Getting involved in the community is also a tremendous way to build the virtue of justice. Recall that justice is the virtue tied to relationships - the "R" in the GROW approach. Perhaps this is why many coaches report that serving their community as a team can have a dramatic impact on forging strong bonds between teammates. Watch the video above to hear what Notre Dame Cheerleading Coach Delayna Myers has to say about the impact of service on her team and the surrounding community.
Last week's Athlete Note provided further insight on service ideas, including an example from a student-athlete. We invite you to engage your team in a discussion on how they can serve the community around you. A wide variety of opportunities exist for teams of all ages: teams can visit the elderly, find ways to help children who are sick or in need, or serve food to the hungry. We've heard powerful stories of teams rallying around an individual or family in their school or league community following tragedy.
How will you make service and involvement in the community an important part of your team culture?
Do you have a unique or uplifting story of service that you're willing to share? Send us an email at! Your example may inspire others in our community!