Safe at Home
O'Callaghan also uses a phone app called Homesnap, which, when she's within 200 yards of a property, will show information about the property, as well as allow her to set a safety timer.
"You can say, 'I think I'm going to be in here for 30 minutes,' and you can set a contact; if that time expires and nobody's heard from you, (the app) will send a safety text, an alert, to that person," O'Callaghan says.
The app can also send an instant safety alert, somewhat like using a panic button.
2020 WCR and YPN Leadership Installed
Both WCR and YPN installed local officers and directors at the Association's Installation Luncheon, last week, at the Davenport Grand Hotel (photo above).
In this edition of the Weekly Notices, we introduce you to the new officers and directors of these two organizations, and share a bit of the history of each.
The Women's Council of REALTORS® is a nationwide community of 12,000 real estate professionals. The backbone of the Council is its network of more than 250 local and state networks in nearly 40 states, including our Spokane-Eastern Washington chapter.
WCR was founded in 1938 as a "women's division" of the National Association of Realty Boards because, for the first 20 years, women were barred admission.
Today, NAR reports 62% of its members are women; for WR, it's 57%; for the SAR, it's 51%.
2020 SAR President Tom Clark installs the 2020 officers and directors of the Spokane-Eastern Washington chapter of the Women's Council of REALTORS® (above) at the Association's Installation Luncheon at the Davenport Grand Hotel, last week.
Tara Ostlind - Program Director;
Georgina Olsen - Event Director;
Mindy Jo Lyons - Membership Director;
Cammie Bigham - Treasurer;
Brenda McKinley - President-Elect;
Jennifer Shupe - President;
and Marilyn DeMier-Colson - Secretary (not all present).
The Spokane Association of REALTORS® Young Professionals Network helps young real estate practitioners become more business savvy through regular networking events, communicating with other YPN members through social media, and sharing tips and tricks on the YPN Lounge blog.
YPN was founded in 2006 as an outgrowth of the popular "30 under 30" feature in REALTOR® magazine with the goal to help younger generation of REALTORS® build a stronger link with the real estate industry and expand networking opportunities.
2020 Spokane REALTORS® Young Professionals Network (YPN) President
Matt Side installs his officers and directors (above).
Matt Side, President; Tony Byrne, Membership; Abbey Parsons, Treasurer; Chase Baxter, Secretary; Rachel Giovacchini, Sponsorship; Bree Campana, Community; Mike Atkins, Social Media; Stephanie Johnson, Advisory.
Not pictured: Joy Wood, Member at Large; Natalie Elliott, Events; Justin Gray, Marketing/Communications.
The next local YPN event will be January 29th:
Are you ready for the biggest educational event YPN has ever offered in Spokane?
Ethan Beute of BombBomb and Chris Angell of Groundswell will be joining The Spokane Realtor YPN in discussing business strategies and marketing tools used within the real estate industry.
BombBomb and Groundswell have a similar goal of re-humanizing businesses through face to face video promotion and web shows.
***All attendees will receive a copy of Ethan Beute's book Rehumanize Your Business.***
***All tickets purchased prior to January 22nd will be entered into a drawing for a free year of BombBomb's video email service.***
2020 WR Legislative Day
January 22-23!
REGISTER NOW for the 2020 Washington REALTORS® Legislative Day in Olympia - January 22-23.
Washington REALTOR® CEO Steve Francks and Government Affairs Director Nathan Gorton give us a sneak preview of the upcoming Legislative Session, REALTOR® priorities and how members can participate in this annual event.
Watch their five-minute video online here:
The Washington REALTORS® Legislative Day is a long-standing tradition among broker members in Washington state.
In 2019, the REALTOR® message was "Unlock the Door for Affordable Home Ownership!"
SAR members joined member colleagues from across the state to deliver that message to the steps of the Capitol building (photo above) and directly to elected Members in face-to-face meetings with every Spokane-area legislator.
The Washington REALTORS® Legislative Day, or "Hill Day." is a chance for you to take the voice of Washington REALTORS® directly to lawmakers in our state capital as they begin their session as we did last year.
"Why should I go?"
Listen to the answer Spokane broker member Judy Flemmer answers that question in this two-minute video:
Washington REALTORS® Legislative Day
You should go!
The SAR Governmental Affairs Committee offers an illustrated review of the National, State, and Local Governmental Affairs efforts Members have made in support of the Spokane Association REALTORS® and our clients.
It's good to be reminded of what we accomplished together last year, and what we will set out to accomplish this year.
Legal Hotline: Liability Buck Stops Where?
Broker refers contractor, seller hires contractor, transaction closes and seller does not pay contractor, contractor tries to collect payment from broker.
Does broker have any liability in this situation?
Washington REALTORS® Legal Hotline lawyer
Annie Fitzsimmons answers this question in her new seven-minute video:
The Liability Buck Stops Where?
2020 Vision Using RPR
As we look to 2020, many REALTORS
® are focusing on fresh starts and clean slates.
It's the perfect time to resolve to reach more goals and accomplish more tasks.
Perhaps you want to build your business by reaching more prospects or you strive to sharpen your transactional skills.
Maybe for you it's all about making more connections and ultimately, closing more deals.
RPR can help you do it.
SAR: "Top Association of the Month"
Your SAR is selected the first receipient of REALTOR® Association of the Month by RPR® - REALTOR® Property Resource.
SAR Members achieved an impressive 61% usage rate of RPR® over the past 90 days.
SAR staff who help provide and promote RPR to its Members are pictured above, left to right:
Rob Higgins, Executive Vice President;
Sharon Houston, Assistant Executive Vice President and MLS Director;
Denise Ware, MLS Systems Administrator;
Edward Chovgan, IT and Innovation Director;
Tom McArthur, Public Affairs Director.
