Welcome New and Returning Thacher Families!
Coming up at Thacher
Mon 9/9

Returning CH Students Begin

Fri 9/13

TPC Class Parent Meeting | 8:30am

Sun 9/15

TPC Back-to-School Potluck Picnic
noon - 2:00

Thacher News
Morning Drop-Off Protocol

Elementary and Adolescent students arrive between 8:00 and 8:15 am. Children’s House students arrive between 8:20 and 8:40 am. 

Parents should pull into the drop-off circle where Thacher staff open the car doors to allow the children to get out of the car on their own (the youngest are helped by Thacher staff) and walk into the school by themselves. Since independence is a large part of the child’s work in a Montessori school, please respect your child’s ability to be guided by the staff to leave the car, walk down the hall, take off shoes, coat or sweater, put on indoor shoes, and walk into the classroom. 

It should not be necessary for you to get out of your car to assist the staff. In case of inclement weather, the staff will have umbrellas. Please do not send umbrellas with your children.

Toddler Drop Off
The Toddler Program begins at 8:15am. Families with toddlers have a designated parking area. Toddlers should walk with their parents along the sidewalk to the front door and proceed down the hall to the inside door of the toddler classroom.

Sibling Drop Off
Families with children or carpool members in both Children’s House and the Elementary or Adolescent Program can drop all children off between 8:00 and 8:20am. Older siblings will be taught how to walk younger siblings to Before School Care before going to their own classrooms. There is no charge for Before School Care in this instance. Families with toddler siblings may join the drop-off line for the older child to be greeted by staff and allowed to enter the building independently. The parent can then proceed farther up in the circle to park at the curb, help the toddler out, and walk the toddler through the front doors to the toddler classroom.

Late Drop Off
Should you need to drop your child off late, please park and walk your child into the front foyer of the school. A staff member will ensure that your child walks independently from the foyer to their classroom.
Sunscreen/Bug Spray Policy

Parents are asked to apply bug spray and sunscreen prior to their child’s arrival at school each day. Should parents wish to have staff re-apply product throughout the day, a written doctor’s order is required. Thacher does not supply sunscreen and insect repellent.
Aftercare Pickup Protocol

We ask that parents, please wait in the lobby while the receptionist calls the Aftercare Coordinators for their child(ren). This allows for a smoother, quicker transition, and gives the students time to clean up their work and walk down the hall.

Elementary and AP students will be directed by Anne-Marie to collect their belongings on their way down the hall, allowing for a quick dismissal once they get to the lobby.

Children's House students should be met in the lobby. If they have not brought their bags to the Aftercare room, parent's may assist them in gathering their items from their cubbies.

Parents of Toddlers may enter the Aftercare classroom.

Please contact Aftercare receptionist, Sharyn Mainati ( with any questions.
Thacher Parent's Facebook Group

Communicate with other Thacher Parents by joining, and participating in Thacher Parent's private Facebook group. Make it your go-to place to connect with other parents.
After School Enrichment and Sports

Space is available in all the programs listed below.

Mondays (September 23, 30, October 7, 21, 28)
LE boys and girls will work with Todd on skills, drills, and in-house scrimmages.

Mondays, (September 23, 30, October 7, 21, 28, November 4)
Students will train with Renay Bane at their own pace and learn techniques to make them a better runner.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
(September 24, 26, October 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, November 5)
Students will practice twice at Thacher and participate in ten games. Schedule TBA.

Wednesdays (September 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23)
Students will learn basketball rules and skills.

Thursdays (September 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24)
Guided by Sensei Sarah Hanley of One Step Beyond Martial Arts Training Center (OSB)
Students will train in an eclectic style of martial arts known as TAMA (total approach to Martial Arts). The class is built on the core values of respect, self discipline, and perseverance.

Fridays, (September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, 25)
Students will learn the basics of single crochet along with the slip knot and chain stitch. They will also follow a pattern and will focus on three separate projects.

TPC News
Welcome Back Potluck Picnic
You're Invited
to Thacher's Annual Welcome Back Potluck Picnic

(organized by Thacher Parents and Caregivers)

Sunday, September 15, 2019
noon to 2:00
Thacher Field and Playgrounds

Provided: Drinks (Water), Utensils, Plates, Napkins

What to Bring: A nut-free salad or dish to serve 8-10 people (please include serving utensils and label). Gluten-free, Vegan, and Vegetarian dishes encouraged.

(rain date September 22)
Community Corner
Vicky Varnum Helps to Fight Lung Disease

Our Assistant Business Manager, Vicky Varnum is planning to ride 160 miles as part of the American Lung Association's Bike Trek this fall. All donations are most welcome.
September 3 - October 26
Bring the whole family on September 14 to celebrate Trailside's 60th anniversary with free admission, live animal demonstrations, special exhibits, and engaging programs for all ages!
Dear Harbor Radio
in Local Ecologies @ University Hall Gallery
UMass Boston

September 3, – October 26

Public Reception and Panel Discussion:
September 19th | 5–8pm
University Hall, rm. 2110
Piano Lessons with Chuck Wolff

Now is also a great time to arrange piano lessons after school at Thacher. Lessons fill quickly so reach out now and ensure your spot.

Chuck Wolff
Do you have an event or announcement you want to share in our community corner?
If so, please send it to .