might need your help. Please go to while logged into your child's Thacher email account to accept. Parents of children new to Thacher received a separate email with instructions on setting up their child's Google account.

Children's House & Toddler students will be set up soon, and instructions emailed to new parents.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Corner
Thacher DEI Book Club Meeting - 10/7, 5:30 pm

Children's House parent Amy Wedge is launching a DEI Book Club and hosting its initial meeting on Thursday, October 7th, from 5:30 - 6:30 pm on Zoom. Everyone is welcome!

We'll be discussing "This Book is Anti-Racist" by author and former Montessori educator Tiffany Jewell. We will delve into the book's many lessons, such as Understanding and Growing into my Identities and Choosing my Path: Taking Action and Responding to Racism.

Amy is hoping that by engaging in conversations about anti-racism, we will become more accountable for "walking the walk" and that others, too, will be inspired towards action.

Please reach out to Amy with any questions.