RPR® writes about the SAR in its latest newsletter:
What do Spokane REALTORSⓇneed to be successful?
Keyword: "Access."
And the Spokane Association of REALTORSⓇ (AOR) delivers.
As solutions seekers, Spokane AOR, the largest REALTOR
Ⓡ-owned MLS in Washington state, commits itself to offering its members access to the most relevant, comprehensive and credible data and tools available in today's market.
"Our mission is simple," says Spokane AOR Executive Officer Rob Higgins. "We provide tools and services that help our members succeed, in essence, helps them feed their families."
2020 at the Children's Clubhouse
There is a lot of red in the January volunteer calendar at the Children's Clubhouse.
The SAR has been instrumental in keeping this valuable resource open at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital - it offers a playroom for siblings of children who undergo treatment at the hospital. The playhouse gives kids time to be kids at a time of family stress.
Will any of these open volunteer opportunities work for you?
See the January 2020
Children's Clubhouse Volunteers calendar (pictured above),
online here.
Jennifer Richardson at the hospital to put your name on an open volunteer sh
ift -
If you are not yet a Children's Clubhouse volunteer and want to sign up,
read more here.
2020 Census
The National Association of Realtors® has signed on as a National Partner for the upcoming 2020 Census.
NAR is asking the 1.4 million Realtors® nationwide to help drive Census participation in their respective communities.
"NAR is able to provide tremendous value to our members because of the research we produce examining trends in communities across this country. But the usefulness of that information relies on current, accurate data from the federal government," said NAR President
Vince Malta, broker at Malta & Co., Inc., in San Francisco. "Full participation in the Census is in many ways the only way to ensure that data is correct."
SAR Professional Development
SAR Professional Development
SAR professional development classes and events bring the best local and state instructors/presenters here to Spokane to make it easy and affordable for you to stay current in your profession.
Click on each class title,
underlined in blue, to bring up a flyer for that class - suitable for posting in your office.
Register for these classes
online here:
Please be in touch with
Tami at the SAR if you have any questions about these classes or your license education requirements, by phone at
326-9222 or by
Check-in: 12:34 p.m.
Class: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
at the SAR
3.0 clock hours
Statewide Purchase and Sale Agreement
Check-in: 8:15 a.m.
Class: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
at the SAR
7.5 clock hours
Click on the calendar image below to see
the current SAR calendar showing dates and times
of classes, committees, and events.
Other regional calendars:
SAR Closed Monday
The SAR will be closed on
Monday, January 20th, to keep the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Information about city events being held to commemorate the holiday are
online here.
The SAR extends condolences to the friends and family of
Irma Breesnee, formerly of Windermere Manito.
Services for Irma will be held on
Saturday, February 8, 2020 at Center Place Regional Event Center, 2426 N Discovery Place, Spokane Valley WA 99216, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Fireside Lounge.
Tracey Schuerman at:
2020 SAR Dues Due
Your 2020 SAR annual dues were due January 1st, 2020.
In order to avoid the 10% late penalty please make sure you pay them by January 31, 2020.
To pay your 2020 SAR annual dues online, click on the button below, which will bring up the login screen for the SAR member portal:
Once online, use the Review and Pay Balance section to make your payment online.
Alternately, you may retrieve an invoice while online to pay by mail, or you may pay in person at the SAR:
1924 North Ash Street.
Thank you for your continuing membership in your SAR!
First GA meeting of 2020
The SAR Governmental Affairs Committee convened its first meeting of 2020 with a room full of continuing and new members, and a top-shelf guest speaker.
Newly-elected Spokane City Council President
Breean Beggs (pictured above) spoke to the committee, this week, where he outlined his concerns for Spokane's housing shortage.
Beggs explained how he believes Spokane needs more housing units at all levels, and that changes in zoning rules might be a solution.
"We need to be more creative in finding more homes in smaller spaces," said Beggs.
He is also hopeful that pending legislation before the Washington legislature may create more resources to help battle homelessness through an increase in sales taxes.
Show Consumers for what the "R" Stands
Sharing your REALTOR® pride has just gotten a whole lot easier.
A new app - PhotoFy - lets you quickly and easily personalize a selection of content from the National Association of REALTORS®' popular
That's Who We R advertising campaign to share on social media (see example above).
The campaign uses the iconic block R logo, representing membership in the National Association of REALTORS®, to differentiate REALTORS® from non-member agents.
2020 NAR Strategic Framework
Veterans Chronicle
Our friends at
The Spokesman-Review share word that their Vete
rans Chronicle - an idea the SAR brought to the newspaper two years ago - will continue and expand in the new year.
This monthly insert to the daily newspaper "will have even more content, more tips for veterans' benefits, and more success stories of local veterans," according to
The Spokesman-Review.
This would be a great opportunity for you to promote your business to this important and growing local population.
Download the flyer with details about this opportunity (pictured above) online here.
Member Roster Update - December
Click here to view the latest
Member Roster Update (pictured above) - approved by the Board of Directors at its December meeting.
Market Activity Report - December
Updated for December
and Year End (2019)
The SAR Market Activity Report for
December is now online.
See the latest full report -
a member-exclusive product
See the
2019 Market Snapshot Report
See the
2019 YEAR-END Market Snapshot Report (pictured above),
online here.
Presented by your Spokane Association of REALTORS® 
See what's NEW at
Quick Information
Tech Helpline: 866-610-8939
Legal Hotline: 800-562-6027
Washington State Legislature Hotline: 800-562-6000
MLS Weekly News & Info
2020 SAR Leadership
Tom Clark
Coldwell Banker Tomlinson N
Gina Mosey
RE/MAX Inland Empire
John L. Scott, Inc.
Windermere Airway Heights
Executive Vice President
2020 SAR Committee Chairs